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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Brandi is what Delores on RHONJ would describe as a 'professional victim'.


Tiffany and Dee's interaction shows another side to Dee....a human side.  As I've said before...Dee wishes Tiffany was her daughter.


Kary is emotionally stunted due to being a child of an alcoholic.  Her daughter last week said her mom is all emotion..no logic.


Kam and Court are the odd couple that works.  


D'andra and her hubby do seem to enjoy one another.

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This is truly insane as it unfolds! I remember some of her assistants had their faces blurred out. Now I'm wondering if those were the people working undercover. It seems like this case was in the works LONG before she started filming and the level of fraud and steps taken to hide it are shocking. How much time do yall think she'll get? Obviously she'll take a deal. I wonder if she'll continue filming like Teresa did.




I just finished RHOD and I felt D'Andra's frustration. She called it when she broke the fourth wall with producers, she knew they'd all gang up on her for the tame comments about Brandi's racist video. I don't understand how those women can keep defending Brandi's actions and demonizing anybody (Tiffany and D'Andra) who calls her out on it. It's *so* obvious she's pissed and not sorry about it and that these other women are just as bigoted as she is. It's like there is a complete blind spot. D'Andra said nothing wrong and they just piled on at the end of the episode. I hate we didn't get a preview to see where it goes. I hope D'Andra and Tiffany go into the reunion guns blazing. Andy too. They need to stop giving these women a pass.

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Her lifestyle made ZERO sense. Renting a half-empty ski lodge + all those people to primp her ass for hours at a time? What for? And on a football coach's salary? (And now I'm wondering what Coach Shah knew).


So, I have questions:

-Did the release of the footage a month ago give Jen Shah a clue that the Feds might be onto her? Or was she so wrapped in herself that she did not connect the dots?


-Did the Feds leak the recording? And was it to expose the way this poor designer was getting treated ? Or to F with Jen's head as they already had all the evidence they needed? God, I have SO many questions about this undercover glam squad!


The Feds were smart with this one. They knew she was vain and obsessed with her looks. I imagine a longtime RH fan within that prosecutions office suggested they go undercover as part of the glam squad.




I haven't watched yet but I am pretty sure I will share your frustration.


This was meant to be Brandi's apology-tour season, but I have yet to hear an actual apology from her. Brandi has confused contrition for (as @Soaplovers said) professional victimhood. 


Perhaps the dragging she gets on social media has obscured (in Brandi's mind) the reason why it got so bad in the first place: because she hasn't take accountability. Now she appears to have discovered her latent Chrishunanity. This sudden religious fervor is about as convincing as Tamra's. Brandi's new piety has been adopted not just to cloak her own behavior, but to target D'Andra.


The other women supporting her think they are being so clever and strategic -- they are coming across so poorly. This is why Dallas reminds me of BH sometimes. The strategic targeting of somebody in order to deflect attention from yourself.

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That random dude shouting about her car warranty tho 


Lisa Barlow Lisa Rhoslc GIF - LisaBarlow LisaRhoslc  RealHousewivesOfSaltLakeCity - Discover & Share GIFs


Speaking of Lisa Barlow... ROLL FOOTAGE! The entire day of Tuesday March 30th will HAVE to be the focus of at least one full episode of SLC. If not two!


And Whitney, Heather and Lisa were already in the van when Jen bolted. Where was Meredith? Hmmmm.


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It was a good episode. A nice balance of group face-off at the end, along with individual HW scenes that actually went somewhere. The Court-Kam scene was sweet, as was the D'Andra-Jeremy one. Best was Mama Dee and Tiffany, with Mama Dee being the nicest we have ever seen her -- dispensing empathetic and wise advice. The relationship is clearly solid and real between them.


Then we have the doom-laden scene at Brandi's, where her feral children play dangerously with kitchen furnishings while Brandi leans into her Sads Moment. Brandi is like Kyle with her need to play victim and blame someone else for the bad stuff 'inflicted' upon her.


And like Kyle, Brandi has her own Terri DiMarco bodyguard, aka Kary pushing tequila like she's looking for an endorsement deal, and jumping into an argument she knows nothing about. Meanwhile  Stephanie stays studiously quiet to allow her BFF her big Actors Studio moment. Straddling the fence as always. What on earth has Stephanie brought us this season? This episode she barely appeared except as Beavis to Brandi's Butthead.


D'Andra came in like "Bring it. What you got?" She knew Brandi was setting her up.

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Thiis bittttca!!!!!!


But first...let me just said everyone (but that chuckyhead)'s TH was really on point. And Stephanie would look great with a gothic look. And even Kary looked like a Boss B in that white suit. Niiice.


That said...Team LeeAndra. Brandi must have watched the BH reunion and thought she could use the gaslighting manuver that Ex Soap Star tried to use on Denise Richards. No, trick!! No!!!


Kudos to LeeAndra seeing what was going on and breaking that fourth wall to the producers and venting off about that. She probably even had flashbacks of how everyone ganged up on LeeAnne as she went off. As someone who glanced at the article in question, I know it was not even about LeeAndra trying to trash Brandi as the article was simply asking if they would sweep what she did under the rug. Nothing more. Nothing less. 


Other than that, I thought it was a good episode. Mildly dull at times, but good. I really wished they had not taken the week off. It has killed the momentum. And now the only arc I see...and it's not even really an arc...is pathetic Brandi making herself look worse and worse in her pathetic attempts to stay relevant as a Candiace Lite. Now unless LeeAndra exposes her soon or she has a really bad comuppance on scene this is a waste of time. 


TIFFANY. I loved her scenes with her mother and Mama Dee. Two different mothers. Two different prespective. After playing it cool the last time she showed up, confusing Tiffany, Tiffany's mother seem to be taking little digs. Or was it just in Tiffany's mind. I mean...it is possible for our parents to mellow with age. I know when I was younger I wanted a tattoo and my parents were no, no, no. Then I come home for college and my parents were all about tattoos. I was like rme. lol. I loved Mama Dee's advice and thought that whole scene was great. But Tiffany's family scenes are endlessly fascinating to me.


KAMERON. Awwwww Court. I loved that whole little story. The family that trick each other into dream houses...stay together. But I think he's cute anyway. 


KARY. Brandi has a watchdog. She's named Stephanie. There was no need for her to get in the middle of Candiace...I mean Victim Brandi vs LeeAndra. 


STEPHANIE. Not much there but a great confessional.


BRANDI. That whole scene with her 'checking her emails' was complete and utter SET-UP. We see how setting up things is working out for Jen Shah, so Brandi really needs to quit. Seriously, she's been doing this for episodes now. She continues to try to find a way to deflect for the real reason she has been attacked in the first place...BRANDI, YOU'RE A SUCKY PERSON!!!! No matter how you try to put the blame for your video on a POC, act born again when you are known to run around with dildos, poof, and wigs in your crotch, or fake cry with no real tears, no one with any intelligence will fall for that.


LEEANDRA. She played it smart. She walked in there just like she said, expecting a setup. And she was right. I loved her paying Brandi dust...and then letting Brandi hang herself by mentioning the article. Then Kary tried to attack her and she deflated that with an apology...and then Brandi still tried to attack her. And she calmly called her out. So...Point 1 for her as we go into a TO BE CONTINUED. And I stay liking how Jeremy flirts with her so shamelessly. 


Good episode but I am tired of Candiace...I mean Brandi. 

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Teresa is damn near 50; she dont need her little brother to defend her to another woman. Huh? She can dish it but cant take it. She went to jail and at this point its a lazy read. She should be ready for it as it shouldnt be something that catches her off guard to the point that she is losing it. She should have owned it, stayed confident and thrown it back in Jackie's face. I dont think she was even that upset but she harped on it to play the victim and use this as an excuse to further hate Jackie

Jackie...weak ass bitch. She said she wasnt going to cry last episode yet has a breakdown. I cant with all that crying. Girl get a grip. She said they were giving the rumor legs but she has talked about it repeatedly and threw a whole new party where she continued to bring it up. She's milking this for a storyline and also playing the victim

I love Jennifer. She has turned into my favorite housewife and I root for her against Marge whom is irritating me.

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Moulin Rouge dungeon theme?


Porsha and Cynthia (of course) look amazing. Kenya is almost there, except for that sheer netting digging into her shoulder.


I never realised Drew was short? The dress is ok but looks like Prom.


I am sure Kandi will get the least likes for her outfit, but you know what? She went all-in on the theme and looks the Moulin Rouge part. She is basically the Ringmaster/Ringmistress.


ETA: More reunion looks. Shamea literally IS Diana Ross.



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