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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Word is that Bravo isn't getting rid of either Tamra or Vicki, and that they might pay them a bonus to film together for season 13


Honestly, I hate when networks allow these women to have any say in production or show matters. If I were head of Bravo, and if this story holds any truth, I'd fire both Vicki and Tamra's a**es like I said the other day. 


RHOS is getting a 2nd season according to Krissy. Apparently, the cast isn't getting a cast shakeup as Aussie fans wanted Athena & Lisa to stay. I think that the primary issue with this show is that it was too heavily focused on fighting & making "good TV" instead of the bonds between the women. If Sydney has more light moments then they'll possibly OK for season 2. They need to study Melbourne on how far to go. Still boggles my mind that Auckland will most likely not get a second chance when it was lightyears better than Sydney. 


New Cheshire Housewives have been revealed. I'm gonna give this new season about 3 episodes and if it doesn't appease me, I am out. I just don't see how this show is gonna remain without Ampika and Magali in the mix. All the fans wanted back were those 2. ITVBe is stupid for not listening. They keep bringing on deadwood when they had the right chemistry with the original cast (Ampika/Magali/Dawn/Leanne/Lauren/Tanya). Stacey & Seema are OK additions, even though they both bland, but the rest (Misse & Ester) have been straight duds.  

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Tamra was diagnosed with melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer. Fortunately, it's been caught in the early stages, and she's drawing attention to it to "save your ass"...for everyone remember the ABCD's of melanoma: Asymmetry,  irregular Borders, multiple or change in Colour and Diameter over 6mm. 




The Luann interview:


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Edited by DaytimeFan
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Boring. Draining just to get through. 


First off, I found it disgusting that Shannon was questioning why Peggy got a double mastectomy. Whether she had the cancerous gene or not, the woman is clearly fearful that she'll suffer the same fate her mother did. You could see Shannon's wheels turning as she was about to scream another cancer-gate. 


Tamra making up with Peggy is clearly to try and gain another ally and not to be perceived as the bad guy. Guess what, TamRat, you already are. It was nice seeing Peggy seeing through Tamra's bull. 


Kelly & Shannon accusing each other of being manipulated was pathetic. In that moment, both of them should've realized that Tamra and Vicki manipulates both of them. And MegaNeck adding her two cents in and only calling Vicki manipulative was stupid. If only she knew that Tamra uses her as a pawn too. Can Meghan plz go away? Her obsession with Vicki bringing down is sickening. 




Thank God for this show b/c I'd probably ditch Monday's on Bravo at this point. This show is surpassing OC when it comes to enjoyment. 


Tonight, Leanne overplayed her hand tonight. When she showed up to Stephanie's party mocking her, her practically sent Brandi right back over into Stephanie's camp. Might not be now, but it'll occur soon enough. Leanne should've just said she'd be supportive and sat back and watched until Stephanie p*ssed Brandi off again. 


Kameron v. Brandi looks to be the rivalry we'll see in the second half of the season. Kameron did not take to Brandi making a dig to her. I am interested to see how far this goes. D'Andra isn't too keen on Brandi too as she feels Brandi is using Leanne as a replacement for Stephanie. 



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I'm tired of this narrative that Tamra is some saint. Anyone who watched this show prior to season 9 (or somewhere around there) knows that she is the most vile housewife... ever.


What purpose does Megan serve?


@Nothin'ButAttitude Thank you for sharing the article about Vicki and Tamra's feud and the fact that their jobs are safe. Maybe Shannon will be the one to get cut at the end of this season.


This show needs a major shake up, so I wouldn't mind it if Bravo said goodbye to 3 or 4 current housewives and brought in some new blood for this show.

Edited by KeMoLove
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Omg thank you. This show literally pretends we didn't watch Tamra for 5-6 years prior being one of the most down in the gutter, awful Housewives of all time. This bullshit now where because of her stupid ass baptism, none of that ever occurred is so [!@#$%^&*] annoying.

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Tamra's heinous actions of the past aren't shown b/c Andy is protecting her. He adores TamRat and all her antics. He is on the bandwagon of pushing the image that she a "changed woman" since Vicki tarnished her image due to Brooks/cancer-gate. That's why I get so happy when Tamra's a** gets pelleted with questions about her gutter past on the reunion. It is then that she has to be honest, and the few (and I mean few) fans that have forgotten her past are reminded of how she used to be. 


Tamra is no better than Vicki. She brings up Brooks all the time to beat Vicki down, but I wish Vicki would just flatline Tamra's a** by bringing up TamRat trying to push her icky son into sexually assaulting Gretchen. 

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If you all watch Flipping Out and/or like Jeff Lewis, here is a funny read on his take of the OC this season, along with his ongoing feud with Heather:




His thoughts on Peggy are spot on - I 100% agree.

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I wouldn't have a problem w9th RHOC being an island..because most of season 3 of RHONY had two islands with Jill and friends on one island..and Bethenny and friends on the other island..and it was one of their best seasons ever.  The difference was that jill/Luann were friends....and ramona/Alex were friends.


I can't believe she by she ree has been revived....



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