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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Given how Andy grilled Vicki on WWHL this past Monday, I could actually see Andy trying to crop Vicki out the frame as a way to start fresh on the OC and continue to go forward with Tamra, Kelly, Shannon, and Meghan.


It is obvious adores Tamra, so anyone tied to her is gonna be safe. It's also obvious too that Peggy and Lydia are done for unless they pull something out of their hats at the reunion that'll force Bravo to bring them back. 


But I agree with the most (and have been for a LONG time) that Shannon needs to go. In a previous post, I said she is a succubus; she sucks the energy out of everyone, and she is the one preventing any growth in the group. I do agree with @Chris B is that the only way Shannon would be viable is if she finally left David AND got professional help afterwards. 

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I see Lydia staying. She has money and brought lots of drama. With Vicki he always gives her a hard time so I didn't take WWHL as something bad for her. It's easier to move forward with Vicki than it would be with Shannon. As long as she stays (especially with David) we will still have the same problem of them repeating the same old stories. I also don't see Meghan staying. 

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I am torn between kicking out Shannon or Vicki -- until I watched the WWHL that @Nothin'ButAttitude mentioned. I love how Vicki came across, measured, comfortable with herself for the first time in a long while. I thought Andy seemed pretty into her, actually (and on another note, Rita Wilson was also on and she was fabulous! She'd be great on BH but she would never).


Like @Chris B said, Shannon brings something to the show that no-one else does. She really puts her life out there. I don't want to reward the powerhungry crazy, though. It is clear she is projecting everything that is wrong in her life on Vicki. At this point, she needs to set fire to David"s clothes in his car, Waiting to Exhale styles. Then she needs to move her daughters out of that depressing rental and use the I Magnin money daddy gives her to get a new place. Basically burn everything that represents her current life to the ground and start over. Close the chapter on a marriage of dead-ends and resentment. It will be cathartic for her... and for us who have endured the agonizing death of the Beador marriage for over three seasons.


But if it's a case of Shannon screeching "Are you kidding me??? I'm done! It's either me or Vicki!!" for a fourth straight season, then I choose Vicki. Because I can't with this emotional vampire blocking any movement in the show.

Edited by Cat
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While it is refreshing to see these women fight about small stuff, the show is just not keeping my attention. I think it has more to do with the characters than the stories. After years of Tre & MeHo, I'm worn out when it comes to Jersey. 


I cannot take the MeHo/Joe scenes. While it is obvious every housewife puts on for the camera, it wreaks of desperation when the Gorgas do it. Like they seriously play up to the cameras and it is annoying. 


I'm still not convinced about MeHo/Tre being close too. It's forced. What's also forced is MeHo/Danielle too. We all know Danielle has intel on MeHo about her feeding info about Tre. I just cannot forget that. 


Margaret v. Soggy is boring too. Siggy crying in the restaurant was bizarre. You were just talking about destroying Margaret and calling her a "b-tch" then she starts crying when Margaret gets one up on her. I can't with Siggy and her tears. 


While Dolores is boring, she's the only one I find endearing (besides Queen Danielle). 


I need this show to revert back to the chaos it displayed the first 3 seasons. 

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Wow. That's too bad. I've watched that show for years and hung on Brad's every word!


Apart from her Queen Latifah comment, which went down like a lead balloon with the audience, Luann was great. Resilient and pragmatic. I sense her sadness too, but this is a lady who is rarely going to let the blues get her down.. Onwards and upwards, Lu!


Bravo would be fools not to bring her back next season. She made headlines for NY this year and kept people talking about the show.

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Fashion Police hasn't been itself since Joan died. The show should have ended after they aired the tribute episode to Joan (which was one of the funniest and most lovingly produced hours of television I have ever seen). Much as I like Brad, he wasn't George Kotsiopoulos, and Melissa wasn't Joan, and Nene and Margaret Cho weren't Kelly and without the original group it made no sense for Giuliana to be there. Ultimately, losing this gig is the last tiny bit of independence Nene had from the RH franchise - she better play nice or she's going to be lose big time.


Lu is fabulous and word on the street is all the NYC ladies are being brought back. Lu will be A-OK in the long run. 

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ITA it wasn't the same after Joan died. However, after Kathy Griffin and Kelly Osbourne departed, I felt the show was sort of hitting its stride -- or at least in a more comfortable place. Though, like you, I never understand why Nene and Margaret Cho were part of the panel. Both should have been replaced by Tim Gunn who lit up the place every time he was a guest. Also, one reason why I started warming towards Erika Girardi was because she made an appearance on the last episode and spoke knowledgeably about the designers. She also would have made an interesting panel member. Anyhoo, it's all moot now. Too bad for Melissa, who wanted her mother's legacy to carry on (I truly believe this, and not money, was her motivating factor), but she didn't pick a strong enough panel.


Nene better know which side her bread is buttered, but she's bit the hand that fed her before: during her first time on Fashion Police, she put Brad and Giuliana on blast on social media for being a bit cliquey. From then on in, Brad and Giuliana made concerted efforts on screen to agree with her 'fashion insights' -- when she wasn't gurning like a fool. I suspect they were a little afraid of her -- as Andy seems to be sometimes. Maybe that's the secret to her burgeoning TV career?


Lu is one of the few HWs on any franchise I am actively rooting for. I am personally relieved she has dumped that press-hungry albatross and moved on, and I cannot wait to see where the Countess takes her brand next! Hopefully we get to see it next years and not just Bethenny's VTs moaning about the other women.

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