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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The reunion was good. I don't think the cast dynamics are too toxic. 


I don't care what anyone says but I like Leanne's psycho ass. She IS Danielle Staub 2.0. She is the MVP of this show. All the stories centered around her. 


Cary doing all that crying was hilarious. If it doesn't apply, don't let it fly. I think that there was some truth to what Leanne said b/c of all the over-the-top crying Cary did and the stumbling Cary's husband did. 


I don't care for Stephanie at all. I just don't. 


Marie earned her star at the reunion. I can't stand her ass, but she earned her spot next season. However, I can see next season being her downfall as she's lied one too many times. 

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I didnt even realize the season was over! I'd say Marie earned her star this season. It made no sense to me why she wasnt a housewife bc she was always around, stirring up mess. She was almost like their "Faye" or "Marlo"  but she felt more integrated than those two


ETA: I just saw the reunion



Carrie is the FAKEST ASS BITCH, in the entire franchise. Who the hell was buying those crocodile tears? Throughout the season, she was this big bad ass not scared of Leann yet at the reunion, she cowers up in a ball crying the entire time? She felt bullied by Leann? When? She was saving face bc she knew she would be confronted with the TRUTH about her homewrecking ways. Her marriage lasted 3 months and she blamed it on the husband....nah I buy the rumors in that she left him as soon as she saw Mark was available



I dont like Andy's glasses. They dont suit his face at all.



Leann looked the best on the reunion. Loved her hair and DEAD when she asked Mark if he needed a tampon

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@Cheap21, what were your thoughts on Marie being exposed for getting a company to do online damage to Tiffany and Leanne? I think that if Marie is given a star next season, she is gonna get exposed badly. She cowered once Tiffany threatened to expose her last night. I think Leanne and Tiffany got some heavy stuff on Marie. 


I see that Stephanie and Tiffany have fallen out too as Tiffany stayed calling Stephanie out on Twitter last night. Not surprised. I never cared for Stephanie. She's too sneaky for my liking. I hope they get her ass too if the show returns for a second season. 

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1. ShanLoon is full of sh*t. Her lame ass knows that she isn't over the affair and will bring it up when her storyline is falling flat. 


2. Llama-neck Meghan and pregnancy story ... two thumbs DOWN. Her own damn husband doesn't care of he'd be beside her. She's trying to garner sympathy and I am not here for it. 


3. ShanLoon is stupid. I hope she was watching tonight b/c TamRat basically said (in so many word) that she was Vicki's replacement. 


4. Kelly is in the doghouse until I see better from her. Her comes that were on TMZ has me not liking her ass. She'll have to work her way into the house. Right now, she seems OK. I am not surprised that Shannon's leather-faced ass was intimidated by her. She did the same sh*t with Geoffrey the Giraffe last year. Only difference is that Kelly is not one to toe-the-line like Llama-neck did. 


5. Ostrich-neck telling Kelly to steer clear of Vicki was so pathetic. If anyone tells someone to steer clear of someone else, it's obvious the average person is gonna do the opposite of what they were told. 


6. No one gives a sh*t about Trampra's new faith or plastic body. 


7. Why does Vicki give any f*cks about these chicks? If I were her, I'd be throwing my title as the 'OG of the OC' around and letting these tricks know that I built the house that was Real Housewives of Orange County. Bow down or get beheaded. 


8. Heather is so melodramatic. :rolleyes: When she even comes off as sincere, I can't take her seriously b/c she's always over the top.

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I love Marie! She's messy and I dont care bc she brings the drama and generated alot of story for the latter half of this season. The only thing I didnt like was how she continued to lie aboue spilling Leann's secret. Just own up to it. I did laugh when she shut up real quick when Tiffany alluded that she knew her dirt. Reminded me of Katie Rost on the Potomac reunion


I like Stephanie! She's good fun and I enjoy her. Plus her husband is hot. I think she's harmless


BTW, what is that in your signature, BGC? If so I havent seen that since 2-3 episodes into the All Star one




I love Shannon, Kelly and Heather's taglines. The rest were just okay. Tamra's was bad though


F--k Shannon and her treatment of Vicki! Team Vicki all the way


JEANA! I got giddy seeing her again


So far, I like the new girl Kelly


Meagan should have been a one season blunder

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I can't with Bethenny. She's such a bitch. I have zero pity for her. 


Carole's storyline has been a dog's wedding. Are we meant to be impressed?


No LuAnn this week was disappointing. 


Sonja was practically glowing this week. Her practice apology with Ramona was hilarious. Ramona nailed Bethenny's crap.

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Carole has no storyline so they have her organize a doggy wedding? Its clearly time for her to go


Where was Luann? Boo to her being MIA. She's the reason to watch


IA with all of this although I do feel a bit bad for Beth's health issues. LMAO at Ramona's impersonation of her

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I finally just watched the Dallas reunion.  WOW.  I really hope this show gets a second season - these girls are crazy and fun.  Just stop the poop talk next season.


Brandi and Stephanie are cute friends and they drink a lot.  They're fun.  Brandi was a little quiet on the reunion, but I think she's needed as a light part of the show.


Leanne is absolutely like a Danielle Staub and I love it.  Keep the crazy going girl.


I think Marie could really bring more to the show next season.  I'm guessing she was dropped as a full housewife because of the restraining order and other behind the scenes BS.  I was so surprised to see Tiffany's reaction to Marie at the reunion - I think Marie really lost all allies after the Austin trip - may be another reason she's not a full housewife - no one seems to be on her side.

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