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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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“Monique declined to attend the cast trip and production approved her request because some of the women do not want to film with Monique.” Hmmmm. (Besides Candiace) who could that be? 

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Gizelle has been seething with jealousy about Monique for years!


Bravo/Production should have told Candiace that, per her contract, cast members DO NOT SUE each other, and that her messy, violent ass is no longer invited to Portugal. OF COURSE Monique didn't want to go on a cast trip with the thug who threw a glass at her and cut her face! I don't blame her!



It sucks because I really like Monique, Chris and their family. She was a force to be reckoned with and never let Gizelle outwit her. And now Gizelle has won -- without even lifting a finger! Because that fool-with-no-impulse-control Candiace jumped in there to make this rivalry a thing. The natural rivalry SHOULD HAVE BEEN WITH ASHLEY! You red-eyed loon.


Honestly, Candiace is going to find her ass divorced, alone and without steady employment if she continues down this road.

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Ugh, that is sad to hear. Monique has been one of my top favorites (alongside The Grande Dame) for the past couple seasons now. Great attitude, great life, fantastic hubby, children brought up right... the whole package.  No wonder those broke heifers hate her. I hope she stays

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*in my Gizelle voice*


Word on the street is Denise is the "target" this season. 




I see Kyle and Rinna already out there putting out stories in an attempt to conjure up ratings for this dullard ass upcoming season. 

And if Denise is the target, I don't blame her as her bandwagon ass was so quick to jump on the train to take down Camille and LVP. Karma is a b*tch.


Furthermore, Camille reveals that LVP tried to convince her not to go back this recent season of RHOBH. 




Camille is gonna learn to listen to LVP one of these days. I have a feeling that Camille is gonna be made a fool out of again by Bravo and Evolution. 

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Kyle looks like she's had a fair bit of work (facelift, smaller nose), which IMO was totally unnecessary as she was a very pretty and naturally youthful-looking woman. Now she looks like a brunette Erika Jayne doll! Why do they all want to copy Erika?


And then Cheap hits me with this legendaryness:


This meme is glorious! Ken growling like a pissed-off bear. You know this is going to follow Kyle around forever!


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They totally knew. D'Andra didn't buy that dress to 'support' Leeanne's business venture. She bought it to point out its flaws on national TV and humiliate her  And Kary admitted that she kept bringing up the dress at dinner because she felt Leeanne was picking on her the whole day. The smirk D'Andra pulled at the end of the meal as she left the table said it all. She and Kary planned this to set LA off.


I sympathise more with D'Andra than Leeanne usually, but that has totally flipped this episode. Dallas sometimes resembles BH in its interactions and this is a prime example. D'Andra will never be the popular girl, and it kills her. Like Kyle, she is in the shadow of somebody else (her mother, Leeanne) and she cannot measure up to their fire, passion and audience support. It makes her feel like the ridiculed chubby kid in middle school all over again. It's sad. Especially because last episode D'Andra was desperate for Leeanne to not just notice her but take care of her. I feel like she wants Leanne to be the mother she never really got... and by the same token, she deflects a lot of the rage and jealousy she feels for Mama Dee onto Leeanne.


Kary is awful because she was not just enabling D'Andra's plan, she was fully behind it. No one likes a bully's sidekick, Kary! If Leeanne and D'Andra reconcile (which I doubt), Kary will be left out on the cold. And she knows it.


On the upside: Leeanne looks crazy gorgeous without a speck of makeup on. Brandi is a voice of reason! Stephanie: "People-pleasing 101, people." And Kameron is the gift that keeps on giving. Humor, wardrobe, VTs, everything. 


I am waiting to watch next week's episode to make my mind up about Leeanne's 'Mexican' comments... they are disgusting but I don't know if Leeanne has a thing against Mexicans like Trump does, or whether she just despises Kary. And is unable to articulate the real reason she hates her. So she falls back on this old racist trope without even realizing how disappointing it is to hear here go that route.

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Hmmmm, interesting. I had forgotten about that. But IMO:


1. nobody wants to wave that loaded gun around and look like the bad guy (remember Kyle, S1 finale, or Rinna with Dorit, S7). Also Erika on WWH a few years back appeared to be lit. So she won't say anything because she's, like, a super cool rebel who totally gets Denise, lol.


2. The Denise incident occurred on Andy's watch. Kathy Griffin once said that she did coke with him before a show. I don't think the network will want anything like that being brought up again.


3. This is BH. Why let some juicy shenanigans get in the way of petty fake fights about Denise working long hours at B&B, adoptive pets and underwear?

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Lmao @Cat you are so right about Beverly Hills always choosing the most trivial things to get up in arms about. Rumor has it that Sutton and Erika are feuding. Don't even wanna guess what that's about. 


In other news, Camille, Shannon Beador and KIM RICHARDS went to a gala for Vanderpump Dogs. I found Kim's inclusion to be surprising. Sadly I don't think it was filmed. Poor Kim better hope Kyle doesn't choke her out for going lol. 

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Lol, I am liking Sutton already!


I am rewatching S7 BH at the moment (it's actually better than I thought on first viewing), and LVP defended Kim when Rinna went after her about her arrest and being 'close to death'. Now obviously LVP had major beef with Rinna, but so does Kim who is probably tired of Rinna dragging her every season when she's not around. And Kyle letting it happen. So there is a common enemy there.


Interesting that Shannon Beador was at the VPD event! Shame they didn't film it. Much as the HWs hate to admit it, the shadow of LVP is looming VERY large over S10 BH. 

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Finally caught up with ATL. Bravo should be sued for false advertising! They gave the impression we would see the Nene/Cynthia interaction on the float, but then they ended the episode at that exact moment from the teaser!


I must say, it made me giggle seeing RHOP Gizelle on the float look up longingly at the ATL and NYC HWs on the upper tier.


Nene has not changed. Spiritual journey? It is still the same complaining, the same passing-the-buck. It is always somebody else's fault, she is always the victim. To paraphrase Kandi from back in the day, her attitude remains as stank as it was back in S5, after the Apprentice fame went to her head.

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