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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Rinna is embarrassing herself. She must have seen an early edit of an episode and doesn't like that LVP isn't going to get slaughtered like she thought. 


Honestly, how do you any of these women think this season is going to be anything other than mildly sympathetic? Her brother committed suicide. This isn't comparable to Eileen's situation at all because long illnesses were involved. It was expected. This isn't comparable to Adrienne who just bailed on the reunion for no reason at all. 


The only thing this is comparable to is Taylor's husband Russell committing suicide. And guess what? That event was handled sensitively and sympathetically to Taylor. That's the only way such an awful thing can be handled without disgusting the audience. 

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It's too dark for one. Each season is Rinna exploiting people's weaknesses (LVP's brother's death, Kim's drug addiction, Yolanda Lyme Disease) for her own narrative. It is sickening. I low-key wish Kim would just come back and expose the secret revolving Harry just to give Rinna a taste of her own medicine. 

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Notwithstanding the fact that I enjoyed the WWHL episode as a great piece of promotion -- Rinna needs to STFU. She, Kyle and Teddi are feeling themselves so hard, but Rinna in particular is insufferably smug about having 'beaten' Vanderpump.


Rinna won't rest until her target is off the show. It only took one season to see off Kim and Yolanda, but LVP has been harder to dislodge, and consequently Rinna's obsession has grown with exposing LVP to the world. I don't think she gets that most viewers actually have a pretty accurate picture of LVP, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and they don't really care. Because it's just a TV show.


What's interesting to me (if we assume that this is LVP's last season on RHOBH) is who will be Rinna's next target? IMO, it's a toss up between Kyle and Dorit. I don't think anybody truly likes or trusts Dorit further than they can throw her. However, for some reason, I feel like Rinna will go after Kyle first. I wish somebody would get Rinna in their crosshairs TBH. 


NBA, I had not realised the extent to which she targets somebody in a vulnerable state but yes, you are right. She uses peoples addictions or weaknesses against them. I think that's why I can never enjoy Rinna's laughing, loud jokes or her pot-stirring -- because there is something quite spiteful underlining all that.

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It is. It’s just weird now. 


But there may be another reason for all this sniping: LVP’s new Vanderpump Cocktail Garden in Las Vegas is hiring. One of the stipulations of hiring is that all employees must be comfortable being filmed during their day to day work and be comfortable interacting with celebrities.


Could it be that LVP is getting another show on Bravo and that the other housewives (ahem, Vile Kyle) are furious that she’s, yet again, getting more exposure? 

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Rinna seems to have a one track mind with things.  When she first joined, her and Kim were in a good place until Kim's strange behavior in the limo.  I admit being on Rinna's side at first, but she was like a dog with a chew toy.  Even though Kim has a lot of negative traits, I also felt bad for her because Rinna was relentless on her.  And Kim was correct by saying that without her, where is her story.


We saw last season, Rinna was more low key and doing things in her day to day life.. regaining some of the favor that she'd lost.. but it looks like any favor regained is being lost quickly.


We also know that Vanderpump can be shady and passive aggressive.. but isn't that the main traits of being a full time housewife for more than a season?  I do hope if Vanderpump does leave that Rinna goes after Kyle cause that witch needs to be raked over the coals.

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I kind of wish LVP had gone to Andy's baby shower. I know why she didn't, given who was hosting, but I hate that this has stopped her from going to Bravo engagements and having a good time. She's a stronger woman than me, because I would have had serious FOMO. I feel like if she had gone, the other ladies wouldn't have this stick to beat her with. Nene would never have claimed that cockamamy story about having the idea for Pump because she's too cowardly to confront her face to face. Anyway, it seems like LVP is happily done with the HWs and ready to move on.

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I never even knew he was hugely identified as having a swastika. 


Well anti-Semitism and Nazi support seems to be "in" more than ever these days, so I guess Harry was just being down with the kids. *


*I am not actually saying Harry supports any of those things. But that is what this type of T-shirt represents.

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Yeah, I don't think Harry is down with that horrifc mess of an 'ideology' either (god, i hope not!). This was a boneheaded move, though. Did he think this would make him look badass? He looks like a dumbass. And she is equally an idiot for having co-signed this for giggles and shock value. BTW, for context, this photo is a few years old, and she dismissed at it the time as no big deal. JUST OWN IT, LISUHHHH! 

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BH tagline are here!   Kyle gets the prime spot in the new title card.  LVP and Erika next to her, then Dorit/Rinna, then Denise/Teddi on the ends.


Dorit's cleavage is ridiculous in this opening, wow.


Kyle/Teddi's - clearly against LVP.

LVP - always a winner tagline, delivered beautifully.

Rinna - always clever and funny tagline.

Dorit/Erika/Denise - ehhh, they're just ok.



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