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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Y'all - Potomac was sooooo good.  I love these girls.  I think I love Gizelle and Robyn, and love to hate Karen.  Katie - I'm on the fence.  Chrishelle - I don't know, she reminds me of Heavenly from Married to Medicine.  Speaking of... wasn't the Houston version of that show supposed to air last year?  That promo came for a hot second and then left just as quickly.

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Two years ago when I called Cynthia a flip flopper, y'all were shouting from the mountaintops that she had "just grown a backbone". Now that she's turning on Kenya, all the sudden you all are calling her a flopper. Which is it y'all? 


I I haven't seen the editing as shady towards Kim at all. She was right to remove her kids. Yes, they need to be introduced to those topics but that was anADULT setting and the conversation was too mature. Also, in Miami, she never said Glen wasn't threatening, she said Kenya provoked him and she did. When you see someone acting a fool, the answer isn't to get in their face and try to throw them out in front of anyone. Kenya knew goddamn well that would get him riled up. She was just being messy, as usual. Had she really been concerned with anyone's safety, she would've quietly spoken to security and let them handle it. As usual, she was creating drama then screaming victim. And that's all Kim pointed out - rightfully so. 

So happy to see Nene! She's as flawless as ever. This was definitely filmed post-Jamaica tho. Just goes to show you how desperate production was to get her back. 

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It's certainly not wrong to want to protect your kids, but a narrative of repeatedly ducking out of or being uninterested or miserable at group events (basically the main source of drama for the show) isn't a good editing choice, IMO, because it just creates the question - why is she here? And, again just my opinion, that's how Bravo has ended up feeling about her. There really wasn't much need to put that in the episode otherwise. 

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1. I've always felt Cynthia was flip-flopping as f-ck, but I did feel last season she FINALLY grew a backbone. Boy did she lose that b-tch real quick once Nene walked back in the door. 


2. Kim should've let her oldest son hear the truth that the Congresswoman was spilling. Better for him to be exposed to the truth ahead of time rather than stumble upon it when it is too late. Kids are more resilient than folks give them credit for. 


3. I don't ever recollect Kim declaring Glen was threatening. I just remember her blaming Kenya, who was not at fault. That man was a nut from the start. The fact that people still blame Kenya even after Kandi said she handled the situation correctly, boggles my mind. Are y'all drinking from the same well as the other women? 


4. Not shocked that this was filmed post Jamaica. That's the main issue I have with RHOA is that they always place sh-t out of order like we don't catch it. This scene wasn't even necessary. They should've just had Nene debut in Jamaica and go from there. 

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Y'all, it was for ratings. They wanted nene's return to fall on the same night as the Potomac premiere. Plus it was easy since Cynthia didn't go to DC with the girls.  It seems as though nene may not be back until the Jamaica trip since she wasn't in the previews for next week. 

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Apollo: "I'll be coming home soon" Yea if you consider 8 years soon....


I think Kim is doing her son a disservice trying to shield him from the realities of racism. It exists and he is old enough to understand it. He is going to be in for a world of shock. I also agree with Sheree in that it was rude of her to leave the event. If she couldnt attend bc of prior engagement, then she should have just said so and not come.


Of course Porsha would use thi oppurtunity to get her thot on. LMAO at shady Bravo playing the Underground Railroad clip at this historical black event.


Nene's back. Ugh. Cynthia is ALREADY flip flopping


I actually get where Lori is coming from when it comes to Kenya. I feel for Kenya in that she will never get closure but at this point it might be best to drop her mother and move on.


Love the new talking heads that debuted tonight. Sheree and Cynthia look great. Kim's was alright too



LOVED it! What a great intro. I have to say I enjoyed all the women. Good chemistry and good drama. ATL is to the OC as Potomac is to BH. I love that this is about black women with actual money and class.


Karen is so the Lisa Vanderpump of the group. I liked her enough but that could easily change bc her hea is a bit too big with her queen status


Cherisse is a bit too bougie but funny at the same time. Favorites were Gizelle and Katie. Katie reminded me of Stacey Dash though. Robyn, honestly I would have thought she were white had she not mentioned she were biracial. Her ex husband is fine


Didnt expect to see so many of the women divorced. Good mix though of married, divorced and dating


Is that Ashley from the previews going to be a wife? I hope so bc 5 women seems so small now when we are so used to 6 and 7 being the norm


What is that on her head? She should have been checking that wig

These next gifs could have easily been taglines





These chicks stay yelling about etiquette

bc she wasnt a flip flopper, at least I didnt think she was. She was Nene's friend and then she wasnt. She flipped; she didnt flop. Thts kind of ironic coming from you bc the ultimate flip flopper on this show is and always has been Nene. Good look back at her relationship with Kim from Season 1 to 5, to heck even now. She's flip flopped with her. Cynthia aint got nothing on those two. By the very nature of how Nene is back on the show, she is being a flip flopper as well bc she is the one that gave Cynthia the cold shoulder and ended their friendship but is now back wanting to be friends.. Flip flop


And the reason Im saying Cynthia is flip flopping is bc thats exactly what she did. One minute she says Kenya is her girl and when Nene calls her out on that, she takes it back and minimizes her friendship. If Kenya is your girl, then stand in your truth and own it. Dont deny and back peddle bc Linethia doesnt like it and is back to be your friend.


 Nene is delusional. She was implying that she and Cynthia fell out bc of Kenya trying to tear them apart. No, your issues with Cynthia are independent of Kenya. Its also ironic bc thats exactly what Nene is doing here; intentionally trying to come between Cynthia and Kenya

Edited by Cheap21
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Okay, I have a question. So, last week I was pretty sick and laid up in bed watching RHOA reruns. I happened to catch the season 5 reunion, during which Phaedra and Kenya went toe-to-toe about the workout videos, both claiming their videos were Amazon best sellers. Now Phaedra is saying she never released a video? Is this issue with Todd in reference to another, unrelated video? Or were Kenya and Phaedra just lying during the season 5 reunion? Cause I specifically remember seeing Amazon statistics for both videos so I'm confused?

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I thought so at first but Phaedra went into business with Kenya to release Donkey Booty. She had a seperate video with Todd which was about maternity fitness. I had no idea that one existed and its bc it never came out. I was like why is Phaedra lying when she said she gave birth the next day when she looked relatively slim in that tight green workout outfit. Different video


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Oh okay, thank you Cheap. I was so confused and thought surely production can't be that disorganized that they would let her pretend she never released a video when they talked about it at the reunion lol. Thank you for clearing that up!




Okay, I haven't really commented on this yet, but I'm going to now...


I do feel sorry for Kenya and her situation regarding her mother. That has to be tough, for anyone. However, what did she expect when she showed up at that woman's house? If your own mother refuses to speak to you at family dinners and holidays, what made you think she was gonna open the door when you showed up with a camera crew? And Kenya lying and saying "I'm alone" was a little weird to me considering she not only had a camera crew, but also a van full of people, with her. I'm not saying her pain isn't very real, but I feel she's definitely playing this up for the cameras and it's not coming across as genuine as it might otherwise.


Also, here's an interview from 1993, right after she won Miss USA. There's a quote from her mother, who congratulated her. Kenya even says her mother called her after she won, but that she didn't want a relationship with her until there was an apology. Her mother is even quoted saying "the lines of communication are always open". Also, on the show, Kenya said that both of her parents wanted to give her up and her paternal grandmother ASKED to adopt her. In this interview, however, it states that her father ASKED his mother to take Kenya in, because he wanted to keep her but didn't feel he could provide for her. Definitely an interesting read and makes me wonder how honest Kenya is being when she tells this story. 


Regardless, a sad situation and it explains a lot about the way Kenya interacts with other women.



Edited by Mr. Vixen
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@Mr. Vixen But is there much of a difference in what she said (i.e. her parents giving her up)? She simply could've meant that her father wanted to give her up for the time being and got his mother to do so. Kenya's father has somewhat alluded that he didn't want to collect her until financially stable, which was when he moved the family to Texas. 

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