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UGT2: Brandi was speaking some hard truths to Dorinda in that car: “[People] want to see Season One, Two, and Three Dorinda. You’ll be put ‘on pause’ forever if you continue this behavior.”

What a fun episode in contrast to last week’s angst! Dorinda actually had self-awareness enough to rein in the drinking that lights her fuse.

And a great episode in general for Brandi. Some real growth, maturity, and wisdom while maintaining the boozy, sexy silliness.

Interestingly, Eva’s presence has completely faded. (The bland, basic, beautiful Eva was what we all expected, and she’s living up to that in these later episodes. She becomes background when up against women with more charisma and personality. She’s also Dorinda’s sole defender, which has sparked resentment from the other ladies who’ve faced Dorinda’s wrath.)

In contrast, I wasn’t expecting to enjoy Vicki as much after her “Debbie Downer” start, but she’s really livened/lightened up. She and Randy Brandi (!) were a hoot.

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I wish i could find the clip I saw yesterday of Kyle's Amazon Live (filmed in what looked like a barge??) where she says she is not watching BH right now (bc she can't handle Production not covering for her), and that she and Mauricio contacted Garcelle to apologise for their comments. She sounded irritated that she even had to do the latter. Kathy is back next week, so I predict Kyle will soon pivot into victim-sister mode in a bid to make this first half of the season go away.

The Coven bending over backwards to back FlopGhislaine against Sutton & Garcelle. What an epic miscalculation on their part. Time to break The Coven up. Half can go because they just sit there wearing make-up like that's the extent of their job. I semi-like Crystal on her own, but did she even appear this episode?

Rinna and Hamlin pretending their NotHadid offspring are making a name for themselves in modeling. Keep banging that drum, maybe someone will eventually believe it. 

FlopGhislaine is the biggest flop on BH. Not even Carlton, Eden, or Terri Firedcamp can compare. Her backstory is interesting (in more ways than one), but whining over Sutton for 5 episodes straight? It's not working. Her energy is that of a sloth taking a nap. Kathy back next week so maybe that means less of NotKathy.

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I am an episode behind you but I concur. Against my will, I am liking Brandi A LOT and feel she is the breakout star of the show. Happy to hear her growth and maturity in this upcoming episode -- she was only speaking Truth with a capital T in what you quoted. Maybe because some of this pertained to her BH situation, too.

Dorinda has been off RHONY for 2 years but has done no self-refection in those 2 years as to why she was 'paused.' She refuses to accept she might have been in the wrong and went off the rails. She is where Jill Zarin was about a year after getting kicked off RHONY. She may have bought into her own hype. I think Dorinda has kindness and soul deep down, so I hope she returns to those traits which once defined her. I don't think the drinking is helping her judgment, but even without the drinking, Dorinda is bitter about a lot of things and seems unable to get out of that mindset. 

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She actually added that she understood Dorinda’s predicament from her own experience on BH, so yeah, definitely.

Dorinda was certainly chastened in this episode. She knew she’d gone too far. Word on the street is that they’ve taken her back for the NY Legacy series (allegedly the reason Tinsley bowed out of the UGT3 shoot—she’s rumored to be part of the cast as well—I’m not totally buying it yet due to the timing).

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Preach! FlopGhislaine clearly doesn't know how to play the Housewives game, showing her hand already re: her fake apology.  And Lord almighty, if we played the drinking game every time she licked her lower lip, we'd all be in the emergency room for alcohol poisoning. What is UP with this?  Are her lips numb and she keeps checking to make sure they're still there? 

Rolling my eyes at Erotika saying Sutton and Garcelle were the only ones who questioned her innocence last year. They all questioned it (well, except maybe Rinna). Sutton and Garcelle were the only ones with the balls to question it to her face, versus going along with whatever line she was feeding the group. The Coven lowkey goes after Garcelle by way of Sutton Stracke. And as Rinna sloppily admitted on Instagram, they're afraid of backlash by going after the one black woman. Whatevs... black or white, Garcelle puts these heifers in check each and every time, and she does it effortlessly. At least Bravo is wise enough to see the new Queen is taking over the crown of RHOBH. 


RHUGT: I haven't seen last night's yet, but I love hearing that Brandi worded it that way to Dorinda (re: "people want to see season 1, 2, 3 of Dorinda"). I wish they could be more honest and break the fourth wall more so on the parent shows. Like, just do away with the whole lie about a cast member "hosting" a trip, and hesitating over whether they should invite someone or not. Everyone is invited. It's paid for by Bravo. Besides, Bethenny already burst that production bubble years ago on her short-lived talk show. 

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Yep. Pretty much.


And no matter how good Porsha and Gizelle are, we all know her need to produce...and hatred of Monique...will probably result in just what we want to see...Porsha vs Candiace.


Twitter will be beside themselves...and I will be sitting there with popcorn.

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Ugh, let me rant a little!! FlopGhislaine is so basic and so bored with herself! This chick is in a stupor and can barely sustain an original thought. How is she still upright??

The producers feed her her every talking point. In her VTs, when a producer asks "Tell us about your glamorous lifestyle throwing parties for all your famous friends, Diana!" She gulps, swallows heavily, licks that lower lip and says "Uhhh whad do you wanna know? I have very GLEMorous lifestyle throwing parties for famous friends."

She licks her lips precisely for the reason you state. They are numbed with lip filler and her tongue is not used to their size. She's doing what everyone in Hollywood does now: imitating the Kardashians. Like them, she loves an over-priced sweatshirt. Only she doesn't wear them like couture items -- she wears them like you and me in our Target sweats. And so they look basic and wrinkled even though they probably cost Yeezy prices. 

Then there is her ugly McMansion of nothingness built on a basic plot of land somewhere in California. It could be anywhere. It could be nowhere. Resembling a beige Kardashian monastery bereft of humanity. Jesus, at least Yolanda gave us an infinity pool, lemon groves, Gigi, and a spotless glass fridge.


Re: The Coven. Totally. Garcelle is their end-game. Sutton is just a means to an end because Garcelle has her back, and Sutton is doing the most and actually carrying this show. Garcelle deftly dealt with both Erotika (who I still think had a facetious, sarcastic undertone in her apology) and Eye-Roll McSplits. It's clear that Bravo LOVE Garcelle and are using her in a lot of their official promo, and I bet the Coven dos not like that one bit. Look at who is headlining the next BravoCon -- and who isn't. I'm sure Rinna will say Bravo didn't offer her enough! 

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Well speaking of Yolanda Lite's famous friends...


Hayden Panettiere Opens Up About Opioid and Alcohol Addiction | PEOPLE.com

I found it funny that as soon as Diana had drama online...that given the rumors about her...PEOPLE did this story the very next week. 


Sounds like Sutton (whom shade with that 80s song I heard about since I'm behind) still has ALL the tea...same with Crystal and Brandi/Denise last year.  And like a Southern Belle is not kissing and telling. 

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I've been think about a theory that I'm not sure holds water but here it goes; there are certain housewives that are good in scenes, but not in confessionals and other who are hilarious in confessionals, but not great when interacting with other cast members.

Among the great confessors I would place:

Sheree (RHOA), who could forget her tag after "who gonna check me boo?", when she said "whatever happened to customer service?".  However, she fails to form any real relationships with her co-stars

Brandi (RHUGT) - amusing insights into the motives of her peers, but nuts in every argumentative situation

Mary (RHSLC) - a year in closet made her good at talking to the camera, but her scene work is chaotic

Among the not-so-great confessionals

Porsha (RHOA) - she seems to have nothing to add when interviewed and just recaps the action

Ramona (RHONY) barely tolerated the producers asking her questions

Rinna (RHOBH) a great pot stirrer with no capacity for introspection


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