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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Omg RHONY I've been waiting for this! Thank you for posting! And I can't believe Jill is in the teaser! Never thought that would happen again. 


Bethenny had great hair last season but now it looks so severe. It is aging AF. 

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RHOS (episode 2):


These women are so nasty. Like seriously. Melissa is truly the only sane person in this group of women. 


Athena can be overbearing with her spirituality. It is draining how she is force feeding it to these women. She should take heed of Melissa's advice and stop discussing it with these women. 


Lisa is hilarious when she is digs into Krissy, but she is vile to her kids. 


Poor man's version of Marysol--I mean Matty annoys the f-ck out of me. It is obvious that she wants to pick a fight with Athena. 


Krissy, Nicole, & Victoria continue to be nasty bitches. 

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Krissy: "Who is Malcom X?" I cant fault her bc she's from Australia and I dont know how much about American history is taught over there. Athena was wrong to compare herself ot him though


Victoria sure is feeling herself. She is my least favorite.


Krissy sounds like Lydia from Melbourne and looks like Sarah Paulson from American Horror Story


Lisa is so rude, being late and calling Krissy, Chewbaca


No opinion yet on Matty, Nicole and Melissa. Had to google their names.


LMAO at the end. I do hope that every episode doesnt end with a bitchfest. Unfortunately, I fear this may be all they have to offer bc the entire episode I was waiting for the fighting, bc their solo stuff wasnt grabbing me

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I loved seeing a little of Erika's background tonight.


LVP is way more likable and tolerable on Vanderpump Rules.  Either she's over BH housewives or her true colors just come out from time to time.  I think she cares at least 1% about Rinna, but she clearly couldn't give an F about Eileen.  That Hong Kong invite was just awkward and rude.  Although I will say, Eileen may be sweet in real life, but she's boring me to pieces this season.  I think it's time to cut her loose.


Happy for Kim - she genuinely seems happy and sober right now.


I know I'm in the minority here, but Camile just bores me to tears too.  She's sweet, but brings nothing this season as a FOH.  I want sinister Season 1 Camille back, or at least Season 3.


Really, if I didn't love Erika so much, and without her, this season would be another flop.  BH needs to let loose and be more like the OC and NYC.  BH is too tightly guarded, and when a housewife or two are not (Brandi, the sex witch), it implodes.  

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I've been said that RHOBH needs to clean house. 


I think LVP is over the show and these women; she's barely tolerating them at this moment. I don't blame her when it comes to that dry ass invite she gave Eileen either. Eileen wanted a feud with LVP badly last season, and now expects her to forget about it. That's not how LVP operates and never has. She never forgets and rarely forgives. Eileen is getting what she asked for. LVP will never apologize to her, and I am fine with it. Eileen's dumb self created something out of nothing. Now she has to pay for it. 


Yeah, we got to see more of Erika, which was OK, but I am over Bravo force-feeding Erika to me. It is overkill. It is like Andy is determined to make Erika 'fetch.' I agree with Dorit that Erika is cold as f-ck. I also find it ironic that Erika always claims she has her walls up b/c people judge her when she stays doing it to others her damn self. All last season she stayed judging LVP b/c of what Yolanda and others said. She's doing the same with Dorit. Erika is a twat and I've never bought what she is selling. 


I'm over Kyle bitching and moaning about Eden too. Much like Eileen, she is starving for an unnecessary rivalry. Kyle easily forgives Rinna, who said way worse things than Eden, but feels that Eden wants to 'be her.'

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  Give me a break. Moments like this is why I've never been keen about Kyle. That's why I favored Camille over her in s1, Brandi over her in s2, & now Eden this year. Kyle loves to put herself in situations where she is a victim. It is tiring. 


RHOBH has been dull to me this season. If we have to endure one more season of Kim driving the story, I am gonna demand they cancel this sh-t and replace it with a new city or just use one of the international cities (Melbourne, Sydney, Cheshire, or Toronto) to replace. This show is running on low fumes. 


LVP needs to stick to Pump Rules as she's happier doing that. Kyle needs to go and focus on that bogus pilot. Eileen, Rinna, Erika, and Dorit can all go too. As I said awhile back, bring back Camille and cast 5-7 women around her. I'll watch Camille over all these women any day.

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This is exactly how I have been feeling. While not as toxic as last season, there is something very End of Days about the show this season. LVP is done, either by her own admission or the waning view of the audience. Bravo would be ok with her leaving because the network is clearly priming Erika as the star. And I get it. I love Erika and her fabulousness and humor. I especially loved her last night, when she revealed a little more about herself and didn't sweat the small stuff (aka Dorit). But she can be shark-eyed and manipulative, and I can't help but wonder if Rinna and Eileen aren't her minions sometimes. I'm not sure how I feel about the Bravo pimping, except that instead of being dragged to the water to drink the Kool-Aid, I would rather take myself there in my own good time.


In a way, LVP got her revenge on Yolanda when Yolanda left the show, but Yolanda got her revenge by leaving Erika there to usurp LVP's place. Ooooooooo.


Eileen can go. At her core, I don't feel she is happy or satisfied within the confines of this show. 


Rinna will probably stay because even Depends ain't sniffing around her butt these days. But I'm literally :rolleyes: every time she appears on screen. You cannot buy anything she says.


Kyle will have to be pried off this show, such is her eagerness to be the OG of BH.


Dorit and Eden are so inconsequential. When I think of the HWs or FOHs who have come and gone -- Adrienne, Taylor, Camille, Marisa Zanuck (I liked her ok?), Brandi (S2-3), Yolanda, Kathryn, FAYE -- I mean, who is Dorit in dis world? She is a very pale, silly facsimile of some fabulous (if sometimes anxiety-ridden) larger-than-life characters. If the aforementioned were still on the show, she and Eden would never have been considered for new HW positions. Heck, even Dana/Pam was more fun.


After catching the reviews of Naomi Campbell and RuPaul on WWHL last night, I would DIE if superfan Naomi was cast on the show. She said she wants to be on BH. She is literally the queen of bitchy shade and if RuPaul joined her on BH, so much the better.


BH has made me look forward to my other fave NY even more, though.

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Finally caught up on the show. It is crazy to me what a dumb ho Porsha is. She thinks that with the NDA in Bravo's contracts, she can say anything about anybody and never be sued. Wrong. Kandi hit the nail on the head when she said that with anger management, Porsha has taken her aggression with fists to aggression with words. Her lies were so ugly and vulgar. The drugging allegation was especially wretched. Nominally, Porsha is a pretty woman but her smug face in Maui saying all those things looked coarse and ugly and plastered with makeup. I hope she is DONE on RHOA and that her ass is cooked at Reunion.


Phaedrea is Teflon! This chick throws the dirt and never gets backsplatter! This is incredible to me. She's the one who fed Porsha with the Shamea rumors, and it's probably one reason why she was late to the Maui dinner -- she thought she was going to be caught out in a lie. She must be thanking her lucky stars Frick is such a ratchet idiot and commanded all the attention. BTW I hate the Frick & Frack moniker but love Kandi's "Freak & Fraud" shade.


Wasn't expecting the reveal in the previews that Bob smacked Sheree around. I can't believe he was sitting in the car and acting like what he said about "finishing the job" is totally normal.

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Phaedra is a lawyer so no surprise she gets away with her stunts.


Porsha shouldve been fired a long time ago.  She's a meaner version of gretchen of OC fame.


I like that RHOBH is 'boring'. I like one franchise not to go too far into the gutter.  


Doritt needs to understand that not everyone is open and warm....some people are guarded and take time to warm to othersm. Erika has a strong friendship with Eileen..as well as one developing with Kyle.  


Im more like Erika....I dont call just anyone a friend...it takes time for me to develop a friendship...but once that friendship is developed...I cherish it.  Dorit reminds me of someone i used to be friends eith...open and eager to call anyone a friend...yet easily gets their feelings hurt if the other person doesnt respond to them as quickly.  Plus..Dorit is one of those types that is nice to your face yet talks smack about you to others when you arent around..same as with this previous friend of mine.



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While I think I have mellowed as I've grown older, my old friends post-college would say that I was the definition of ice. Until I got to know you, then I was BBF gal!!! lol.


So I understand where Erika comes from, and understand why she has to smack a ho talking smack down when needed.

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Same x 2. A lot of my friends were like "when I first met you, I thought you were standoff ish." It was more like a mix of shyness, self consciousness and caution on my part. It takes time getting to know someone. I absolutely get where Erica is coming from, especially on a show like BH where the women smile and say one thing, but on the VTs and BTS say something very different.


Plus if i heard Dorit brag about PK leering at my hoo-ha, I'd want to keep the both of them at arm's length, too.


Re: Gretchen, as annoying as she was, and as much as she lied about the timeline for dating Slades vs Jeff's passing, I never thought she was vicious. She was fundamentally harmless and a threat only to Tamra's self-esteem. Poorsha OTOH seems a little too comfortable with not just thuggish behaviour, but blackmail. That is a dangerous game to play, especially when you are not that smart.

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