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EXACTLY! It's REAL and it's RELATABLE to viewers watching, and the struggles they may have been going through. I don't share the same sentiments as Robyn, as I loved being home and not leaving my house for four-months... but I completely understand how much of a struggle it is for others.

Oh, the puns in this.

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My problem is how bothered Karen [almost] immediately becomes when certain things are brought up, yet, when brought up to Gizelle, the reaction is not nearly as... bothersome. I think, for Gizelle, it hurts and from my perspective, she probably feels like if she shares how she's feeling, while clearly wanting to work on a relationship with someone she loves but shouldn't be with, and feels like if she shares it'll be used against her, specifically from Karen of all people.

Honestly, Gizelle vs. Karen has been a staple since its introduction in the first season, and it is going to be even more prominent in this current season.

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Mutually assured destruction. Both women feel if the share ANYTHNG with the other, if they allow even a moment of vulnerability to shine through the chink in their Armor, the other will run with it. Use it against them. BTW everything you wrote about Gizelle, I feel relates 100% to Karen. She is still deeply hurt by the #FreeUncleBen stuff and the Ray insinuations (why else would the Hugers be renewing their vows on national TV?).  They really are two sides of the same coin sometimes.

Totally. The Robyn/Juan stuff is the most relatable impact of Covid I have seen on the RH shows thus far. It's incredible how lockdown can do a number on your mental state without you fully realising it. And the serious problems the Dixons had in their marriage a few years back (money taken by a best friend who later committed suicide, her shutting down emotionally, his affairs) were a previous manifestation of this for Robyn. 

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I think if Gizelle and Karen sat down one day, and were both just honest with each other, they could find common ground passed the hurt. Because, like you said: they're two sides of the same coin sometimes.

Exactly. This has been a boiling point for Robyn and her mental health, and I think Juan see's this and is manifesting it in a way he only knows how (ie, mentioning how unattractive she's been by staying in bed and being unmotivated).
Is it the best way? No. But, I don't see it as malicious on Juan's behalf.

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This is sitting on my timeline and I hope it is just an unsubstantiated rumor. One reason I think it might be is... Radar Online. The other is that Bravo really makes no decision until they see how Reunion pans out and how the audience takes it.

Not sure firing Ramona solves RHONY's problems. People want Leah gone, not her.


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If this had been at the end of last season I would have been delighted. I really can't take much of Ramona's hypocrisy and BS. But this season has clearly underscored how much better the show is with veterans to anchor it so this is the wrong direction. I agree some newbies should be on chopping block instead - and the cast expanded some. But of course it is not entirely incompatible with Ramona being gone.
On the plus side, considering the nasty gloating things she was saying about Dorinda's firing before the season premiere, the karma would be delish.

I abolutely adore that frenemy relationship. But I am grateful that I hear pointed out the obvious: which is, no, Karen is not "unbothered" and it is pretty easy to "find her". I like her "I am above you" quips but they are just that.
The initial tone of the reaction of the premiere were a bit too unbalanced towards GDW (Grand Dame Worship) for me so I am happier reading the new entries in the thread this morning.

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He's not wrong.

That doesn't necessarily mean she's going anywhere, though. 

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Oh, there will likely be more GDW to come from me, just so you know! I think she's ace entertainment.  And while Karen does fall back on the 'I'm above you' quips when she is feeling threatened, she is also very good at landing an A+ read (as many a reunion has also shown). "Ejaculate. Pro Cree Ate."

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From quite a few people.  As we discussed at the end of the lasts reunion...It is not worship, but we know how La Dame is and love her for it. There is a difference between being a passionate fan and a stan. If liking someone is too much of a trigger, best to buckle up.  

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I thought you liked Ramona, Cheap!

So now they're saying the All-Stars cast is cursed! Two (allegedly) down...

Real Housewives All-Stars Photos | PEOPLE.com


Speaking of All-Stars, much as I enjoy most in this cast, the true All-Stars cast should have been: 

Nene. Kenya. Jill Zarin. Bethenny. Teresa. Caroline Manzo. LVP. Brandi.

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Good to see you like La Dame. That was not clear when we talked about it last.

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Actually YES, she did. It was addressed. Was the answer to your liking? It does not sound like it. But that is her business. But at least she is not at all continuing it as some storyline. But  to stay on point...she answered it. And it continued to be bought up past that season. Even now in Sunday's opener, it was. Does it bother her when it comes up, why yes it does. She is human. lol.

Nor should Gizelle be giving that leeway. Especially since she is continuing a fake storyline that we all saw have receipts proving as such. 


Now to repeat what I said above...and a few months ago...there are different opinions here and we like other opinions to debate with here. It has been very clear that a lot of people like La Dame, flaws and all. No one says she is perfect and part of the reason for that is she does play this Housewife game well. Given that appears to be a trigger, I did warn you that you might be in for a bumpy ride given how well liked La Dame is here. I do agree that she and Gizelle have an interesting dynamic and any of us will pop off when...and let me emphasize this EITHER...do something right (for example I do like Gizelle step up her fashion game) or wrong (example Pastor Holy Whore story continuing). If liking La Dame is going to be that clear of a trigger, I did mention months ago to be ready. 


We all have opinions. They will differ. As long as no one throws out a backhand compliment as an observation and come across with a harsh tone in their replies (PS apologies if you feel this is one since I do not want a repeat of the last time we discussed this) I hope we good. Going forward I hope for the same. 

That WHO SAID THAT gif took me all the way out. HAHAHA


But I basically said the same (but you did it so much better with what has been seen )as well since I would like to sidestep a repeat of the start of the year when we talked about this. Cuz...flaws and all is La Dame.  

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