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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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You know what? I think Kandi's interview where she tears Marlo a new one (and rightfully so) went viral, and more people remembered to check out the episode. I thought Kandi's interview was pretty epic. The episode was also great! It deserves those ratings finally. Marlo is doing the most to get these rivalries going and the pot stirring! It's like she's Kyle Richards, with an understanding of what works on screen.

And when Sheree was agreeing with Marlo on her remarks regarding Kandi and Kenya? Taoboi, like you, all I could think was 'Oh Sheree. Still picking the Kim Zolciaks when you could have picked Nene.' Sheree is going to pay for that "Preach" regarding Marlo's comment about Kandi's 'bad kitty-cat.' I actually gasped when Marlo said that, because it was so mean. Marlo really goes low with the low-blows. And I have to imagine its because she's jealous. Jealous that Kandi and Kenya haven't pulled her into the Team OG fold, so she's got to make alliances with Sheree and *Drew* of all people. Jealous that Sanya is making a play for Kandi's friendship circle. She's not wrong about that, by the way. Sanya sensee that Drew was the punching bag of the group and has dropped her like a hot potato. As a result, Drew is starting to come across as a little more human and relatable. 

I agree that this is the most authentic Sheree has ever come across.

Interested to see what Kandi's next moves will be. She's already had enough of Marlo on the show thus far.

Marlo has lit a fire under some of these girl's asses, and I'm ok with that.

Friday was a clusterfuck on the 'RH racisty tweeting' front. I couldn't believe some of the sh!t I was coming across.

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So they all woke up and chose violence?

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Oh, this episode was great!!! Alexia's bachalorelette party. Alexia has been mostly background the last few episodes regardless of being the basis to the current Nicole vs Marysol feud. It was nice to see the pivot. I had almost forgotten about the wedding. And what happened that day.


Meanwhile, the rivalry between Adriana and Larsa hit a new level this week. From the pop shots at the start of the season to last week's bout to ignoring each other outside of Confessionals, it has been fun to watch. But right now...Julia is Adriana's weakness and even if Larsa felt some kind of way about how Julia voiced her opinion, she knew Adriana would see it as an attack and suuuuuure enough. LOL!!! I was looking forward to the 'IT'S LARSA!!!' moment because apparently it became a meme right before I watched so I hollered and rewinded cuz Guerdy was giving great reaction shots. 


To Be Continued? WHY??? Things were just getting great. Can't wait for next week.


ALEXIA. I should not have even doubted. Alexia is after all the Queen of this telenovela. And all Queens need rest so the minions can have the limelight. But here she is back again with the wedding. The foreshadowing with her and Peter talking about her mother reminded me how this was going to end. Le sigh. And I am sure she is side-eyeing Nicole who might be trying for her crown. Alexia is just a lightning rod for drama. And loving her at her own party so far. Cuz that penis was hehehehe.


NICOLE. Well darn, girl!!! You go right ahead and end Marysol. She gathered Marysol with the swiftness. She has been giving good so far in this feud, but so has Marysol. But she really was no nonsense about it and gathered Marysol flawlessly. No stutter. Nothing. I had no choice, but to be in awe. 


GUERDY. Oooooo how I've been looking forward to this drama since the trailer. It looked so flawless on her. I liked she was trying to mediate all the fighting that broke out at the dinner.


LISA. I also liked she was being fun again. And also trying to get everyone to get along. She was being more of a fun BFF than Marysol.


LARSA. I get it. When someone gives an opinion of you...one you might not like and it feels random on top of that, I would lash out a bit, too. So I liked Guerdy was trying to get Larsa to hear Julia out. However, I also see where Larsa was coming from. How random. And Julia's been nice but from Larsa's perspective meek. Given the rivalry going on with her and Adriana, she had the right to side-eye her. 


JULIA. I do think Julia was being genuine. After all, she has been mentioning her thoughts about what Larsa said since the start of Marysol vs Nicole during the 'Least Trust' game. However...she picked the wrong time to say anything. Especually in front of Adriana whom Larsa is feuding with.


MARYSOL. You lost that one. Sorry. Nicole ate her up.


ADRIANA. Started gathering and I was living.


Next week Adriana vs Larsa Round 3? I'm here for it.


One more episode after that and a reunion I believe. Sad it is about to be over for me. 


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All Marysol vs Nicole boils down to is that Marysol is jealous of Nicole.

Nicole is younger, prettier and hasn't botched her face unlike that toxic Marysol.


David Foster always was a thirsty one.  I think the reason he stayed with Linda so long was because she was his writing partner.  Common interest beyond just superficial.

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This is why I can't wait for season 2 Miami! I actually think Nicole vs Marysol is a lightly petty, gemeration-gap rivalry I can enjoy.

Let no-one be fooled by David Foster's A-List-lite snootiness! He loves Reality TV,  has pushed his children, stepchildren and then-wives to pursue Reality TV stardom, because it helps boost his own brand. Not surprised to hear about him holding onto Linda's co-writing talents. A lot of his output has a feminine touch and it's only in recent times when I looked into a couple of his songs that I realised DF's best work was usually with female songwriters -- he knew to work with some of the best.

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Linda Thompson had an interesting life of her own.  I always assumed her first claim to fame was being with Ms Jenner..but my mom said she was a Miss Tennessee, was in a LTR with Elvis, was on HeeHaw for years...all before she married Caitlyn.

And two of her famous songs she co wrote with David Foster were 'I have Nothing' made famous by Whitney Houston...and 'Grownup Christmas List' made famous in the 90s by Amy grant.

Back in the early seasons, people used to wonder why she wasn't a BH housewife... but maybe she didn't want to be catty perhaps.


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@TaoboiLove your David Foster story! I am not surprised he is like that. I had a similar situation with Gretchen from OC, but I must say she was VERY nice. She didn't have a reservation, but was in desperate need and the city was sold out. I wanted to bump someone for her, but my boss said she wasn't famous enough lol. But she was a sweetheart the entire time.

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I think Linda probably avoids being catty if she can at all help it. She seems genuinely nice and not shallow. She appeared on season 2 BH in Brandi's Beach House party episode, which ended up showcasing an altercation between Taylor and Camille's best friend DeeDee. Linda tried to talk to Taylor about being the bigger person, but that was never going to fly on BH.

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Linda T sounds like someone who has been to therapy and tried to accept others for who they are, while making better choices for herself. Maybe her marriage to Foster prompted her to go on that journey? She also appeared on The Hills reboot counselling her son, Brody Jenner. She was a zen voice of calm and understanding. I loved her scenes. She seems like a pretty great person with a lot of empathy for people, and a lot of wisdom. The fact that you told me she wrote I Have Nothing (top tier Gold Standard ballad for the ages!), that she once dated Elvis, that she is a bit of a song-writing legend herself? Makes me respect her even more.

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He also spelt 'Erica's' name wrong lol.

Thiis came up on my YT timeline yesterday and I listened to it. Great glimpse into OC behind the scenes this past season. I believe Tamra and Kelly's story -- too many other people involved to corroborate. I think the Dubrows are control freaks and went apeshit on Thomas Kelly. As we know, the Dubrows aren't nearly as gracious they like to pretend, and both have a mean streak when they don't get their way. I always thought it was interesting that Andy seems to have detested Terry (and his show Botched) from the get -- wonder what that was about.

I think Thomas Kelly was also fired because of ratings and this last seaon having been panned.

What's crazy to me is Heather blocking an ally, Tamra, from coming back to the show when she could use one. They had each other's back for many seasons and never really threw each other under the bus. She needlessly pissed off her ally who is now gunning for her on various podcasts and other media.

Kelly Dodd and Tamra being new allies in the Fight Against Heather surprised me. Tamra, of course, has made no secret of her desire to return to RHOC. Thirsty Kelly also wants to come back -- the income has dried up elsewhere. I don't want Kelly back (even though that was a funny Gina impression). I'd much rather Tamra, Vicki (yes, Vicki!), Alexis Bellino and maybe even Gretchen returned.

Interesting that Jeff Lewis is so into the RHs. He's a good radio host -- asks the questions but lets the guest speak. He and Andy had a famous falling out some years back, no?

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@Cat, there is a lot of juicy gossip about what's going on with RHOC. This is why filming hasn't started. So to begin with, the main issue is Heather and the level of power she has and her demands. It was always obvious she pushed that producer and threatened Nicole to quit (which Heather McDonald has now confirmed btw). It's crazy because even big HWs didn't seem to have that luxury to exclude such dramatic things that would've boosted the ratings. 

Right now they're testing out 5 girls: two friends of Noella, two friends of Heather and one friend of Emily. Heather is refusing to film if they hire either of Noella's friends or bring back Nicole. This also puts Noella's job up in the air. Shannon is pulling for Noella and for her to get a friend on the cast. Nobody knows the true reason Heather doesn't want Tamra back, but my guess is that she knows her return was a flop and doesn't want Tamra to come back and get praised for saving the show. She keeps doing things to piss Tamra off, but we're not getting the normal Tamra blow ups, which tells me she knows she needs to play nice with Heather so Heather doesn't keep blocking her return. 

Until filming actually starts we won't see how successful Heather is, but it's not looking good for Tamra or Noella I'd say. 

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Thank you for the tea! That's very interesting what you say about Tamra having to play nice with Heather to get back on the show. On her podcast generally, Tamra has been ultra diplomatic on many RH topics, pulling her punches when her natural instinct might be to go in. That really struck me, and I imagine it's because she wants to prep her return to OC without pissing off Bravo or castmates. The gloves came off [(c) Vicki Gunvalson] to an extent when Heather's betrayal surfaced, but even in this interview, Tamra laid out her facts without going postal -- she basically teed it up for Kelly Dodd to hit it.

The fact that, according to Jeff Lewis, Andy came on his show and said the Two Ts podcast was a behind the scenes podcast suggests that 1. Andy/Bravo do not like RH adjacent enterprises they cannot control, and 2. he is lowkey pissed at Tamra and not 100% willing to have her back. That worries me because OC has been in its flop era since S11 or S12, and subsequent casts have really not gelled. Especially without the OGs. If Tamra and thirsty Noella do not return, that would be too bad from an entertainment POV. It would also illustrate just how much power Heather wields. Nevertheless, no HW has true sustained power, as we know (Nene, LVP, Vicki, etc). What Bravo giveth, Bravo can snatch away.

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Bravo was fine with the podcast until Heather went to Andy privately to bash it. Two Ts has made it clear they follow the Bravo guidelines and the only Bravo-related guests they have are approved by Bravo's publicity team, which is how they're able to get so many current HWs on the show. I think that is just another way Heather could try to block Tamra.

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