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@NothinButAttitude well the working rumor is that BTS the producers are working their hardest to make that return happen for S14...especially since she has potential in RL for story again. So we'll see.

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I also agree with Latoya. It might have taken some time, but she fits in nicely now versus how much of a tryhard she was at the start of the season. 

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So here we are AT LAST!!!! Since the start of the season, one of the main arcs was the wedding of Chill. In Cynthia was not at all being shown in a good light. She was being a Mean Bridezilla. She was called out on it, too. Thankfully somewhere along the way, she went back to being nice Cynthia. And what we got was a nice (if flawed in a pandemic) wedding, complete with CAMEOS (Eva the Diva! Gizzard...I mean Gizelle, La Dame Grande, Claudia 'Team Pretty Dragger of Nene' Jordan, AND SheByMFingSheree)!!! There were worries how the wedding would be shown or even at all since Bravo didn't record it. But...Cynthia's videos did great. 


Meanwhile, the other arc Bologate continued. Tanya was G-O-N-E (and shaded. BLOOP!!!), but Porsha was still there. And that continued to be messy. Not helped by Latoya's pot-stirring. 


I enjoyed it all the same. A shift was promised and it definitely has gotten much more interesting now that we were past Strippergate--The Inciting Incident. The fallout was leaving to mess. And where it would go was going to be interesting. 


CYNTHIA. Well, she got it! She got her wedding on the show. And it was beautiful. And I have to say while it was flawed of her to do so, she at least owned it IMHO. Let Wendy Williams be butt hurt if she has to be, Cynthia still got what she wanted. And Mike's vows (and their flashback) was beautiful.


KANDI. Uh oh. It's not a good place to be in the middle. And this Kenya vs Porsha feud is where she's heading. Well, it's good to see tension in her friendship with Kenya. And while I get what she was trying to say to Kenya, well, Kenya had a point as well. But...battle lines are being drawn...so...


KENYA. So is Kenya the player or is she finally being played? There she was getting revenge on Tanya by Bolo, but then you have Latoya telling all her business to current enemies Porsha and Drew. And major props to them that they had Kenya's back. Surprisingly, not a lot of her. 


DREW. I will give credit where it is due. 'Very 1+1. Now if you can't add, bitca, that's on you.' OOoooo...she dragged Latoya. No question. But given how good they can be when they get along and how much they can be messy when not...Drew vs Latoya really and truly has some legs. And it would be the way to go. Drew has been given something other than her thirsty husband and I'm here for it this week at least.


PORSHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA at her being sure she looked good at the wedding knowing Dennis would be there. But she needs to just leave that hot dog alone and keep giving herself some more sausage. I cannot begin to talk about how annoying it is when someone you like gives you mixed signals. And that single AF was just that. Hot Dog can go.

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I liked that she was trying her best to have fun with Drew, Latoya, Marlo, and Shamea, but she is really showing how bothered she is by all the drama with Kenya. 


People are calling this a filler episode. But I thought it was a great episode as we see all the alliances shift. 


And then next week we have Latoya vs Falynn. Latoya vs Kenya. She is working overtime to make things happen. And she even has an off-air feud with ShebySheree. Hint, hint...


Agree. I kinda want to see if she lands on her feet by the end of this season given all the feuds Latoya is involved in. And I bet she would give as much in a 2nd season as much as Kenya did in Season 6...Pillow Talk anyone?  


OOoooo...so Mia is checking people from 'GO!' in POTOMAC? Well, good. 


And I see Sutton might have come from Erika, too, on BH???


Looks like this is the year of the juicy feud.



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Cynthia is the most beautiful housewife. I am happy for her and I like her presence on the show.

Drew is not a very good actress, she thinks that the reality business is easier than it really is. Her marriage drama seems so fake and bad acted. She didn't even pretend that she is trying to cover them up for the show. Her early scenes belonged to a couples therapy reality show. Her reads seem rehearsed and it is so obvious in every scene that she sees RH as a job. 
Latoya has a Basketball Wives quality to her. I don't like Youtubers on TV because they think that being loud and acting like a clown is all it takes. However I don't mind her presence on the show for now. 

I always root for Kenya, even when I know that she is wrong. I have the same problem with Ramona. 


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Latoya needs to be a 1 season blunder. She isnt playing this well and has no allies. She was stupid to disrespect Kandi and turn on Kenya. She showed her ass to Drew and Falynn and Porsha peeps her game and doesnt trust her and neither does Marlo. Latoya is annoying, tries too damn hard and isnt likeable in anyway. I dont like Drew but Drew eviscerated her this past episode. Latoya cant even handle her lame ass. Latoya is a FAIL! She is a better fit for Love and Hip Hop

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+1.  Latoya doesn't work for me. She's too much of a tryhard and it's always written on her face.  Since there will ultimately be a comparison made, I'm not a super fan of Drew but she's a better fit as a housewife for sure. 


Latoya reminds me of Kim G of S2 New Jersey. Playing both sides and ending up burning both ends. One & done. 

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I also totally agree with this.  Latoya is not likable at all and way too obvious.


I think it differs because many people thought Kenya was likable and something we hadn't seen before.  She wasn't obvious or a copycat.  Most of the people that loved Kenya then still love her today.

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Mama Dee's bombshell (started by an innocent question from Jen) was...the kinda of messy that we wanted. And coming off of Brandi (who I had empathy to for a second due to the above video) trying to start drama with her and getting checked in confessional, LeeAndra had a full drunk meltdown. And it was juicy!!! Especially since it was yet ANOTHER layer to the LeeAndra's family drama that has been a nice juicy subplot so far this season. Making it more juicy was the fact that Kameron had also heard stories going around having to do with LeeAndra and the last name Simmons.


And I would like to say that it was muchado about nothing with TWO group parties. But...I liked them both for what they were. The girls could not get behind new age stuff with LeeAndra without picking on it in their THs...not that their faces did not betray they didn't like it. And then there was the party Kary did for TIffany and that was hilarious...highlight being Kameron talking to the snake like it was one of her pets while the other ladies got drunk, drunk, MESSY drunk. I hollered.


In-between all of that were individual scenes, but Tiffany's was easily my favorites. If it was not for the last half of the episode I would call it filler, but in a way, if it was not for the first party, I don't think we would have gotten the drama at the second. So nicely paced.


BRANDI. I feel sorry that that video of her husband surfaced. But I loathe cheating. But any attempt for sympathy with that she destroyed by wanting to have out-of-nowhere drama with LeeAndra. And that would nice if it came from someone who had the moral high ground, not someone who likes to chase people with dildos, wear s^&* hats, and make fun of other races. LeeAndra rightly called her out while at the same time not completely rising to the bait. Girl, you got bigger fish to fry.


STEPHANIE. I can't remember a thing.

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KARY. She was actually pretty decent tonight. Color me shocked. And I appreciated that it appeared like her friendship with Tiffany was growing. And she threw the party. 


KAMERON. Mostly comedy relief other than the little bit of tea she gave about LeeAndra. 


TIFFANY. Awwww...her husband brought her to the birthday party. And I loved her talking with him about reducing her hours. And I loved Drunk TIffany (wait! did she just hump Brandi?). And I stay being fascinated by her and Mama Dee's relationship. She really is like LeeAndra's second sister/Dee's second daughter. I was sad they seem to cut out her scene with the light wings. My inner raver speaking. 


LEEANDRA. OH...MY...GOD!!! I don't know where to start. I know we have mentioned this before and I'll do it again...LeeAndra is just what soap opera heroines are made of. She is so flawed and at the same time so fascinating to watch. I said about RHOA how was Kenya the one who is the player or is she getting played. I cannot help, but wondered if LeeAndra is the same as well. I've also mentioned that she has been transparent so far this season, but Mama Dee's Bombshell...well not that there have not been hints...but the bombshell (and Kameron's commentary) really call that into question. LeeAndra has always cared about appearance and image. It was part of what her conflict with LeeAnne was since it was clearly she was the sidekick coming into the show to LeeAnne's Queen B. And LeeAnne wore that crown like she was Charlie Thezon's wicked Queen from the HUNTMAN movies. LeeAndra was more Mean Girl Queen. In any case, it all tracks with what Mama Dee said. Soo of course, LeeAndra...drunk as she was...melted right onnnnn down. That JEN was the one who asked what appeared to be such an innocent question was the icing on the cake. Maybe now we will get some more Jen. 


Fingers crossed that this is the calm before the storm....

LOL. Yeah fans might have liked Kenya...but the girls...not so much. At least...not at first.


And yeah I know some here STILL don't like Kenya.

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OMG, I cannot wait to watch this! Even with all the criticism of Dallas I have at the moment regarding Brandi's inclusion and Tiffany forced to be the apologist for her behavior, I am weirdly compelled to watch the show? I actually enjoy it. I appreciate that Tiffany is such a bright light and bringing racism and microaggressions to light. I appreciate that she is exposing the other women. Honestly, Brandi and Stephanie (the package deal/lynchpin friendship Bravo pinned their hopes on) could be cut from the show after this episode and I wouldn't miss 'em. That's right. I'm ready for Stephanie to leave before Kary. Kary and Kameron can stay for now.


The problem is that Dallas's ratings are not great and honestly, I think it might be on life support this season. I think that's a shame but I know I am largely alone in the RH viewership regarding that.


First of all, that footage of BRYAN! This explains why Brandi got the hell out, hid behind some baloney religiosity and doesn't want to attend reunion! Was that footage featured on the episode? We been knew. The red-headed babies who look exactly like Brooklyn and Brinkley... lorrrrrrd. 


Secondly, I cannot wait for Mama Dee and LeeAndra's soapy face-off. You know I have been a fan of these two for a while. I really think they bring a lot of old-fashioned soapy goodness to the franchise.


OK, I will watch later and post my thoughts. I also have to catch up on ATL! I want to see LaToya turn! Like @Antoyne I am one of those people who does not like Kenya. She is a polarizing figure -- the 'bad girl' on the show who says she just wants to be accepted and loved and all that. That sounds like a soap archetype, lol. And then she can't get out of her own way, or she goes after someone hardcore in order to bring them down so she can build herself up... I admit, her very presence brings the drama.

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That's the juicy thing about the Bryan footage. It WAS NOT in the episode, but it was dropped on an IG account as the episode was airing. So...the plot there thickens. And it appears that was from 2018. So...why pop up now? 


I definitely cannot wait for your thoughts on Mama Dee and LeeAndra.

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Dallas was on fire last night - probably their best episode this season.  The Mama Dee/D'Andra feud at the end was VERY telling of their relationship throughout the years.  I have a feeling this is how D'Andra would lash out (while drunk or on drugs) and it hardened Dee over the years.  I don't blame her for being a tough mother, but I also understand how hurt D'Andra gets.  It's definitely soapy though!


I will always stan Kameron - she just makes me laugh every episode.  I'd react the same way she did with the shaman.  


I still love Stephanie and I think she's the sweetest housewife of all franchises (with Cynthia a close second).  Last week's episode where she sat down with Kary's daughter was very touching.


The thing with Brandi is that I know SO many girls from Texas that are the same.  This is real life and real personalities, so I think it's important to have it played out on this show to give other girls (and guys) the chance to do some inner reflection and educate themselves on passive racism or microaggressions.  It may be a little uncomfortable to watch, but it's important.  

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