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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Ugh. Thank God OC is done. 


This was a dreadful season and reunion. I thought s10 was horrid. This season surpassed it. OC is was garbage.


If Shannon, Vicki, and Tamra bring up Brooks or cancer-gate next year, they deserve to be fired on the spot. I'm not joking. These 3 women are holding this show hostage. I'm to the point that they should keep Kelly and scrap everyone else. 


I didn't believe the hugs at the end either. Tamra is gonna toss Vicki under the bus again. Shannon will lead the lynch mob again. Vicki will be defensive and act out. It's a twisted cycle at this point. 


Oh how. This show is at NJ s5 levels of being severely wounded. I hope they can bounce back next season. 


This is why I said they should've listened to the fans and brought back Lizzie and Gretchen full-time. At least with those 2 being back, we would've had drama and an exciting reunion. This reunion was just ... blah!

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What did I just watch? That was the most disjointed conclusion of a finale that I've seen. 


I'm not sure what to believe about Vicki and Tamra. It was such an abrupt  change in direction that it seems like it was cut and edited together bizarrely. I also do not know what to make of Shannon...she was pretty stiff when Vicki was pouring herself out about how she's been through divorce and how Shannon can survive...and then when they shared couch space? I don't feel like we've seen the last of this conflict.


Lydia held her own. These women don't realize how rich her family is and the armour like confidence she's got. 


Peggy and Megan were so boring. Get rid of them both immediately. 

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@DaytimeFan, right!!! That reunion was edited weird or something. The whole thing was off. 


I don't believe Shannon v. Vicki is over either. Shannon knows that in the back of her mind if Tamra/Vicki truly gets cool again that she's out to the pasture. 


I'm just glad this season is over. 


I'm hoping BH isn't dreadful like OC was. I hope we get at least one West coast season that is good. Last year, OC was great and BH was horrid. Praying it is vice versa and BH knocks it out the park. 2 bad seasons on the same coast is gonna make me assume something is wrong with production and they need to booted. 


I already feel ATL needs to clean house production-wise and we haven't even reached episode 10 yet. 

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Co-sign on all this. I really really really need a break from the OC HWs. Even after curtailing my viewing, there has been a ton of coverage as Bravo's marketing dept desperately tries to drum up support. And the whole sorry spectacle makes my brain itch. I literally cannot handle Peggy. Meghan is the definition of 'pretty on the outside, mean on the inside.' She outstayed her welcome 3 seasons ago.


But LBR those two are small fry compared with the Vicki-Tamra-Shannon vortex of suck. As long as Vicki will never acknowledge and talk about what happened with Brooks, she can never truly move on, and nor can anybody else. And she won't talk about because she knows that Shannon and Tamra will never stop attacking her for it. These three women are literally holding a gun to each other's head, and we, the audience, have been held hostage by them. I need to not see any of them for a long time.


I'd be curious to know what the ratings were for this sh*tshow, though. 


I'm hoping BH is good too, NBA. As people pointed out with the trailer, maybe the lack of one crazy SL in the trailer but lots of glamorous trips is a good sign. I also agree with you about Atlanta. Something about the show and the cast is not quite gelling. There are more and more contrivances driving the show. It was a problem last season too, but the Kandi-Phaedra-Porsha blowout overshadowed it.

Edited by Cat
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I’m glad it’s over, but I maintain I enjoyed RHOC. The divid made it difficult at time, but each week we got a bit of drama and what helps this series is that each housewife has a personal storyline so the solo scenes carry it through for me. Compare it to say Cynthia or Sheree this year on RHOA with clearly made up stories for their solo scenes. That bores me but OC, good or bad, feels authentic. The reunion had some drama but was geared more towards resetting the show which they did. Just have to hope next season is better with the changes. Right now I’m hoping for Shannon, Vicki, Kelly, Tamra and Lydia with one or two new housewives. I could see that working. This isn’t a franchise that needs a drastic retool. 


Since I saw that episode four had the returns of Marlo and Kim, plus with Xscape ending I decided to start this season. I marathoned all four episodes and I must say this is one of the worst openings I can remember in recent history. The first three episodes were painful to watch. You had SOME nice moments with Nene, Kenya and Kandi but the others aren’t delivering. Cynthia has no story and neither does Sheree. Everything they do seems made up for the show which is why it bothers me that people say this about Kenya when I feel she is way more vulnerable than many of the others. They always have production issues and it seems like that happened again. By episode four you could tell contracts had been worked out and the show will start. 


The best part was Marlo’s return. Why she isn’t a housewife is beyond me. Her reunion with Nene was hilarious and she’s the type of person Nene needs. I like when Marlo is light-hearted and fun. We know the drama will come later but she’s interesting and extra in a fun way. I loved when she told Nene she hear Porsha had a bigger house. I damn near died. Speaking of Porsha....it’s time to go. I’ve gone back and forth on her but usually find some use for her but now that nobody will film with her except her family there is no organic way to keep her. She’s still around for most group scenes but she isn’t useful anymore. If Eva is successful I see her being Porsha’s replacement not Kenya’s as many think. 


The other major development was Kim’s return which baffled me. It makes no sense why Sheree would again line herself up with Kim when she was doing fine with the ladies. I’ve heard Kim is friends with the EP who also runs her spin-off and that’s the only thing that explains her behavior. That and a lack of funds. She has never been so aggressive and nasty and lost what made her fun. I expected her and Nene to be close and fall out due to Nene being jealous but Kim came out of the gate nasty. Kenya is one thing, but why come after Nene so hard when Nene was tweeting welcoming her back when this happened? She played her cards all wrong. Even with Kenya it would be EASY to get the audience on her side but Kenya did nothing to her and she kept going. I also noticed in the preview clip for next week that when Sheree tells Kandi what happened she lies and says Kenya made a negative comment about Kim’s son that got injured. Kandi and Todd immediately called bullshit which I was happy to see. 


The MVP who never gets Credit is Kandi. She is the one housewife who is real and delivers every year. I love everything she’s done on this show and am amazed she also had a spin off and is delivering there. Bravo needs to keep her happy because she’s truly the glue that keeps this show going. If I had one wish for next season it would be Tiny and LaTasha joining from Xscape. 

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@Chris B Bless you for keeping up the love for OC! I'm glad you found things to love this season, and I have a feeling your Final Five of Shannon, Vicki, Kelly, Tamra and Lydia could well come true. I wonder if Lydia saved herself with her performance at Reunion. On the worrying side, Meghan is now pregnant with her second child, and Andy Cohen apparently spent some of Christmas with the Edmonds, so I worry that like Carole, Meghan may be back whether we like it or not. 

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 I hope not.


Totally agree with you re: the contrived SLs on Atl. Kandi's is the only one that is real, like with the Essence photoshoot. Also agree re: Kim's return. Kroy's lack of income must be hitting hard because I have NEVER seen Kim Zolciak hustle like this! The woman is so lazy, she allows Bravo to put cameras all over the house so that she never has to leave her bedroom/kitchen. Now she's out and about?? Something is up and it definitely has to do with coin.

Edited by Cat
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@Cat Yes it’s just bizarre with Kim and short sighted. She didn’t even have a peach yet and is already threatening lawsuits?? It makes no sense. I also feel like although they usually keep the cast the same it’s not always going to stay like that. Marlo is back in the fold and we know she appears the rest of the season, Eva is coming and hosts the finale party and Porsha could truly be on her way out. This was the time for Kim to link up with Nene and try to secure a peach. She’s crazy!

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I watched Cheshire over the weekend. Im officially no longer a Dawn fan and the episode where she had that blow up at the dinner party solidified it for me. The entire season she's been playing victim and she's so damn extra and dramatic for no reason. I did not understand her beef with Esther at all and it felt contrived on her part. She's a cancer and I feel needs to be removed. Unfortunately she is the main source of conflict and things would be boring without her.


Rachel and Nermina....both felt irrelevant. The most interesting thing Nermina did was throw a drink and that was at the end. They could have just been friends


Stacy and Seema added nothing and I dont understand why they are still here other than to be Dawn's minions. 


I think the show needs a total revamp next year. Drop Stacy, Seema, Dawn, Rachel and Nermina.  Keep Lauren, Tanya, Leann and Esther. Bring back Magali, Ampika and hire a new wife

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Why is Porsha still a cast member?  Not shade, just a curious question.


Fingers cross that season 13 is a lucky 13 for OC.  They need a house cleaning...this is the one show that excels at it.  Season 9 was the last interesting year for the show.  


If people want OC not to be toxic..why even suggest bringing back Gretchen?  She had nothing to offer and I don't production liked her very much either.  

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It was two parts lol, that’s how uneventful it was.


I feel like what we saw at the end of the OC reunion was Shannon, Tamra, Vicki, and even Andy basically saying “we get it, you guys are tired of us arguing over this stupid [!@#$%^&*]. We’re gonna film together next season, promise.”

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I'd drop Lauren at this point too. Lauren hasn't really be relevant since about s3. 


Only reason I'd keep Seema/Stacey (if Magali and Ampika were brought back) is for Dawn. Like her or not (and I can't stand her), the girl needs allies. But I'd also put Seema/Stacey on notice. Those 2 film the least and add the least to the group. Seema stepped it up with her rivalry with Ester, but she still was MIA. Dare I say it, I'd even consider wooing Misse back, and y'all know I hate that b-tch. 


This season was meh to me. They seriously need to recapture the magic the show had the first 2-3 seasons. 


@Cheap21 @DaytimeFan @Cat, Melbourne's new opening and taglines have been released. I actually like the new intro. Glad they updated it and gave the women a full body shot like NY, Potomac, Sydney, and ATL (well their poor attempt). 



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