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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Finally caught up on Dallas:


I really love this show. I love how it has real housewives. I love how it has a good mix of the HWs doing their own stuff or interacting with their family each episode, and not just fighting with each other. I loved D'Andra with the Lab Technicians scene. I love that D'Andra is a genuinely accomplished woman and and doesn't get into the crazy drama is much, but she is no less interesting for it.


Like @Cheap21 I wonder sometimes if Kameron would have been better as an eccentric FOH (a bit like Marie was. Remember pot-stirring Marie?). I am SO OVER hearing about the damn pink dog food. Oh, and her way of speakinggggg? Is totally annoyinggg? However, whenever she calmly goes toe-to-toe with Brandi I always enjoy it. Brandi may not be fancy and educated but she has shown all season that she is no dummy, by getting away with talking behind everybody's back. But Kameron has her pegged, and Brandi is unsettled by that.


Brandi has been great for story this season but I hope she gets exposed at Reunion. Though somehow I have a feeling the Reunion will be all about tearing Cary down. Brandi and Stephanie really are the kind of mean girls who thrive on isolating somebody from their friendship group for the most arbitrary of reasons, and then tearing her to pieces.


Even though she is a cold, hard-nosed, homewrecking bitch (nurse or nanny -- does it matter? We know what went down), I still root for Cary when it comes to her and the other women. I hate the way they have turned on her when she has actually been a good friend to most.


Damn, that was some Southern smooth talking from LeeAnne with Mark! Gotta applaud her for turning that all around -- even though she says she was just retaliating as a result of Cary's comments about Little Rich. Girl, that was weeks after you brought up The Round-Up! Hopefully LeeAnne will finally see Brandi's true colors next week.

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RHOA filmed their finale last night. It was a Halloween party and apparently production had Kim throw it. 

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 I swear Michael Beck and his production team are trying to seize this show and make Kim the star. 



Nene & Gregg are fools for going as an exterminator and roach! Straight trolling KKKim and I love it.
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Of course Kim and Troy went as a Playboy Bunny & that pimp Hugh Hefner. OF COURSE THEY DID.


But Nene and Greg as exterminator & roach?? OMG this is making me want to root for Nene this season!


I wish I could get a better read on Kenya's outfit. IS that Eva as Cleopatra? She looks incredible. By contrast, Sheree looks like Mama Joyce pretending to be Nefertiti.


Michael Beck is doing everything to make his precious blowupdoll princess the star of RHOA and come out on top. It is driving me nuts.

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Yeah, I could see it being either Tamra or Shannon.  I sort of hope Shannon is in the middle so she realizes she's not on top and could be kicked out if she doesn't start being flexible.


Looks like Kelly is going in on Meghan - fair to say their friendship is over:



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Shannon is one sneaky broad. Apparently, she announced she's separating David today, which (as aforementioned) is the day they are shooting the reunion. 




I'm not worried for the simple reason that the audience has smartened up when it comes to production interference/influence. Majority of the fans have already peeped Kim's connection to Michael Beck and called them on it. I think regardless her edit, Kenya is gonna come out smelling of roses. Might result in Bravo being forced into keeping Kenya another season unless Kenya opts to walk away, which I see her doing. I think Kenya has outgrown these women. 

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I was JUST about to come in here with the Shannon news.  Very sneaky that it comes out reunion day.  Yep, she's definitely returning next season - we'll see Shannon moving into single life.  I wonder if David will move out and she'll stay in the house with the girls?



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