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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The growing 'understanding' between Garcelle and Kyle has been one of the unexpected twists of this season. Kyle was totally present and emotionally invested in that convo -- for once not looking to upstage anyone or create a moment. The respect she had for Garcelle was clear. And Garcelle spoke with empathy as much for Kyle as for Kathy. Later, i noticed Sutton sitting close to Kyle, almost embracing her. All season long, Kyle seemed to be experiencing more joy with Sutton than with the FF4.

The two harridans looked like they were trying out for a local backwater production of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. At least Erika had the line about her life being a nuclear disaster. Rinna was horrific -- she really thought she did something special. Skipping around at random intervals, parroting Erika, trolling and gaslighting the other women. Saying Garcelle gives her attitude. I cannot wait for Kathy to annihilate her at reunion. Kathy namechecking Kim and LVP too! This Rinna reckoning has been a long time coming.

What I would give to have Faye as a FOH or, better yet, a diamond holder. Even with no mic, she did not let Rinna get away with throwing insinuations out there. I noticed that Faye's other close friend (who Rinna repeatedly claims is her pal) Kris Jenner seems to be Team Kathy in all this. Kathy really called in her big name chums to back her up.

Princess Grace, may she RIP, she of Monaco's most opulent and glamorous galas. I'm glad she was not around to see that limp little dinner given in her name. At least her foundation got a spot and name-check on an internationally watched show.

@Gray Bunny i love Jamie Lee Curtis and can't wait to see her and her Activia next week. Perfectly timed with the release of Halloween Ends.

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I basically agree with everyone’s thoughts.  Rinna has it coming.  However, I still see the forrest through the trees—I think Kathy did do and say all the $h!t Rinna said she did.  And anyone who disparaged the entire cast, called for their firings, and puffed themselves up as the star of the show would have to answer for that.  (While literally yelling, screaming, jumping up and down, and breaking their stuff.  Not to mention going after your own sister and her family, which Kathy has done before!) It’s just that this is bigger than the show… the real BH drama has always been Kyle/Kim/Kathy and I’d give anything to hear the whole story about how that mother f-cked them all up so hard (Kyle is our only shot, as Kim and Kathy will obviously never spill).  And while Kyle had reconciled selling her sisters out in years prior for fame and fortune, she seems to have reprioritized her family.  And the price is absolute and unwavering loyalty, which usually means silence re.: Kim’s drunken life-destroying antics and, now I guess, Kathy’s wrathful, singularly-focused malice. I also feel sorry for Kyle for the first time.  All this time, she was carrying a heavier burden than I gave her credit for.

But Rinna is not the right messenger and her delivery has been more overwrought and insane than anything even Sutton could conjure up, lol.  And her social media HAS been horrifying.  She got caught in her own damn trap and she’s about to get cooked.  Considering she IS going down, I really hope she’ll “mention it ALL” (but she won’t lol).  She and Erika not only underestimated Kathy, but they underestimated everyone else’s ambitions to align themselves with Kathy Hilton… and they didn’t realize they had lost ALL credibility with the audience and that no one would ultimately care about anything they had on, well, anyone.  Maybe this is one of the reasons Rinna has always been bitter—I do think she’s always had the truth on her side with Kim, Yolanda, LVP, and Denise, but she always blows the delivery and is rendered a hateful b!tch.  I also wonder if it was Erika’s publicist or Kathy’s wrecking machine trying to do damage control.

I also question slithery Dorit’s motives—is she doing the right thing by sticking by Kyle, or is she just reading the room and doesn’t want to be on the wrong side of this?  Anyway, it was lovely seeing The Coven implode.  Kyle finally made the right choice, lol.

I do hope this doesn’t monopolize the reunion, though… there is so much important stuff to unpack with Garcelle’s son(s) and Erika’s Aspen meltdown.

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I totally agree Lisa Rinna always does have some truth on her side!  But.....I do think she completely overexaggerates and can't articulate anything correctly without looking like a troublemaking b*tch.  There's no proof of what happened exactly and Rinna has a long history of being an unreliable narrator.   If she had any sense, she would have aligned herself with Kathy after this and ensured her place on the show.  This is some weird fame grab.  Rinna closely aligns herself with ERIKA, but draws the line at Kathy saying mean things?  You lose credibility right there.  Why would anyone believe her when her morality scale is so out of whack?  I actually like Lisa Rinna for the most part and think she just plays the a**hole on TV and isn't a horrible person, but she does seem like a very dumb person who has a very distorted view of her importance on the show and in life.

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Agreed.  I used to love Rinna from “Days” and Soap Talk and she & Eileen revitalized BH after a disastrous s4, but she has sold her soul for this show and for all her “oawn it!,” she is incapable of taking real accountability.  Even if she just copped to very knowingly using Kim’s relapse as content for the show and if she finally spilled that LVP and Kyle put her up to Munchausen, it’d go a long way.  Too little too late, but own it nevertheless lol.

How stupid was Kathy for doing that in front of Rinna?!?  Lol!

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I would assume Kathy had quite a few drinks because that is the worst person on the cast to do that in front of. 

I think Rinna really does consider this a character she plays and it's just spiraled out of control to the point she has to keep continuing what's she doing.  I wonder if Andy would even let her break that wall and take accountability at this point.  Diana was a complete flop.  They need a villian.  Obviously they are all playing their own game and obviously Kyle, Kathy, Dorit, LVP, Yolanda, etc, etc are not innocent in any of this, but once Lisa turned on Denise I think it was just game on with Rinna.

At least Yolanda got her daughters famous lol!  I mean, I guess one Hamlin did date Scott Disick lol.

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@DynamiteKiddo @carolineg That was a great discussion you had with each other articulating the different nuances of both Rinna -- and her history on this show -- and Kathy.  I've had a lot of difficulty putting my feelings into words this season. Maybe it is because the show has exhausted me with what seems like 85 episodes this season. Maybe it is the repetitiveness of the Coven once again by any means necessary (and I do mean ANY MEANS) trying to destroy its designated target.

These quotes stood out the most:

In the finale episode -- as in so many episodes over the years -- I had a difficult time believing that Rinna cares about any of this. She oozes insincerity. But she is determined to troll the cast AND the audience, and if some of the mud she is throwing somehow sticks? So much the better (LVP never fully recovered from the dirt of Munchhausen-gate and S6, even though Rinna and Kyle were both up to their necks in that one). But now her scheming has turned on her. As you say, she has no credibility with anybody and her words have no weight -- and therefore no power to shock anymore.

"Sold her soul for the show" is a phrase that comes up often on this thread -- @DaytimeFan has mentioned it a few times. I 100% feel that phrase. This soulless emptiness comes off Rinna in waves. In he early days, she was self-deprecating and peppy, but now she is akin to a glammed-up hologram projected on a wall.

LOL yes the Munchhausen mention. Totally agree. 

Rinna's very first words on BH were to acknowledge her primary character trait, which was that she was a hustler -- hustling on every work opportunity coming her way and enjoying every one of those opportunities, big, small or embarrassing. Apart from a brief stint on the Days Peacock special, and putting her average offspring through copious amounts of plastic surgery, I have seen zero evidence of this hustle on RHOBH in recent seasons. That to me encapsulates how far she has gotten away from who she used to be as a person. Has she bought into her own hype or is she not-so-silently screaming to get out? Unclear.

Oh Amen. I don't think Erika should be allowed to get away with her bad behaviour this season and lowkey targeting of Garcelle, amongst others. In the Reunion trailer, apart from a few quips (likely scripted by Mikey), she is noticeably silent and still, seemingly letting Rinna take the brunt of it. Will be interesting if their unholy alliance lasts the course.

Dorit hissing at Kyle under her breath about not making a big deal with Rinna was a red flag to me. She is loyal to the Coven and trying to get Kyle to stick to the game-plan, which this season was always going to be about toppling Garcelle and Sutton.

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@CatSome excellent points as always!

I don't get the feeling Rinna cares about any of this either.  I don't think she cares about anything but herself and her family.  When Kathy was screaming about everyone she didn't care about Kyle or her castmates.  She absolutely was thinking about what she was going to do with this info. 

I have never thought about Rinna actually wanting to get out.  I have always figured she wanted to be the true Queen Bee on the show, but it's an interesting take. 

But honestly, I would get rid of Erika before Rinna still and I have my doubts we will see Kathy next year.

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I always love reading your posts!!

Ya, Rinna has lost her hustle, among everything else lol.  I always loved one of her early interviews when she said something like, “I don’t say no very often, I say yes.”  Lolol

Ya, I wonder whether Dorit will try her best to preserve the alliance, or play the fence like the Denise reunion.  I do think this is her audition to stay on as a full-time hw, so she has a lot to lose.  Sadly, I think we’re stuck with Erika until there is real resolution with all the lawsuits.  I foolishly thought that after last year, Bravo would have to cut ties with her because of PR, but alas…  This is Rinna’s reunion, so we’ll see how she handles her final moments.

I do think it’s super telling that even after Kyle got in line and threw Erika under the bus and firmly told Rinna to back off, Kathy is still not speaking to her… she’s just f’d.  I would have thought I’d love seeing Kyle, finally, in an unmaneuverable situation with high stakes consequences after a decade+ of wiggling her way out of everything, but this just sucks.  Sorta shades of NJ’s s3-5 era… just total damage that is too real.

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I saw through Kyle's act in S1 Ep1, when she taunted Kim with the fact that Kim's daughters were texting Kyle, and Kim didn't know what about. A cruel little jab to someone as emotionally insecure and lonely as Kim was. I think we viewres have all been waiting for a little comeuppance coming Sniper Kyle's way. But im not sure this painful sibling psychodrama is it.

Is Kyle a fairweather friend? Has she sold out her sisters for TV and financial gain? Yes. But i'm not sure Kim or Kathy have been all that great to Kyle and her family either. Demanding endless blind loyalty. Demanding that she publicly deny sh!t they did or the serious problems that afflict them -- all so they can save face in the public eye. I remember in S2, Mauricio left Rick Hilton's real estate company to go it alone with some new financial backers. At the time, it reflected to me the Umamskys social-climbing opportunism, where even family gets cast aside. In hindsight, though, the fact that Rick refused to make Mauricio a partner must have been a blow. Maybe the Umanskys were looked down upon and treated dismissively within the family pecking order. I have to imagine that it wasn't just sheer greed which propelled them out of the Hilton orbit.

Such a toxic, dysfunctional relationship where they have zero trust in each other.

@carolineg Oh, I agree, Kathy has been burned. After reunion, I'm not sure she will want to return to RHOBH. Which is a shame in a way, because hello drama.

That was hard to watch at times. To have video evidence of this behaviour is pretty shocking. I think she's dead woman walking on RHOP with this vid out there for the world to see.

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I do wonder if Kathy/Kyle will make up after the reunion airs.  I think Kathy was expecting a lot more blowback on her actions and she really doesn't look that bad and I wonder if her current frustration with Kyle was just having to do with Kyle being unable to control her friends/castmates.  Obviously, this is the tip of the iceberg with that family, but I think the optics for them would just be better to make up and join forces with Garcelle and Sutton, and Dorit (if she stays).  I guess we will just have to see how the reunion plays out.

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Doubt it. 


I think I just read that Kyle is doing Teddi's podcast with Rinna and Erika in the near future. Again, she's choosing friends over her sister. I hope it is worth it b/c I do think that Kathy really meant it when she said she'll destroy Kyle's family. And I doubt it'll be hard for her to do that. 

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Since at some point, my tv system took off all of POTOMAC's seasons (outside of Karen's spinoff), I'm FINALLY watching the reunion in real time since it's airing right now.


And I cannot believe what a difference a year makes because Candiace is coming across really well, Messy Mia held her own, and Wendy was too much and I am LIVING. But that last one I said the first time around. hehe.

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