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@TaoboiI want to respond to your RHODubai post in greater detail but just to say that Stanbury has been growing on me since just before and during the wedding. And she is peaking now with this finale episode. So I've come around! And I can see both sides of the Ayan-Stanbury miscommunication. Once they get over their mutual suspicion of each other, they could be a great team. Like @ChitHappens I think Ayan is great.

Also: yes, Brooks is the villainess and I think I am finally coming around to embracing that. Though thus far in the episode, she is actually a voice of reason. And she really wants us to know that Nina is a sniper from the side! Hmmmm...


More on Nu RHONY. Influencers? Yuckitty yuck. IMO that's a non-job for people who don't want to work. I find myself agreeing with much of the comments section to this Tweet:


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Exactly! I can vouch for all this as I worked in NYC in financial services. The only problem would the crazy long hours of work, and getting permission to film at work. But if you are a Wall Street executive or have your own consultancy (kind of like Ramona had), then you call the shots. But definitely artists, galleryists, doctors (hello! Plastic surgery capital), real estate agents (as Bravo well knows). They're all over the city, in all the boroughs. Influencer is a Kardashian stan who dropped out of college, and if they're living in Manhattan? Guaranteed that isn't 'Instagram money' (which is largely a myth). That's Daddy's Money. Being that our reality shows are already glutted with these individuals, I'm not really interested in seeing more of that fake-curated world. Give me a scene with Luann and Billy Strich any day.

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Exactly. NYC resident here and while it certainly has been gutted culturally due to exorbitant rents over the past 20 years, it’s certainly more interesting than a group of vapid, trust-fund influencers. Hopefully this isn’t the direction they’re going for the whole cast, but those other names floated earlier weren’t all that promising. Plus, they need a solid group of friends. Seems like they are going for Tinsley types, but she was an icon (and even then, not all that great of a HW).

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I would have given Jules another season rather than take on Tinsley, but eventually she (and Dale!) grew on me. Why? Because she was a complementary member of the cast. She offered a different approach and background. She was like the baby sis, for better or for worse.

And that's what any new RHONY reboot would need -- a group of friends who complement each other but offer something different. S1 RHONY had that in spades. 

I see Real Girlfriends of Paris (starts airing in September) has a Gen Z influencer-only cast. It's almost like a test run for the new RHONY. However, I'm not sure how well it will be received. The trailer got panned on Twitter a few weeks back. I will check out episode 1, because Paris, but if it flops, I can't see Real Influencers of New York doing any better.

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@Cat @Faulkner  I kind of think because of the huge rents of NYC, it seems to have diluted the more artistic sector of NYC sadly.  Tinsley worked because she was something different/unique to the RHONYC experience.. and along with her came Dale as a fun supporting character.

Dubai is interesting to me because I think with Aylan being to over the top, we've lost out on some little nuggets with Nina.  If I recall, Lesa has stated that based on Nina trash talking Stansbury for so long, she hesitates to trust Stansbury so I'm intrigued to hear more from Brooks on how Nina is a side sniper.

Also, I can understand why Brooks was pressed against Sara over things she said about her parenting vs Stansbury.  Stansbury related her experience as a boarding school child without shading Brooks on her parenting.. while Sara was shading Brooks on how she parents her child.   I do love the editors for inserting scenes of Sara doing exactly what Brooks was accusing her of doing.

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Oh totally. I liked Tinsley fine, and I think she eventually fit in (and the show lost something when she left, which says more about how stale RHONY had become than her contributions). But she didn’t light the show on fire in the way you’d expect an “It Girl” to do. She didn’t bring much that was memorable other than “Drink, bitch” and precipitating Dorinda’s downfall. (Well, and Dale.) Her “kind” would make a solid supporting cast member and not a driver for a franchise.

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@Taoboi So I finished RHODubai episode, and while I knew Ayan's terrible childhood was going to be addressed, I did not expect FGM. I cannot quite describe how I felt listening to Ayan's experience (at age 6), but like Sara, I had my hand clamped to my mouth in shock. Shock that human beings continue to treat other human beings like cattle, going as far as to neuter them like a stray dog. Because it is somehow sinful for a female (not a male, though) to experience physical pleasure, and her life should only be about pain and submission. Ayan recouting how the women and men in her family wordlessly put her and her sister through that--- it reminded me of the short story by Shirley Jackson called The Lottery, where a small, seemingly placid local community mindlessly go through the same brutal, horrific ritual each year, because "~shrug~ that's what we've always done." Ayan has done something very important in shedding light on this horror.

Sergio showing up on jetski on the island pissed everyone off so bad! It was kind of hilarious how their near-co-dependency is a topic among the other women. Caroline's comfort zone is definitely with him and not the women. If we get a S2, I suspect the producers will want her more in the mix and less with just him.

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Garcelle's son Jax's social media has been targeted by haters.

The Real Housewives Twitter Detectives did some digging, and it turns out that pretty much all the hateful, attacking comments came from newly-created bots, repeating a lot of the same mantras.

It looks like someone paid for bots to go after Garcelle's kids and big up Diana/the Coven at the same time. It would be almost laughable if Diana did something so egregiouusly awful and OBVIOUS, though Diana does have the money to pay for such bots. 

Interesting from a RHOBH standpoint that somebody paid to go after Garcelle's kids. They know Garcelle is popular. Garcelle is finally leaning into her Supreme status on this show this season. Bravo loves her. So how to get rid of Garcelle? Perhaps hurt the kids so that doing BH becomes the job she doesn't want to do anymore, and maybe she will leave of her own accord. This might be the thinking behind that particular bot attack.

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Super sleuths (take it for what it's worth) have all but confirmed it came from Diana's camp. Talk about an 11th hour attempt to try to come back for a second season. This heifer better be a one-and-done. 

Rolling my eyes at Rinna trying to garner sympathy though... 

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And...that was Jamacia? I felt like it was going to be more dramatic than that. Or perhaps my expectations were too high. It was still a great cast trip. However, I guess I did not expect make-ups. And that make-up between Kandi and Marlo was hilarious. Moreso because Kandi had mentioned it in interviews before Marlo went scorched earth online, but I didn't realize that they would SHOW it. A hoot.


To me, I felt like the trip really exposed the 'battle'lines so to speak. On one side we have Kenya, Kandi, and Drew. And on the other, there is Marlo, Sheree, and Sanya. And while I felt Drew and Sheree navigate between the groups well enough to keep the lines blurry...the trip really and truly was showing off how tight Marlo and Sanya had grown. And then Sanya thought she could take on Kenya. GIRL, BYE. 


There was definitely a lot to like. No drama over rooms. Kenya meeting John. Marlo vs Kandi Round 1. Monyetta's man's reactions to the mess. Drew hurting her leg. Marlo vs Kandi Round 2. Sanya vs Kenya. And there was more fun with Drunk Kenya too.


It was a mad-cap adventure I guess I should say. No problem with that. 


KENYA. Continues to be having a great season from what I can see. I loved Sanya being her wingman with John!! Cuz...that is what girlfriends should do. lol. I was just sad it was all downhill from there. Even when Kenya was being annoying, I still felt she was in the right. For every time Sanya was a good host, there was a time she was not. And then she was popping attitude over it. And Marlo as a Temp Host when she was not getting along with anyone? No, ma'am. I just felt Kenya saw how fake Sanya was being and it says something that she gathered her on the last night for sure...but she STILL gave her the benefit of the doubt. 


KANDI. MVP of the trip!!! After taking a lot of Marlo's lip for the last few episodes, she finally unloaded on her and it was a sight to see. Especially since she kept on her neck for the whoooole trip. I still loved the fight in the van where she was 'keep your MFing sorry.' lol. Kandi was not having it. Meanwhile, love that tea that Todd spilled on how Marlo joined waaaaay back in Season 4. She even shaded Kenya in fun. And then to see her and Marlo make up over KFC???? I knew Kandi did an interview about it, but I'm still shocked they SHOWED it. It is a shame that their make-up ain't sticking. 


SHEREE. It was nice to see Bone Collector Sheree again. And I honestly hope she gets She by Sheree up and running. 


DREW. Drew, Drew, Drew!!! How is anyone to invest in Drop It with Drew when she stays hurting herself. SMH. She was fun comedy relief though I rolled my eyes every time I saw Tampa Ralph. I still cannot believe her turnaround from last season, but I'm laughing with her now, and not at her. And her and Ralph's reaction shots (along with Monyetta and her man Heath's) at Marlo vs Kandi Round 1 was EVERYTHING.


MARLO. Team Too Much 1. Got what she had coming. How did she think the audience was going to feel when it turned out it was true she threw her nephews out. Raising kids is tough, and that storyline was going to definitely resonate. The fact she went to therapy after the fact (versus before) really and truly makes it seem like her nephews was just a storyline. So...no wonder no one is on her side. And then projecting onto Tampa Ralph? Yeeeeeah guilty heffa. Kandi handled her good and I loved each time she did. Well deserved. 


SANYA. Team Too Much 2. I guess it said something since they were like two peas in a pod during a lot of the trip. It felt like the anti-Kenya/Kandi to be honest. So it was not surprising to me that while Marlo was getting it from Kandi that Sanya was getting it from Kenya. Whether Kenya was being a good guest or not (I would say so-so), it did come across that Sanya had an agenda...and it was not all work trip.

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 I felt she used the trip to try to come for Kenya when she did not send for her at the end...and we all know how that ends with Kenya.   I mean Sanya could bring herself to apologize to Sheree for some of the misunderstandings, but not Kenya? And think Kenya should not express her feelings? And then got an attitude about it? And then tried to be a boss bitca at Kenya after tooting her own horn to Sheree about how she was getting Kenya together? Guuuuurl...I hollered when Kenya swiftly gathered her and 'I'll wait' took me out. Sanya was clearly looking for a feud. And the one with Drew was not working so she did what most newbies do on RHOA...just attack Kenya. Nice try, but no.


Looking forward to next week and the return of Apollo...

I would love it if Garcelle walked into the reunion with PROOF Diana did it. 


Twitter slueths (or Black Twitter) don't play.

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He's a good kid. I'm sorry he had to put up with (as he accurately put it) middle-aged women spewing racist, crude crap at him. I really feel for him, and honestly wish he could have been spared those awful attacks.

I stand corrected. Diana IS egregiously awful. Egregiously dumb. And egregiously lazy. Why am I not surprised she laid on her back and threw money at this lame bot idea? She probably thought she was operating on another level. Instead, the bot accounts all replicated her exact wording and spelling mistakes over and over. Lazy is as lazy does!

It's not just her sloth energy. From the moment she drifted into view, I had an instant reaction of not liking her. She is not a nice person. The constant references to 'charity work' serve to accentuate her profound hollowness and spite. PLEASE let her be one-and-done.

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Wow, the Jax stuff is horrifying on a truly shocking level.  I know the families can be victims of very unwarranted cruelty but this feels very different.  Garcelle and Jax seem to be handling this with such patience and grace.

Re.: Tinsley.  I never liked her and thought her only real contributions to the show were Dale and her unintended role in The Fall of Dorinda (that Scott/John drama was utterly salacious and it’s so crazy when you can retroactively put the puzzle pieces together… when Carole was defending her seemingly callous stance that she was never actually close with Tinsley, she referenced the only real time she spent off-camera with her was a “disastrous” couples trip to Dubai with Adam, Scott & T, and John & D, which was a thank you trip from Scott for those Coupon Cabin commercials they filmed… I think that’s where this all went down).

But Tinsley had such a compelling backstory—from one of Virginia’s wealthiest, oldest, most elite families to marrying into NY royalty, the Mortimers… being a legit famous af socialite… super public divorce, leading to a messy af new relationship with a mega wealthy, younger heir to a Cuban sugar fortune or something, which of course led to her highly publicized arrest.  But with ALL that, I didn’t find anything compelling about her.  If it weren’t for Dale and her unwitting role in Bethenny & Carole’s breakup (which C claims was an entirely false narrative created by B/production), I don’t think she would’ve been asked back for s11.

But I do think firing Jules after s8 was the right move, she was equally vapid and out of touch, and not in an entertaining way like some of the other ‘wives.  I think the one who was let go way too early was Kristen, but I think her husband, Josh, was completely done with the show.  She suffered a lot in s7 when he obviously put the kibosh on her using their home problems as a sl, and she (and Heather) was(/were) sacrificed at Bethenny’s alter that year.  But, ya, I’m sure Josh would’ve divorced her if she were asked back and returned after the Ashley Madison scandal.

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