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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I just started watching Durban on Tubi and this show is a hidden gem! Very strong first season cast! I was stunned to see Nonku had a baby with Ayanda's husband! Granted they claim they were separated at the time, but that is so salacious and soapy! I find Nonku seems jealous of Ayanda and wants to create issues with her. I wonder if my opinion will change, but so far I'm loving Ayanda and how open she is to embracing Nonku's daughter as a part of the family. In episode 4 LaConco debuted and my god, WHAT A STAR! Literally I've only watched her first episode and I am hooked on her. The show had a good central storyline with the baby drama, but she amped it up. I hope Tubi adds season two soon and I also want them to add Lagos. 

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Aww snap! When Kandi's voice starts cracking, it is on! Marlo is gonna get ate up at the reunion by Kenya and Kandi. 



I found the episode to be boring. A lot of dragging of the feet to get to the crux of the Sutton/Crystal situation. Overall, I find Crystal to be dangerous with her implications. Either p*ss or get off the pot. She looks malicious for holding onto something and trying to use it at a later time. 


RIP Lois, but I cannot pity Rinna. Not when she spearheaded the charge to take down LVP when she was grieving the loss of her brother, Giggy, and mom back to back. Rinna is experiencing true karma this season as ugly as it sounds. And with this whole Patrick thing going on, if Kathy shoots her shot correctly, I can see her putting Rinna in a precarious position in future seasons. 



I did NOT expect Nina to be the snake of the show. Three women literally highlighted how Nina didn't like Stanbury until recently. I think that is going to be something that'll clearly come ahead in future seasons. 


Sara is such a sweetheart. I adore her scenes with her son and how she sees the good in everyone. I think Sara will be the one to help in softening Ayan. 


Speaking of Ayan, I love her. Yes, she is extra but she loves hard. I love her friendship with Lesa. You can tell those 2 really love each other. Her backstory also cleared up why she was triggered about not being invited to Stanbury's hen party. 


I wholeheartedly love this show. 

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I told you after a decade of waiting we might get the promise of a Kandi vs Marlo feud hinted at in the Season 4 Reunion. Because Kandi ain't speaking nothing, but facts. I remember Kandi creating that Hotlanta show but Bravo didn't want Marlo to go and get a raise. 


This is juicy. 

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Oh, lord!!! These peaches.

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I agree with a lot of you. So there is nothing major going on. But there is a lot going on at the same time. Last season was a bad look for the peaches. And this season is purely transitional. It is rescimiscent of the fun older seasons and it does feel like...for better or worse...we are seeing the girls' lives again with no one being favored. And the shade has been fun. Except for Drew. But who cares about Drew? 


Now ShebySheree though...WOW. It was painful to watch. From being cocky and on top of the world at the start of the episode. And then to be left alone like that at the restaurant and finding out from a producer he ain't coming. After TWO HOURS??? ON TV???? And it should say something that all of SM was gunning for Tyrone after that versus we were just shaking our heads at Drew being clowned on national TV. The difference was night and day.


I liked how light it was. Easy and breezy. And the image of Marlo on the bike in fashionable red will always be stuck in my head. 


KENYA. Easily so far her best season. All she has to do is be pretty, shady, and open. I know it is about to go left, but I love the trio of her/Sheree/Marlo because they are giving us fun shade and genuine moments at the same time. And Kenya really was being Big Shoulder to Cry for everyone. And we get a flash of her life by her coparenting with Marc. Can't believe he almost did not want to see Brooklyn. Really?


MARLO. Lord...she was lethal with her shade at Drew, wasn't she? Cuz...Facebook Group? lol. She was being funny this episode. And it was nice to see a hidden scene from the scene when Marlo and Kandi talked at the studio. Who knew that Marlo had an black ex? And again...her on a bike.


SHEREE. So this must be when Tyrone started to be messy. Le sigh. I know he changes his mind, but I don't see how Sheree can stay with him since he just clowned her on national tv. But...love makes one do crazy things. 


KANDI. It was nice to keep seeing her business side, but she sure was being a bit freaky.


DREW. Stays getting clowned. But that said, I could see why she was right. If Sanya was her friend, that was a talk to have to the side with her and not in front of the others...who are sure to clown her on that, too. 


SANYA. Side-eying.


Looks like next week will really start the feud. Prehaps those haters will shut up because show has been good. 



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After watching this rather confusing episode, I went back to watch last year's episodes where Crystal vs Sutton face-off with "Tell me you're that girl who doesn't see color."

At the time, Crystal pointed out the generational gap between her and Sutton when it comes to viewing race. (BTW the 'not seeing color' reference reminds me of Kristen Bell

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 promoting those tone-deaf purple people books). 

Sutton talking about kids gathered around her pool was kinda awkward but it was well-meaning. Crystal highlighted her own ability to pivot and embrace the race discussion such as it is now. By contrast, Sutton was slower, in her wealth-bubble, and, I imagine, adjusting to a new reality for her.

This time around, I don't know what to make of this talking-point. I want to be respectful of Crystal's experiences as an Asian American woman. But some of this feels like leveraging an issue for the purpose of going up against another HW.

I'm glad Bravo showed the footage of the conversation, otherwise this entire episode would have been a mess. Crystal handled it poorly by staying silent when asked to explain further. I was surprised that Kyle, Rinna and Dorit, of all people, cautioned Crystal about tarring someone with the racism brush without receipts. I assumed they'd be eating the ambiguity up with a spoon.

Sutton was p!ssed but also surprisingly controlled.  The tidbit re: Crystal talking out of turn about former BFFs and aligning herself with the most powerful woman in the group was interesting. So far, Crystal has held back from cleaving to any group, really, on this show. Rinna reluctantly co-signing the rumor was interesting too. The dynamic on BH may not be as clear-cut as Team Coven vs Team Garcelle-Sutton-Crystal.



This is the first real drama of the current season, and it sets the stage for the Rinna/Kathy drama later on. Interesting that both dramas have a 'she said-she said' component, and they also involve an accusation of problematic language -- in Kathy's case, a possible homophobic slur.

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I thought it was a nice aftermath episode. 


I knew it was coming from the trailer, but it was nice to see Ayan explain her background. It puts her in a whole new perspective. But is it too late given Caroline has already socially disowned her? Time will tell.


It was interesting to see everyone go about their lives in this one with the drama from the dinner in the background of the episode. We saw them in their lives in this city, and I just found it fascinating. Lesa wanting to cook and celebrating her traditions and that market...? I was...surprised. Then I thought about it and yeah that would make sense. There is Sara struggling with being sure her kids know their traditions. Then you have the wealth on display with Nina and her jointed dinner with Sara and her lunch with Ayan.


And...Nina. Interesting that three people (Ayan, Lesa, and Brooks) are side-eying her for her friendship with Caroline. Hmmm.


As far as the ladies this week...


CAROLINE. More of Old Caroline here. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. But it does give LoL that everything is revolving around her even if we see her very little so far. 


AYAN. Layers. Perhaps it's more telling that she was sitting there waiting for Nina and doing self-actualizations...which gives even more meaning to her sit-down with Sara at the end of the episode. She had a heartbreaking life so no wonder she is determined. As a person who came from a lower middle class family and barely that...I understand that need to be better. And just like that, Ayan...becomes human. And as I love her friendship with Lesa, I definitely love her bonding with Sara...wig and all!!!


THE MILAN.  I love her accent. Like Sanya over on ATL, I keep expecting it to go thick at any moment. But just hearing her speak fascinates my ears. I am really enjoying her showing her family life this episode. Just the idea of tradition and keeping it alive. It makes me think of my own family and I go awwww. And just her trip to the market was interesting to watch. And her kids. And her friendship with Ayan continues to be real and fun to watch. Cuz...THAT GOAT.

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Meanwhile, she is already bringing the shade in the Confessionals.


BROOKS. Not enough of her. But...messy all the same. What she was hinting at about Nina (along with Ayan who has known Nina the longest and Lesa) was very interesting. I also liked that she discussed her relationship with Ayan and how they are...frenemies?? I liked that regardless of them dragging each other, that it does seem like Brooks actually care about Ayan.


NINA. Hmmmm...I'm not sure if she is a snake...yet...but she definitely does have wealth. But given what the others have said...is her friendship with Caroline...our first alliance of this show?


SARA. Just...there's nothing about her that I'm not finding mysterious, but fascinating all the same. Her and her son was nice to watch and I just find her being open and discussing anything having to do with culture fascinating. I could go on and on and on about her vibe. 


Nice episode. 

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Episode 10...wow. I cannot believe it's about to be over soon. And this episode was good and juicy. 


To think that Larsa was just background at the beginning of the season. And now her rivalry with Adriana has finally started to boil over. And Adriana did not back down. It was fun to watch. And I got chills when Larsa showed up at Guerdy's event after saying she was not going. And then it was Round 2 with the ladies stuck in the middle. Uh oh.


And then you had the feud going with Nicole and Marysol. Nicole isn't bothered though. She just does not want to be around you, Marysol.

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 I liked her pow-wow with the newbies at her house and them trying to get her to get along with Marysol, but alas. It will be nice to see where that is going.


On a whole other note...yay for seeing where Guerdy's image at the beginning of the opening came from. I was not sure if that was her husband or not. Can I get a man like that please? lol. 


Things are popping.


ALEXIA. She was a bit background this episode and last, but her Confessionals were still on point. And she would know about people arguing at a benefit. *cough*Karent*cough* You could see she was beside herself with Larsa vs Adriana. 


LISA. Oh, these scenes with her were soooooooo uncomfortable given what's playing out IRL right now. Here is Lisa with Lenny's parents and giving an update on her relationship with her Mother-In-Law. They appeared like they were in sync in the Confessional. Lenny was even smiling and laughing. But you are telling me at that time, they were seperated and he was with that model chick? I mean...WOW. He didn't at all look as checked out as he seem in the first episode or so this season. 


GUERDY. LOVE everything about her this episode. And I love how she can take something as simple as a hat, with white top, and black long skirt...simple colors...and looks sooooooooooo breathtaking (we know Kiki stays giving looks btw  ) when she went to Nicole's pow wow. I loved her benefit and supporting local artists, seeing her relations with her dad. Seeing her husband at his foine-ness for me. And yes, she had to be the good host and get those girls to focus on what's important. I don't know....perhaps it's because it's my bday week, but seeing someone doing the job they want to and loving it is making me feel some kinda way today. 


JULIA. Is that some pot stirring coming from Julia? No, no...not Jules? Reminding everyone at the pow wow that Larsa picked on Nicole having kids out of wedlock. I see you.   And it's always a joy to see Martina. And loved her ribbing her for drinking.


NICOLE. And speaking of background for the first few episodes and turning it around, look at Nicole staging that pow wow. Is she forming a new posse to rival Alexia? Time will tell...but it did give some Season 2 Old Miami vs New Miami and I did not hate it. Meanwhile, I continue to like her vs Marysol. 


LARSA. WAY TO STEP IT UP!!!! While I'm more than like Team Adriana most times, I could see Larsa's point of view. Who knows what she is and is not allowed to talk about when it comes to Kim K and her family? She has to play a little coy. But...then again...she also has to bring it. And nothing brings out the best in Adriana than a good feud. More the better when it is someone who can get feisty back. And her dropping in at the event last minute...I literally gasped before commercial. The anticipation...just because Round 1 was messy.


MARYSOL. Was giving good Confessionals.


ADRIANA. No one backs Adriana into a cover (outside of Martina). Someone might start something...or she might...but she tends to finish it. The last thing anyone wants at a benefit is the Joanna Krupa Special. I don't know if she saw Kanye West's thang, but I wouldn't be shocked either. Adriana has always been a flirt. And what did I say about feuding...cuz she and Larsa have been from jump. In the background. Now it's in the light...and I'm here for that. Everyone loves a Queen Bee vs a Wannabe...but who is who? 


Can't wait until next week. 

Yeah, I forgot about that. So you know she can do a good Erica Kane slap.


Just kidding!!! lol. 

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Great episode, because it focused on the women and their individual stories. You could kind of tell that some of the Ladies of London production team might be putting this together -- use of poppy music, snappy outdoor segue shots, small groups of the women together, or just them and their families. I didn't look once at the clock.

Sara is a star -- our bridge between the private Emirati world and the ex-pat life. Talking about her two divorces and wanting to raise Maktoum a certain way is pretty brave considering some of the rules usually imposed on Emirati women. Sara seems so strong and fearless, I love her. Maktoum is the cutest, running to open the door to Ayan with his faux-hawk haircut. That chat with Ayan was incredible. When Ayan talked about excitedly packing her suitcase when her awful father invited her to travel with him, only for her sister to say 'I heard he might be trying to marry you off, so you'd better not go' ? 14 years old!  And how her husband offered her a feeling of safety that she never felt with her dad. Did you catch Sara also mentioning that she'd been physically abused in one of her relationships? It is this kind of openness which I did not expect to see on RHODubai.

I warmed to Nina this episode, even though (or maybe because) I know she might be the strategic chess-player of the group. I air-high-fived the All My Children and Like a Virgin references -- and I am lowkey waiting for Nina to adopt a little Erica Kane, you know what I mean?  Also loved her husband talking about his work and their courtship.

Lesa bringing out the Jamaican with her cooking, attitude and accent -- flove it. Lesa, Sara and Ayan giving me so much already. I honestly thought this was going to be the Stanbury and Brooks Show, but so far these three women are the standouts. I love how close Lesa and Ayan seem to be.

Did you catch Ayan's son Taj muttering sarcastically "Sigh... Yes Queen" when Ayan told him to open her car door at Lesa's house? 

IA, we saw old Ladies of London Caroline Stanbury this week. 

Brooks is talking out of turn about the women in her VTs. She's going to feel some heat at reunion (if we get one).

Honestly, I am enjoying this show a lot more than I did SLC when it first began.


@NothinButAttitude She continues giving me life this week:


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