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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Christine is good TV in the sense that she's loathsome, at least on Bling Empire. That particular season would have been much better off with her than Carlton and/or Joyce (although I don't think Joyce got a fair shake)...BH has such a weird dynamic - even back then - I don't know how well Christine would have fared with the likes of Erotica Lame, Teddi, Rinna etc.

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I think Latoya said it best at dinner...this is about to go left.


And left it went this Sunday. It's clear that rather than show the scenes they showed in flashback in order to get major impact (because this version of the Marlo vs Kenya would hit different if we saw in the previous 8 episodes how Marlo was talking behind Kenya's back to Latoya vs flashback), the producers are just going to milk Strippergate for all that it is worth. 


I definitely found a lot to laugh about this time around. It was fun watching the Aunties go out of their way to NOT be Aunties as they hanged with the Nieces. And it was all a good vibe. We even got Kenya apologizing after a proper dragging from Kandi. However, Drew took a page from RHOP S2/3 Ashley and subtly stirred the pot between Porsha and Kenya and that was just a mess.


I think it's a shame that it does look like little things are what is leading to Porsha vs Kenya. Lauren's disinvite (and Cynthia hold off for weeks unseen). Drew mentioning the private jet. Porsha mentioning Latoya, Kenya, and Drew's wig. Now Drew picking on how the bipolar dynamic. 


I loved the scene with the Breonna Taylor verdict. That was so real. And I had tears as well as Porsha. There was just so much depth in that scene. And it was perfect for what flow we have gotten with the season so far.


KENYA. I love that she apologized somewhat. And realizing that she was not in the right headspace, she let Kandi and Latoya take over the trip. I could see why she would not be upfront with the ladies. Why would she? The majority do not like her. But she should have told Cynthia and Kandi about being stressed. And she deserved every bit of that dragging she got from Kandi. She even tried to move forward after apologizing and have fun. But...alas...


KANDI. I saw the Kandi v Kenya and went DRAG HER, KANDI!!!! It needed to be said. And Kandi is good at getting it ALL off her chest. And I don't like a one-sided friendship and I have felt for a while that these two don't have that. Just like she did last season in Greece, she held Kenya accountable. And even at the dinner, she stayed doing that. Because clearly this situation with Brooklyn was just a case of miscommunication and now it's just messy drama. But the looks Kandi was giving all night were telling.


CYNTHIA. I laughed at her bagging up food for Mike. And nice she was being a mediator just like Kandi at the dinner.


DREW. I see you, girl.

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 I understood what she meant by the weird dynamic. But that's why you stand back and observe a little bit in your first season. So now I am wondering if she is just trying to keep that peach secure by starting subtle mess. As payback for Latoya and Kenya talking about that wig. I do like she was upfront at the dinner with all this so I can't say she is being completely sneaky. Real woman vibes.


PORSHA. I really didn't want to see her cry. I continue to love seeing the activist side of Porsha and how she has grown. And how she has been acting since she has been out and about. And it's also nice to see Fun Porsha is still in there as well. I can see how over Kenya's antics she is. However, Porsha has some antics, too. So that dinner went left quick. If I have to pick on Porsha for anything, it's that she is so easy still to be someone else's puppet *cough*Drew*cough*  


So far...good episode and going into this new round of Kenya vs Porsha, it really is giving me shades of Monique vs Candiace in that going forward, I can see both sides of this and the factors leading up to the drama. Curious to see how I feel once the drama leading to Tanya (bye, hoe) departure starts.






So...here is some juicy gossip for ya.  It would seem that people are giving Brandi the Phaedra  side eye right now on her new baby. It would appear that maybe Brandi threw up at the dinner due to her being preggers at that point vs the crickets. And ladies online are counting back from day of birth. And it would seem that when that was filmed she would have already been preggers. And same at Kary's birthday party. So people are wondering if she knew, how she knew, who (side-eye at Stephanie) knew. Because drinking...well... All allegedly. We will see soon in the next few episodes if Brandi says she is pregger on air. 

He still is kinda fine. Have you seen him shirtless?  


Yes, I looked.






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I like Tiffany but she's doing too much crying over an issue that has nothing to do with her. As much as I dont like Kary, I support her standing her ground. You arent going to cry and use that to guilt me into apologizing to someone I dont want to. I really hope Tiffany isnt someone that uses her tears to manipulate people bc if she does, then she found the wrong group to try that with

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You're welcome @Gray Bunny. The name. Her tagline. It just fits her so well. Like I said from Episode 1...she is everything Erika Jayne WISHED she could be when she does icy. And the money to back it up. And I agree with @Soaplovers. She would make a better villain going forward. And Jen can go the S2 Camille Grammar route.


Meanwhile...that tea on Chicago!!! So He's going to try AGAIN with it? I would be down for that. Whether it is a spinoff of Tinsley and Dale or a new cast with the city vs suburbs angle. It would be cool. I agree with you and Soaplovers again. 


I agree as well. It's akin to Kenya leaving after Season 10 in a good place with her man and her baby on the way a la a happy ending to her thoroughline throughout (having a family). And we see how that turned out.


I soooo want to see the binder. And I still love Monique. But this should have been done with Gizelle at her weakest. Too much time has passed so it looks desperate. 



Well allegedly there now appears to be a reason for the dramatics from Brandi. 

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But I feel the same. When did KAMERON start to have Kary, Brandi, and Stephanie's side? Stephanie???


Yeah, at least Tiffany is trying. Tryhard or not. And I still feel her tryhard comes from a real place like you said versus SLC's Jen or RHOA Latoya.








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I agree with you. This isn't a great look for Tiffany, mainly because its so random and out of nowhere. Why cry about something which has nothing to do with you? Tiffany should not be fighting D'Andra's battles. This is between Kary and D'Andra exclusively.



You know what? I don't blame any of the Wakiles for feeling this way.  Kathy and her family were done so dirty by the Gorgas. I can sort of see why Teresa might view Kathy as unforgiveable, because a lot was said which was incredibly personal... but Joe and Melissa used the Wakiles as part of a united front against Teresa. When they saw it wasn't winning them fans, and when the show pivoted towards its current iteration, they ghosted the entire Wakile family in order to kiss Teresa's ass and stay on TV. I really enjoy Joe Gorga but this is the truth. To dump family like this after they helped you get your story across to the nation/world was hella cold.

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To this day, I still think Joe and Melissa got off easy. I really wanted the tea to spill when Danielle Staub rejoined the show....


Danielle: "Did you acknowledge your nephew....?" 

Teresa: "I wanna know who she's been tawwwking to!"


That juicy Season 2 reunion revelation that was never thoroughly dissected. Thirsty Joe & Melissa wanting Tre's fame and fortune, promising Bravo dirt, and they never got called out adequately. 



WOW, I love the 4th wall completely crumbling.  It's great they don't put up a façade any longer.  I can only wish they'd go back and re-edit and re-release Housewives shows of the early years and let us see the 4th wall footage (i.e. Kelly's Scary Island breakdown on RHONY; all the hush-hush coverups of Kim's drinking and Taylor being abused on RHOBH, etc. etc.) 

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The Gorgas totally got off easy. Melissa tried to get on the show via Danielle Staub. Then she and Joe just went direct to the Bravo producers with a show reel. It was Attack Teresa from the get-go. They broke the Gorga parents' hearts in the process. Was it even worth it? Also, I don't think Kathy's mother and Giacinto Gorga ever reconciled before they passed.



The RHOA teasers left me open mouthed. I've never seen them be this upfront on a RH show. The 4th wall-breaking teaser took me straight back to S9 RHOA -- Phaedra whispering that Kandi and Shamea had a thing, and Kandi saying that Porsha was an 'aggressive lesbian.' We'd only ever heard about it -- now we might be seeing it. 

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Well, before NJ starts...and it sounds like it...was...GOOD...(and Dolores keeps trending for some reason...hmmm)




Well...first thing first. That midseason trailer...was underwhelming...in fact it was just the first trailer with scenes moved around. From online insiders, that was done on PURPOSE. Good for us so we don't know what is coming. But I am seriously starting to wonder what they are not showing. Is it LeeAnne said chripy Mexican bad or just juicy drama good? I at least give Production credit (same with NJ as well) for keeping what ever drama coming very very well hid where I want to know what happens next.


As for this week...I loved that it got its groove back. Last week or so felt like filler. Versus the early episodes where they were easy, breezy, AND fun. With some drama. And this week was the same. Kameron with the scented Chanel iternary. Kary actually got her first LOL moment from me when she was talking about sex positions (GUUUURRL, SAME!!!!). LeeAndra and how she was slutty groupie...AND ALL THE BANDS/BAND MEMBERS SHE BEEN WITH!!! #DEAD. The walk down the hill to the breathtaking place they are staying. All of the leather LeeAndra and Tiffany had on (I know my Goth is showing). I even thought the chicken sh*t bingo was kinda funny. Of course that could not last. Which brings us to...


...LeeAndra vs Kary exploded. Grrrrr...I hate to say it, but I can see it from BOTH of their sides. I thought I would be firmly on LeeAndra's side. Uh...nope. Surprisingly, I could see Kary's point of view. HOWEVER, they both did some wrong leading up to the explosion.


And it was a pretty good cliffhanger.


BRANDI. Speaking of getting things out of the way...so it was wrong to have Captain Brandi with the girls, but Brandi has no problem with a sex doll called Captain D*ck on the trip and also said his name and had him around CHILDREN!????  

Image result for Trashy gif


STEPHANIE. I'll give her this much...she was right...if LeeAndra tried to leave...it would take her forever to pack. I laughed. Other than that, it continued to be clear why she and Brandi are friends...they are OBSESSED with poop and where poop comes from apparently (eating Travis's butt). Uh...not to be shady...but why?

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  That said she was Mean Girl # 3 (with Brandi being Gretchen Weiner and Kary being...well think she was being...Regina George) and that was no bueno. Again shades of the two-faced person already hinted at. She was clearly in Kary's corner and yet wanted to run after LeeAndra. 


KAMERON. I would have called her a Mean Girl, but...she was just being Elle Woods. And it was funny. But I don't like her and Kary getting so close that they were being Dumb and Dumber. And it was so clear that she (and Stephanie) are soooo jealous of Tiffany.


TIFFANY. Okay...Tiffany didn't need to cry and make the LeeAndra vs Kary fight about her. lol. But we all do have THAT friend. lol. That said...WOW. Tiffany was giving LOOKS. The leather dress. The shear shiny dress in her TH. She stayed looked fierce. And I was here for that. I was also here for her friendship with LeeAnne. And I was sorry to see that LeeAndra tried to sabotage any attempt of a possible Tiffany/Kary friendship.


LEEANDRA. Messy. I understood why LeeAndra started to mess with the Tiffany/Kary potential friendship. She was still hurt that Kary could apologize (I know I was shocked as well) to Tiffany for how she's been treating her and just starting over. Meanwhile, Kary couldn't even apologize for the fight they also had. And a jealous friend can be a bad friend. She should have left that alone and only vented about her frustration about Kary. And she should have talked to Kary when she was ready...which should have been sooner if she was going to keep talking and talking and talking. Because it would eventually get back to Kary. And that brings me to...


KARY. Who actually had some good moments...the sex talk, apologizing to Tiffany  BUT she should not have eavesdropped. Eventually if she suspected they were talking about her and she was not going to call LeeAndra out right then and there. Her doing it front of everyone was to make a point. And that point was that she was HBIC. And THAT has been the real problem between the two of them. They ran the real HBIC off and are fighting for her crown. LeeAndra has been doing it by being as transparent as she can be...while being a bit messy. Kary is trying to do it by being Regina George. BOTH of them are using tactics from LeeAnne's own playbook. And honestly it is not working like they would like it to. They won't resolve if they will not listen to each other. And LeeAndra is definitely not going to listen if Kary is going to be a bitca. 


A bit of tea: Jen will not be on EITHER of the cast trips. 


Good episode.




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