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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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@Soaplovers I guess you're right re: Crystal, it is too early to call it. We have to see how the season pans out. Clearly she and Sutton do not get past their early contretemps. She isn't part of any friend group yet either: not really one with The Coven, nor close with Garcelle/Sutton.


We didn't hear much from Dorit this episode, do I wonder if she's going to be a little 'left by the wayside.' I did spy her throwing herself at Kathy so I'm wondering if her angle is to get in good with the House of Hilton.

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I second @Cat. I hate to admit it, but that was a pretty good episode.


Perhaps it was because I was dealing with some unexpected personal stuff, but it was the perfect escape. And yes, I said it.

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Kathy and Garcelle were a relevation this season. How funny since last season people were all over Garcelle not being there. And now that she is there, people apparently are trying to use her as a scapegoat online. Uhhhh...no, Hun. She has been refreshing as she keeps it real. Same for Kathy who has also been a strong hurricane of fresh air. Even Crystal is bringing it. There were so many elements going on. And who would have thought that was even possible with BH???


Meanwhile, the mystery with Erika (and the shade that Production continues to throw at her...geee...who did she PO?) continued. Yesterday, I posted a light bit of BH tea. And now that I've seen the scene in question....D'oh!!! Well that was stupid of her. So she might have worn a wire? In connection to Tom and at the time before his lawsuit? Things to make you go hmmmm...


GARCELLE. Let me talk about Queen Number 1. She was EVERYTHING this week again. Every style. Every words that came out of her mouth (and every bit of shade she threw). Every moment she gave. Garcelle's sitdown with Kyle. Garcelle running for the second floor with her bags to the second floor (GIF PLEASE!!!! cuz I rewinded and hollered). Garcelle vs Ex Soap Opera Star. And what makes her so awesome is the fact that she...KEEPS...IT...REAL. She stays completely transparent to the audience as she stands in her truth. It seems clear to me that again...forewarned (thank you, Ex Soap Opera Star) has meant forearmed and Garcelle is playing this game extremely well. Gathering the ladies together (and keeping that heel on Ex Soap Opera Star's neck) while also educating the world about micro aggressions and why that is wrong. And she is on the right page given how online people have been triggered by her sitdown with Kyle just as much as they were with Crystal vs Sutton. Who's boring now?


KYLE. Wow. She was actually LISTENING. It was the running joke last season how she always interrupts others when they are trying to make a point and making it about her. So it was nice to see her sit there and listen. And getting her point across even if she was wrong at the time. And just in case she wanted to sniped Garcelle from the side...Garcelle had her abili (charity went looking for her at the wrong address) ready. Bobby Fischer who? So...Garcelle 1, Kyle 0. 


DORIT. She was not there really EXCEPT for the humor. And nothing wrong with comic relief. And I look forward to next week with her and Kathy. That clip I posted was hilarious.


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. And in that moment...she lost another friend. Garcelle might have been on the fence and been won over. But after last night in Ex Soap Opera Star's bedroom, no wonder Garcelle STILL has not followed her again versus following Kyle again. And I still see she is obsessed with Denise as well. Yeah...NO.


CRYSTAL. Hmmmmm...I'm intrigued. RIch husband. Interesting family and maid. Brother who is a pop star on the other side of the world. But...she's hints at a little more. A snob. Is she just being shady to be shady or because she thinks she's above everyone? Time will tell. But there is another thing she hints at...being a bitca. I liked the directness she had with Sutton. I agree with what someone else said online when she said she seem to sense Sutton was about to put her foot in her mouth and tried to save her actually, but alas...lol. She has the potential to be the new ice bitca since the old one is on her way out...hopefully. Speaking of...



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Why throw that into the conversation game and not answer. You do know that the FBI would see this. And Production could potentially shade you to the point that you should not be on there at all. Because from where I'm sitting, Production is throwing her under the bus...and I'm here for that. Moreso because she is making it worse. And don't think I didn't see her looking down at that telephone moment. The plot thickens...


SUTTON. Benefit of the doubt. Why? Personally I felt that what she 'was not going to do' was having Kyle and Crystal talk bad about Garcelle. Sadly, she was drunk and definitely could not use her words right. Something that Crystal also caught on to. Sadly, Sutton did have a moment when she should have shut up. Since her and Garcelle are good friends OFF CAMERA, I am more likely to believe that is what she was doing. Moreso since Garcelle and Sutton even now are still talking and close and if there is one thing Garcelle does not do is being with bs. Also Sutton apparently released a statement online that is sincere vs when other people get caught in their words and double down *cough*kellydodd*cough* Now once I see ALL of the conversation, I might feel differently, but until then, this is my stance.


KATHY. And now we end with Queen Number 2. And WOW!!!! She is definitely related to Kim. LOL!!! That said, Kathy has been kooky fun and I am here for kooky fun money!!!! And who didn't like at her not getting the game right...or the now running joke of her mistaking Garcelle for Kyle. And next week...darrrrrrn that girl can drink, shutting Erika all the way up. LOVE.


I hate to admit, but...I like this dynamic. Right now, everyone no matter how small is bringing something. And...the wealth is back. As are the secrets...


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A "I don't see color" kind of girl is someone who thinks that being non-racist means pretending races are not a factor in our society and the real problem is people of color talking about racism. Under the guise of "loving everyone" and "I am so not racist because I treat everyone the same" it is denying the very real experience of PoC who, whether they want it or not, HAVE to live race every day of their lives because PoC are not treated the same as anyone who reads a book or a newspaper should know by now.
The whole idea that Sutton suffers from the Southern redneck stereotype the same way a black woman suffers from racism and that Sutton's "overcoming" of that stereotype should be a model for how Crystal and Garcelle should rise above the real racial issues of our country is... special. It is the anti-anti-racism mindset and I am so happy that Crystal is not there for it.
Racism is more than simply overtly hating other races. And PoC know because they live it and they do not and should not have any patience with white people who belittle and deny their experience in order to assuage their guilty conscience.

Reading the comments on YouTube and forums make me want to bang my head against the wall because there are plenty of white people out there like Sutton who THINK they know, will argue endlessly against PoC that they somehow know better about racism and who choose to get defensive over listening and learning.
We all live in a horribly racist society with centuries of social, political, economic and culture baggage that won't go away in a day. The difference is between the white people who want to do better and those who want to pretend there is no problem because having to recognize error, making the effort to change behavior and listening to others is more effort they are willing to invest in something that doesn't impact their own lives. So they deny it is even a problem and get pissy when being called out.

Sutton, at least in that moment, was *that girl*. It doesn't mean she is hopeless and can't learn - she seems more open than others and she was drunk for sure - but that's what Crystal was calling out.

Edited by FrenchBug82
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Ohhhh, that was not a good look for Sutton but Im glad she apologized for it. I dont want to dislike her so I hope she's not as bad next episode


Garcelle IS the new queen of BH. Goodbye Kyle! Garcelle has slipped into that LVP role effortlessly and this season, she came to work. She commands every scene she is in and challenges the status quo. The Mean Girl tactics do not work with her around. Kyle has definitely met her match


Crystal can tell us all about her husband's accomplishments but what has she done? She needs to show and tells us more about herself. Oh and she totally lied. She was an escort and thats how she met her husband


Kathy is fun! I love how down to earth she is despite having the most money. Thank you for giving us that Doogie nickname. Im gonna call Kyle Dookey bc it sounds like sh-t


Erika...Bravo is so shady to play her Its Expensive to be Me song during her segment. The feds are watching. Production hates her


Dorit....forgot she was even in this episode


I cant stand Rinna and love that Garcelle kept it real with her. She's a fake ass bitch that cant be trusted.

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Leah really showed her ass this week and has demonstrated how contrived she is. That vow of silence? Please. She was gasping for attention.


I enjoyed Lu and Garth, Ramona and her bartender and the shots, and the return of Heather...these women are so effortless. They've gotten several episodes out of a couple of days of filming. Other casts spend months to do the same. 


I am enjoying Eboni and I really like how she had Sonja's back when she needed it.


I do worry a bit about Sonja. She needs a Suze Orman type person to really sort out her financial situation because it feels like Sonja could be living with so many less worries. The anxiety she exhibits is off the charts. 




I loved this season. It was near perfect with the right mix of comedy and petty drama, but nothing too ugly.


I didn't like the way Teresa minimized sexual harassment and the stories that Margaret and Jackie shared. Teresa is a neanderthal of course and has never worked an honest day in her life, so this is no surprise. 


Jennifer's 'you started the rumour' from the first half of the reunion really fizzled out, didn't it? 


I hope this whole cast returns with an extra addition or two. 


As an aside, Terea, you in danger, girl. This Luis guy gives me red flags. He loves the camera. I see trouble. 




I don't like Crystal. I'm not observing a sweet person at all. In my view, she's a shark and has a real mean streak in her and is an incredible snob, which is really something when you figure she's from Northridge, which is deep Valley. 


Sutton made a total ass of herself. The apology she's posted does seem sincere and that she understands where she f*cked up.


Dorit was just there, though I find her amusing. 


Erotica Lame is being edited very oddly. It's clear someone in production is over her. But the comment about wearing a wire...is that a red herring or is this part of her narrative that she is going to receive immunity from prosecution for cooperating into the investigation into Tom?! 


Kyle knows that the audience is not with her when it comes to Garcelle and she openly admitted that she only talked about the whole charity donation nonsense as a way to hurt Garcelle, so there's no pretence at all that it was about the charity. 


Garcelle is the star of the show and I am loving her going hard on Rinna and not letting up. 


Kathy Hilton is a nutcase who seems bemused at the general circus around her, and she knows she's socially lightyears ahead of all these women, but I love watching her. That scene with Kathy's fan and Kyle plugging it in? Chilling. Kathy looms large over Kyle. 

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@FrenchBug82 Thank you for your explanation. That whole scene felt fragmented, like it had been edited too sharply. I had a hard time figuring out the through-line and where it went left. One minute Kyle was talking about her and Garcelle's lunch, then Crystal started to say something and Sutton came out of nowhere, like "What we're not going to do is talk about race", and Crystal said "Tell me you're that girl" and then Sutton got super defensive, and I thought 'Wait, what just happened here?'


Obviously Sutton was in the wrong. I imagine she may have been at a point circa late-Oct 2020 where she was still not fully processing what it means to be a PoC and at the knee-jerk defensive stage. Up until last year, many people (and I was probably guilty of that) insulated themselves from that reality. As Garcelle pointed out early in the episode, Beverly Hills is a bubble. Given their closeness, I am hopeful that Garcelle has opened Sutton's eyes and to not just fall back on 'oh, let's not bring color into it.'


@DaytimeFan I think Sonja must have pre-spent some of the Century 21 money she thought she was going to get. When they went bust, I imagine her debt load got noticeably heavier and she was forced to camp out in her townhouse. Suze Orme would be a great idea! If Sonja would listen, be honest about the Nigerian football team not existing as an asset, and give herself over completely to Suze's advice, I think it would take a load of stress from her shoulders. When Sonja has lost the energy to fix up her hair nicely, you know she is going through some internal turmoil.


I feel the same way as you about Teresa's Louie -- baby Brooks Ayers! Andy is ridiculously encouraging of this came-from-nowhere relationship, as if it somehow 'saved' Teresa, but I notice Joe & Melissa appear to have slightly cooled on him. 


Kyle purposely sat on the Garcelle info until reunion, and she knew G had moved because it was documented on the show, which was why she was 'unreachable'. It was very obviously a set-up and Kyle would never have done such a thing to Dorit, Erika, Rinna, etc. She would have had no excuse for not contacting them. That faux-shocked wide-eyed look she gave Garcelle at the lunch made me criiiinge. It's the same face-pulling as when she pretended not to know that Kim had brought the bunny to S7 reunion.

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Sutton's statement:




And looks like Ramona is hosting her own, unofficial, mini-Real Housewives All-Stars, only with some less popular HWs. And Evan!


I don't know if Kelly Dodd got some work done, but if she did, it must have been by the same guy who did Kimberly Guilfoyle and MelaniaBot.







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Please watch these ridiculous interviews!


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Lisa Rinna is insane to me. She said that after their episode one sit down she thought her issues with Garcelle were resolved. She said Garcelle talks behind her back all season and didn’t tell her they had an issue. Did y’all not see episode 2?! She’s lying! She even said in her confessional that she was happy Garcelle was honest with her!


Then Dorit says that she gets into it with Garcelle and that Garcelle is the fakest person in the cast. What?! I feel like these girls must be banding together to come against her because it doesn’t wash with what we’ve seen. Rinna has also been liking racist tweets saying Garcelle is pulling the race card. I’m not liking what I’m seeing. My eyes will be on Rinna and Dorit this season! 




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The insecurity is real! They're mad because Garcelle is popular, has seen them for who they are, doesn't act nicey-nice with them and won't toe the party line. I see you, Dorit, trying to drum up some relevance this season. Rinna stays trolling the BH audience. If her daughter hadn't thrown herself at Disick this year, what else would she have going on?

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Jen was back in the press because she tried to do an illegal go fund me to raise $2.5 million for her legal defense. It was pulled within a day. She also got busted moving out of her rental property for filming into a more modest hike. To me fair, the new place looks fine. It’s $6000 a month and is much smaller, but I don’t understand how you can be a housewife and rent a house every year for the show. That’s just bizarre to me. Your fashions/car isn’t enough? I just don’t get it. 

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