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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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There is not one redeeming quality about Ericka.  Why is she allowed back season after season?  She offers nothing interesting.

Kyle is a professional victim.

Dorit's one nice trait are when she's with the kids... so Bravo.. film her more at home to provide layers to her.

Sutton is a control freak.. and I get why she's a control freak.  Being married to someone that made all that decisions left her in a very fragile place after the divorce... but she's become just as bad as her ex-husband in terms of the controlling tendencies.

Garcelle I think might turn against Sutton... why else go to Ericka to talk about Sutton.

Crystal was the reason for the Vegas trip.. but she was non-descript.  Why wasn't she made a friend of?  Her brother was more interesting than her...imho.

@Cat Bethenny has been delusional for a long long time.. and I don't think she's ready to admit that she's stumbled anytime she's tried to do something outside of the Housewife world.  The delusion for that one started back in season 7 when she was bemoaning being 'homeless' even though she was living in a hotel.  My late mom watched it and said 'wow.. Bethenny has lost touch with the real world if she says something like that'.

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Given that the mean new Housewife in the trailer goes after Crystal for being boring, I wonder if this is a bit of editing for storytelling on behalf of production? 

I'm not saying Crystal is a sparkling wit, but I think that they've consciously avoided her perspective so that when the newbie goes after her, it will seem justified. 

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She stole Guerdy's ability to tell her story herself. And she did it on purpose. I'm sure at reunion she'll say she didn't realise Guerdy didn't want her to say anything, and it will be treated as oops, no big deal, because Andy labours under the delusion that she's one of the stara of this show. However, this is par for the course for Larsa, who doesn't have the talent or singularity to truly carry a story of her own. Unless that story is 'Get the Jordan child to marry me before Papa Jordan's lawyers force me to sign a prenup.' Never have I rooted so hard for Team Lawyers.

I predict that come reunion time, Lisa will no longer be with Jody. She's still too tied up in Lenny and the psychodrama of her divorce.

Guerdy asking advice of Martina was a great scene helping to demystify certain scary things about cancer treatment. 


I liked this episode. I can't believe I'm going to say it but individual members of the Coven (Kyle, Dorit, even Erika) carried the episode.

Kyle admitting that alcohol was kind of a front may be a metaphor for her entire life on the show. It's interesting (to me) that Kyle, who has appropriated other people's personality ticks and style over the years (LVP, Teddi, Kathy) has arrived at a point in her life where she doesn't know who she is anymore and is desperate for change. And so what does she do? She collects a new lady friend and starts appropriating her tattoos, likes and interests.

Normally I'd be rooting for Sutton saying that Kyle will never have her back, which is true, but I feel like Sutton read it on Housewives Twitter and that's why she's saying it. Like @Soaplovers I think Garcelle might be ready to distance herself from Sutton.

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Hahaha, yes! You know Michael Jordan has an army of high-powered lawyers on speed dial.

Larsa isn't exactly hurting for cash since she now has half of Scottie Pippen's NBA retirement fund. She better stack those coins good because no way is she getting access to any of Michael Jordan's wealth.

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Not just that, but Larsa didn't exactly grow up working class either. Her father apparently is a well-known real estate developer in Chicago, so I'd think she's got some family money too.

I remember some NBA gossip sites once referring to Larsa as a Persian princess even though her family roots are in Syria (father) and Lebanon (mother). The princess reference had to have been to her family money.

Edited by kalbir
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Wendy remains the target for attacks, one season after Mia laid hands on her (and really should have been fired for it).

Nneka was clearly hired with the intent to 'bring down Wendy.' And Ashley is turncoat as always, setting up the takedown because the only alliance she is loyal to is the GEBs.

None of the women, except Karen and Candiace, can actually match Wendy for smarts. (K and C could teach her something about quick wit!). So the GEBs decide to lean into one of the uglier African stereotypes out there. And Nneka went along with this narrative! Her family must be so proud that for millions of viewers, the Nigerian diaspora in the US will now be reduced to 'Osu' and voodoo.

Robyn going along with this and making herself the focal point of the shrine nonsense -- I can't with this bully. She is laser-focused on hating Wendy. Sometimes I feel sorry for Robyn's marital situation but, frankly, she brings misery and karma upon herself. I hope the Nigerian Miss Dorothy gets invited to reunion to dress these idiots down and speak her piece.

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It seems that after the GEB tried, and failed, to take down Karen, that Wendy is the only option they have left. I hope she doesn't go down without a fight.

Robyn deserves all the misery headed her way. 

This Nneka seems like a terrible person, so I won't be surprised at anything she pulls. 

Ashley should be ashamed of herself. She has no scruples or morals or ethics. 

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I love Meredith's crazy ass when she's triggered, but other than the YOU. CAN. LEAVE!!! and the bathtub comment, she didn't really offer much this year. 

Okay, I guess it's time to dump on SLC, but half the time when I'm watching, I think back to Nene's comments about how Housewives these days don't produce *stars* anymore and this couldn't be more true than watching Salt Lake City (although I can't comment on Miami or Dubai). I guess you could say Heather and Lisa, but Lisa really showed her ass this season and it's not a cute look at all. Talk about a self absorbed, tone deaf motor mouth with tunnel vision. 

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I'm sure Garcelle will be accused (as Sutton has been) of getting her talking points from social media. That may be the case here, although there is not a Housewives-related post on Twitter which hasn't rolled its eyes at Boris & Natasha's blatant insurance grifting.

This week's episode was a good one for Garcelle. She was shady, but also showed off time with her kids and her Lifetime movie.

Sutton was also clocking in. Kyle and Sutton are officially engaged in an angry-whisper campaign against the other. Sutton is leaning heavily into "Kyle seems so different this year! No wedding ring, hmmmmmmm", and Kyle is anxious to paint Sutton as boozily unstable. Kyle's henchman Terry has already been claiming on WWHL and that podcast that Sutton carries vodka in her purse. Kyle and Terry, as usual, are desperate to get Terry's spot back.

Erika is coming off better without the toxic ghoul presence of Lisa Rinna to incite Erika at her meanest (and that was a nice scene with Jax). Erika is also not hiding the fact that her circumstances and means are much reduced. Far from it, she seems to be making a point of showing it on camera.

After a painfully slow start, RHOBH may finally be picking up some momentum. Next week looks really good. First of all, the new HW Annemarie (first impression: thirsty to be on camera) is introduced. This week allegations of sexual assault came out against her husband. I wonder how much Bravo will be forced to edit. IMO Bravo should keep it all in there. 

But what's really got me watching was Denise Richards at yet another Dinner Party From Hell crazily tweaking from whichever substance she had recently ingested.

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