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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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For you guys, I watched on the way to work!


@Nothin'ButAttitude, @DaytimeFan, @Taoboi, I agree with all your assessments. And I don't even really like Dorit!


Dorit held her own. I would have crumbled tbh. I don't think Dorit is RHoBH material, I can't stand PK, I'm tired of her constant prodding of Erika for relevancy. But Erika and Rinna just wanted to cut their teeth on her that night. They were looking to target her.


Erika was doing the MOSTEST. Look, it's clear LVP's star is on the wane on BH and Erika's is on the rise, and I have to accept that to an extent. But the constant adoration by her (paid) cheer squad, by Andy Cohen, by a growing segment of the audience who think she is the 'NEW KWEEN' of BH... all this has gone to her head. She cannot take an ounce of criticism (both on this show and DWTS). She luxuriates in her grudges (like somebody else we know, cough) in order to lord it over others. Something struck me when the HWs went to see the Big Buddha -- they were on an escalator, all the ladies where bunched together in groups of 2 or 3 -- except for Erika who was at the head of the escalator, alone. Not a lonely, forlorn figure, but because she feels too good for these women. That was patently clear in the way she tore into her minion, Eileen, after failing to break Dorit. I get that her son's welfare is a real worry. But it went on and on, even after Eileen (who worships Erika's every puss-pat) was quietly crying at the table. She shat all over Eileen's attempt to make things better. This was kicking someone for the sake of kicking them. And she knows she can because Eileen idolizes and will forgive her. I felt truly bad for Eileen. I wonder if she views Erika differently now.


Lisa Rinna is... insufferable. Like DaytimeFan said, she jumped the shark in waterskis and a leather jacket. She lobs any accusation her pea-brain can think up. She has become Brandi Glanville. When she squawked "You have to OWN YOUR sh*t DOREEET and tell the truuuuth!" and tore her a new one for forgetting what she said, I was about done. Hypocritical blabbermouth. Then there were the coke allegations. She is shark-eyed and untrustworthy -- everything she has accused Kim, Brandi and LVP of being. On top of that, she is spineless. I'm stunned she still has fans. Her cowardly ass has been well and truly exposed this season.


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Image result for lisa rinna guilty as charged gif



^^ I was amused by some of this at the time... I cringe when I see it now.

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@Cat, I don't think Erika's the new queen of BH. Not after last night. Many of her own fans were chewing her out on Twitter last. Erika caught hell on Twitter, and I was of course leading the pack. 

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 People finally saw and confirmed what LVP and Kathryn said about Erika last season--that she IS cold and defensive.  


In other news, Erika's boss friend, YoLemonHead Hadid, has a new reality show coming soon called Model Moms...

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I didn't realise she was getting dragged on Twitter! By her own fans. On TT, Erika is pretty much loved, and Rinna is getting most of the criticism. She did go on WWHL, where she had an adoring audience, interviewer and fellow guest. But yeah, Erika's ascension to the BH throne is not 100% guaranteed.


lol  shady you calling Yols Erika's former boss!  I remember when Erika and Eileen were Yolanda's heavies to keep everybody in line re: her Lyme disease. Now it appears she has made a miraculous recovery, in time for this new show encouraging more Momagers to pimp out their kids! Her recovery is especially amazing considering Lyme disease still has no known cure. I guess Yolanda couldn't stay out of the lymelight long. And yes, that typo stays.

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Wow, what else can be said about that hot mess of an episode? The only people coming out of this clean are LVP, Kyle, and Eileen (though she'll have her emotional bruises from Erika, if she choose to harp on it, much like she harped on LVP for the past 2 seasons). Watching LVP and Kyle's reactions on the boat and again at dinner were actually pretty comical. Their darting eyes, back and forth, were like people watching a tennis match. 


I don't know how Erika is going to spin this; she had me until last night. My hubby thinks there's trouble on the home front (with her husband) but I can't decipher if it's a cross between an emotional meltdown and a producer-pushed coaxing to rock the proverbial boat during this trip. Either way, she's got some climbing to do if she wants her pedestal back. 


Lisa Rinna, there's just no defending this broad. I loved her during her first year, though she got a little too big on herself at the reunion. Last year was okay. But this year she is a complete and utter wreck. She doesn't have a leg to stand on, and should really keep her mouth shut and sit there, like the skinny wig lady next to her (why is Eden there?). She can NOT harp on someone for not being able to remember something. She can NOT harp on someone to "own their words." And she can NOT bring up a housewives' husband and infer infidelity. Three strikes in one episode; you're out. 


Kudos to Kyle for chiming in right away and mentioning the hypocrisy in Rinna's allusions. 


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In regards to Kyle and LVP's eyes darting back and forth..it was comical.


That reminds me of the season 8 reunion for RHOA where sheree and kandi were like the two theatre patrons making fun of the muppets.


And honorable mention goes to vicki and tamra doing their own back and forth eye dqrt movements during Alexis and Peggy's back and forth at the season 6 reunion.

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I haven't watched this show in a while, but you guys made me curious. Erika Jayne left my jaw on the floor to where I cant explain the many things wrong with her actions.  Seems like once she lost control of Eileen, she truly lost it.  The scenes made no sense.  Dorit apologizing?  For what?  Because Ericka didn't wear underwear?  Am I getting that right?  Erica is vile and disgusting.  Lisa Rinna is a witch and the only solution is burning her at the stake!  She's lousy and pointless and looking for any alliance she can get.  After one eppy, I feel a purge is needed.  Desperately!  

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YoLyme is Erika's boss. Much like these women claim that Dorit is LVP's puppet, Erika was YoLemon's puppet last year. It boggles my mind how hypocritical these women are at times towards LVP. 


And nothing is wrong with Yolanda. It never was. I knew in due time that she was gonna find another outlet to pimp her children's purchased success to elevate herself. She is the Dutch version of Pimp Mom Kardashian. If Gigi, Bella, and Anwar would allow it, she'd have them generating sex tapes, tawdry reality shows, and crappy luxury goods too. 



I've always said that something is off with Erika's marriage. Remember how she told Kyle she 'got in trouble' last year when Kathryn challenged Tom at the dinner Erika hosted? I truly think that Erika is in a trophy wife situation where she's only allowed to project images Tom allows her to project. Anything that might remotely be seen as negative is gonna get her in trouble. 


If Erika does a 3rd season, I see it all coming out. It always does. You can't hide sh*t on these shows. 



I've been saying that there needs to be a purge on this show. It's getting too toxic over the smallest sh*t. I think they ALL need to go. LVP needs to focus on Pump Rules. Kyle needs to focus on her pilot. Erika needs to focus on her sh*tty music career. Eileen needs to focus on Y&R. Rinna needs to focus on her granny made QVC line. Dorit needs to get back to design career. Eden needs to ... what does Eden even do?! 


I'm glad I am not the only one who feels that it is absurd that Erika demands that PK & Dorit apologize b/c Erika decided to "air" herself out that day. Dorit should've told her to take a damn flying leap off the balcony of the restaurant they were eating at. 

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I never directly tweet mean things to anyone. I cussed someone out in my mentions for trying to tag Rinna, Eileen, and Erika in my statuses. If I wanted them to know, I would've told them. Folks on Twitter need to learn decorum. I never direct tweet anyone unless it is positive. 


Now if the women are looking for their names on their own accord and find my tweets, that's on them. I never direct tweet people mean stuff. That's just tacky. 

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It's like what Kyle said -- Mauricio really would not be thrilled if Kyle went out without underwear and somebody else's husband started boasting publicly about having seen her hoo-ha. Same with Tom. He's old school. He probably feels this reflects badly on both of them. In a way I feel bad for Erika after typing that! 


Interesting what you say about producer-pushed. Erika is so controlled, her image and media strategy so contrived, that maybe this was contrived and orchestrated, too, to illustrate Erika's sensitive side. What is even more interesting to me is the backlash to it. It's been a slow build over 12 hours as viewers let the scenes sink in and try to make sense of them. IMO? Erika and Rinna overplayed their respective hand. Rinna went by last season's playbook, which is to deflect blame for her big mouth onto somebody else, preferably on the cast trip. It worked then but is clearly a one-hit wonder this season. Erika, as I said before, let the adulation go to her head. I think she honestly thought that a big reveal of vulnerability would be a win. That her calling out Dorit would be accompanied by audience cheers of "YASS KWEEN" and "READ" and a few finger-snaps. It hasn't quite panned out that way. 



I knew it! I knew Eileen would dry her sniffles, put on a brave face and wax poetic about wonderful Erika and how she totally understands where she's coming from. Eileen adores Erika. She has a serious girl crush. She would love nothing more than to be allowed to be Erika's BFF. Did you guys not see after the boat ride the way she tried to hold and hug her on the sofa? Erika ain't there yet. But I'm sure she's grateful Eileen has her back and came to DWTS to cheer her on.


Rinna leaving her actual true friend Eileen (who was trying to hold back tears, so shocked was she by Erika's reaction) to crawl over to Erika and rub her back while Erika sobbed "You don't know... what I go through...at night" was not surprising either. Rinna goes where she thinks the audience love resides.

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