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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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It's like having your favorite inebriated friend come home for Christmas for another round of drunk, topless singing by the grand piano. It's so good to see them together for likely the last time. Yes, it could've been enhanced by bringing on Jill and/or Alex (I won't mention Carol or Bethenny, cuz that just wasn't gonna happen), maybe even Heather. But nonetheless, we're having a great time watching the OG's do their thing. 

And with that, I see Kelly Killoren Bensimon has not changed ONE BIT since we last saw her in 2011. She still puts silly labels on people ("the host" for Kristen, etc.) and then backtracks when people call her out, saying the usual, "Well, I didn't know! You didn't tell me all of that!"  An exact replica of her "cook" vs. "chef" to Bethenny on Scary Island. 

Speaking of Bethenny, it's funny how Bravo's flashbacks are now painting Bethenny as the aggressor towards Kelly. Nuh-uh. We watched it. We saw it all go down. Also funny that Kelly brought gift bags on this trip when she literally had a meltdown after finding Bethenny's Skinnygirl-centric gift bag outside her door on Scary Island. Oh, but Kelly's bag is just travel-sized fun items that she enjoys and wants to share with the group. Okay gurl... Still a walking contradiction. 

Meanwhile, Luann and Sonja are hilariously ridiculous, acting like they're in heat, on the prowl for anything that passes by them with a penis. I know it's just for the show, cuz can you imagine if they were really like that, like ALL THE TIME? LOL 

Dorinda is still Dorinda, and still pressed anytime someone evaluates her being put "on pause." 

Kristen is a surprise welcome addition and I'm glad she's standing her ground. I actually think she handled the Dolly Ashley Madison interrogation just fine. 

Looking forward to episodes 4 through 7

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 And Ramona, keep staying on your best behavior... 


By the way, @Cat thank you for taking the reigns last year... it's that time of year again we come up with our Soap Opera Digest-like Best & Worst picks of 2023  


Edited by Gray Bunny
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LOVED IT. I have a 3 Day Weekend (mostly) coming up and am looking forward to catching up. On Episode 4 with the basketball event. 


That said YASSSSS the Ana tea is true. And apparently there's more to that Larsa vs Adriana clip, too that sounds like Larsa forgot that Adriana has hands...just ask Joanna. 

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A gang up on Larsa? Adriana and Julia having friend issues? Dr. Nicole actually meeting her dad's woman...a plot thread 2 SEASONS in the making? More of Mr. Gloria Estefan????





Not caught up on all my Housewives, but I'm game!!!

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Le Dame is doing the Lord's word this season and it shows. It reminds me of how she played oh so well in Season 5 with everyone pre-fight.  I would say she plays it so well that is why everyone stay so tickled by her. Like...what outrageous thing will she do need? lol. 


God, what we don't need...another Coven. We have several on the HW shows as is. I choose to believe that they were really at a dinner and being petty since it's not unusual to see La Dame, Candiace, and Wendy out and about together, too. But yes, the divide is really hurting the show. 


Wendy, Wendy, Wendy. I feel like La Dame, she has found a persona that works for her...that balances that 4 Degree-ness of her first season with third season sophistication and the over-the-top-ness of her second season. That said, looking at the midseason teaser, yeeeeah it doesn't seem like NeckNo is nothing but coming for Wendy while I'm sure Wendy is the one who womaned up to have that one on one seat down with her. 


Oh, no. Everyone has dragged Juan's Roommate for weeks because of what you said. We all saw how she was with everyone else. I thought it was VERY telling that not only are her cast members taking pot shots or shading her, but Production was been consistently taking EVERY...and I do mean EVERY...opportunity to drag her AND Juan. That was littered all through La Dame's event that Juan actually went to. She probably had her signed because she has NO choice but to film which means they can funnily enough do her like Nene and everyone else did Porsha post Season 9 RHOA at every event. I personally appreciate that (and I know I'm in the minority) that Gizelle is actually trying to be a real friend to her and giving her tough love. Some people want to say that she was soft balling. NO...that's not what I've seen. Gizelle could have gone even lighter on her. She didn't. Even when the Roommate got angry at her, Gizelle actually kept going. We had the intervention. We had Gizelle actually sit her down and give out examples, trying to get Robyn's mind to turn on. And now...this trip since Gizelle has said it, and would not throw her under the bus in front of the group like a real friend, she stayed silent...letting La Dame say everything that she has been saying or won't say directly. I dislike Gizelle for many reasons, but in the Case of Ditzy Bitca...she actually has been a pretty good friend. I fully expected her to soft ball all through this season when I heard they were back. A pleasant surprise.


However....like I said...Gizelle is letting her personal slights from Candiace and Wendy clown her judgment. And if she can't take any accountability for her role in why there is a divide...the show suffers. 

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Finally caught up...it's been a pretty good season and I think there is going to be payoff next week. 

Whitney, however, is a serious false note. She is being extra annoying this season and trying to create a storyline with whatever conflict she can conjure up. 


Another good episode.

Kyle clearly doesn't want actual friends when you see how she's treated Dorit. The moment Dorit gave her even the slightest reality check or spoke the mildest sympathetic words of Kathy, Kyle flips out and ditches her. All Kyle wants are 'Yes' people. 

Speaking of Dorit...she took a well deserved beating at Taco Tuesday. Garcelle, Sutton, Denise, Erika, Crystal...they all dealt body blows and she was taken out.

Erika was happy Sutton made out with her driver. She didn't judge it. Dorit did. Erika is much more likeable than she has probably ever been. Good for her. 

Flopmarie can f*ck right off my screen. I just want to reiterate that she was dead wrong about Sutton's narrowing esophagus. Dr. Tiffany Moon did a great post about it on her Instagram, and she nuked Flopmarie. 

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Try Hard Marie should have watched previous seasons to see how newbies should come into a show.  Sutton and Brandi were good examples of how to be a successful newbie because both came in as the underdog and we got to see aspects of each before they're more unlikable/human traits came into play.   Garcelle took a unique approach by using most of her debut season to showcase her day to day life with her friends, sons, and her movie roles.. same with Denise in a lesser capacity. 


Let's sit the season 3 cast of UGT down and show them how they should have acted during their season.  More fun/bonding with some drama mixed in.

Kristen is so the greek chorus and the mouthpiece of the audience when it comes to Kelly.  I know Brandi warned her about doing UGT.. but unlike Brandi, Kristen knows to respect peoples boundaries and knows more than the F bomb.

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I'm so excited to contribute to the 2023 Best & Worst! Thank you for sounding the bell on this, Gray Bunny. I think RH shows are finishing relatively strongly this year compared with 2022. I'm going to work on my list between Christmas and New Year, because I just finished squeezing 4 weeks of work into 3, and I badly need to catch up on RHs, including Miami, SLC and especially OG RHONY in Pirateville. I've already started watching, and it is so effortlessly fun. Love seeing Lu and Sonja again, and you know what? Kristen is fun and cool. She has a certain confidence and calm in her 40s which comes across well. But I need to watch more to get a take on Kelly, Ramona and Dorinda. 

I'm still an advocate for both OG RHONY and nuRHONY, I know not everyone likes both, but I do.

It looks SO GOOODT and I'm so excited to keep watching. Miami has been lost in the shuffle of other shows this month, but I hope its ratings pick up because the cast and elements are perfectly judged IMO.

I saw Dr Tiffany Moon's incisive and knowledgeable takedown of Flopmarie's 'diagnosis' -- Flop is a disgrace to the medical profession she claims to be a part of. Sutton didn't take Flopmarie in any way seriously, though. Sutton knows Flopmarie is a loudmouth and doing Kyle's dirty work and just killed her career on national television. 

Dorit is being punished by Kyle, as you surmise, because Dorit is not endlessly coddling Kyle and telling her what she wants to hear. Very interesting to hear Kyle refer to Morgan as her 'new best friend,' suggesting that Kyle rotates them regularly. I don't know where Faye stands in the BFF pantheon, but she was supportive of Kathy last year when Kathy left the show. I've said this before, but Kyle's best friends rarely get along as part of one cohesive group of buddies. Faye and LVP did not like each other; Kyle is rarely close to Kim and Kathy at the same time; Dorit and Teddi do not like each other; now Morgan has entered the chat and Dorit feels edged out. This friendship 'circle' has Kyle at its center and everyone else pitted against each other, and that's by design. Kyle feels threatened whenever Kim and Kathy bond, or when Dorit and LVP were buds. Season 8, they tried to lay the blame for that at LVP's door, but it's clear that Kyle is the actual common denominator here.

Dorit getting called out on her loose lips was overdue. Dorit is a blabber, but I think the show needs a gossiper like her.

Erika, Sutton and Garcelle hanging out and teasing Sutton was fun and  light-hearted. Erika seems way more comfortable with herself, accepting of her life,  and restarting her career. She has more freedom than she ever had before, too. I liked the respect Garcelle and Erika had for each other during Garcelle's first season, and despite all that's  gone down, Sutton and Erika are Georgia peaches who get each other in a way the others do not.

That's a good way of analysing it. Sutton and Brandi came on slowly and as underdogs - we were drip-fed info about them that made us,want to learn more. Garcelle's first season was truly one of the best of the genre, in that she showed her work, literally. 

Kristen knows herself and can handle herself without reverting to self-medicating and vulgarity. Brandi is her own worst enemy a lot of the time.

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Now that I have time. Hehe. I'm glad you like the season so far. It definitely is a nice recovery from last season. I feel Production played this season whether and answered the question well of if there is a show without Jen Shah. The answer...YES.


Hmmm...just when I wanted to count out Bad Weather. While I can take them or leave them, I guess...I can say they haven't given much before the last half of the season. But they are giving now. Little Girl's friend's passing got a little bit of authenticity out of her for the first time since Season 1. And Heather's jealousy of anyone around Lisa continues to add some fire to her cuz she hasn't done a thing this season before the forthcoming (at least going by online) feud with Monica. And the best thing about Season 3 was the breakup of Bad Weather...a case of the unpopular kids becoming popular...only to stab each other in the back for the Queen Bee's attention. At this point, they need to truly go after each other and drop all the skeltons they have on each other. Cuz they will never be the pot stirring duo they were the first two seasons again since they are envious of each other. 


Given some of Monica's online doings and what pops out during the finale, I think I'm not as into Monica as I was at the start of the season. And that saddens me because she's had a great rookie season up until now for me. And I agree re: Monica chess player. Because she has made all the right moves. Being transparent. Having a personality. Being her own individual while yet being able to function within the group. Feuds. One liners in confessional AND to a housewife's face. And I agree...we have seen all sides of her so far. She has not missed a step with me UNTIL last week with the Meredith/Angie K tea mystery. But I haven't watched this week's yet. 

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Omg yes. Just more proof that when you have a show around a group of friends and they are authentic AND holding each other accountable, you CAN have a great show without too much manufacturing...something RHOP used to be great at. That saddens me for RHOP...but not for RHOM which I'm on Episode 6 and watching as I type this. 


I never thought about it that way re: friend combo. Now I can't unsee it. Another plus. I also love Julia being more integrated into the group. But I also have thought that Alexia befriending Julia could be a way to isolate Adriana. Moreso given all the drama  with Marysol. And playing catch-up and seeing a slight rift growing Adriana/Julia does not relax my worry, either. 


Adriana has been everything so far for me. She definitely is like a wiser version of her own side. 


Yeah, I watched the scene with Alexia/Todd, Nicole/Anthony and the cooking class and I couldn't help but wonder the same thing. Knowing that Adriana has been stirring the pot and the trailers showing that Alexia is about to have money problems...I side-eyed it. Could Todd be getting buddy buddy and Alexia trying to get on Doctor Nicole's good side because they knew what was coming so best to have rich friends/allies?


Hahaha!!! YES, I LOVE me some Doctor Nicole right now. Like I said, I could watch her be rich all day. And her dress at the F#ck Cancer party was EVERYTHING along with Guerdy's dress. But all the girls gave. lol. And that reminds me that I loved that Nicole and Guerdy being so close that she's a wealth of knowledge. One of my favorite scenes was also Guerdy going to Martina for advice on what to expect. The level of research she did was just so...refreshing and real.


I just saw Guerdy destroy Larsa at the F#ck Cancer party and YES. She has been so much fire and passionate. And Production with the rollback on top of that. YES. Her GPS shade was awesome! And Russell has been all kinds of FOINE throughout. 


And while I am angry at Larsa, I too do find her and Marcus fascinating to watch. lol. They do seem made for each other. And I'm sure Michael Jordan IS watching. 


Yes, seeing the ratings go down is irking me. And then Bravo pushing them back in the schedule to spotlight ALL STARS LEGACY...which had only been out a day so quite a few people had already seen it...was a telling move. I would miss it since I don't have it, but I would say back to Peacock if Bravo is going to prove Alexia right by treating one of their best shows like a redheaded stepchild. Because it's been very bingeable today.


HAHAHA!!! I feel you on the viewing schedule. I haven't even watched this past season of OC or nuNY, Married2Med I've been mostly watching clips though I did sit down to last week's episode right up until Quad left, I haven't started BH though you all have me very intrigued and I admit to being on the fence at the very idea (as you all know) of a Kyle takedown season. Heck, I hadn't even started the last season of NJ...but that's due to me being back on the last last season and that left my tv system, but ALL of the bravo shows appear to be back probably due to all these streaming/tv mergers.


And I'm now 2 epsiodes behind on RHOM. yay! Fingers crossed I get to see it live next week.


I hope you are enjoying.

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