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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Come on, you gotta admit that there was no need for Paul to go in on Dawn like that in her home. That fighting was unneceary and he provoked. I liked Lauren at first but her ass was super messy to go along with it and see nothing wrong with her husband instigating a fight with another woman. Im glad Cynthia isnt like that bc I may have to drop her.

I hope it comes back too bc it took a while to get going but it was quite a good show towards the end. I think they had good casting. Dawn, Magali, Ampika and Lauren were AMAZING cast members and they are the core four that need to stay. Tanya and LeAnne were kind of duds. I could take or leave them but I guess they round things out a bit.

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Brandi: Time to get off the cross, silly bitch. She really has no comprehension of how her actions have compounded effect and that everyone brings up her terrible behaviour because it's all the material she gives them.

Kim: Addicted pig, constantly screaming she's sober (I just don't believe it). The house conflict is a huge joke because Kyle caught Kim in the simplest of lies, about the house not being in escrow because she wanted Brooke and Farrah to do the listing, and Kim couldn't do a thing about it except shrug her shoulders and scream that Kyle was lying like a high toddler...even though she wasn't and it was plain as day that Kim had just shown her ass in terms of how she lies. She's basically in an abusive relationship with Kyle, the way she came into the kitchen and told her she loved her as Kyle is standing their sobbing over her burned steak? Kim is a sicko and it's high time she was fired.

Kyle: It's time she cuts the cord with Kim because as much as I'm not a Kyle fan, she's being abused by her drunk of a sister. She's better off without her. That house conflict, I mean...Kyle has the cancelled cheques! There's no disputing what she's said! I loved the shade she threw about Kim not being able to carry a mortgage. Kathy, much as I adore her judgmental stare, should really cut Kyle some slack because Kim has been given way too many chances. There is nothing for Kim and Kyle to work through, it's time to end it all. It's destructive and disgusting.

Yolanda: Seeing her with that vitamin drip while Brandi had a facial. So sad. I wish Yolanda good health, she redeemed herself in the last few episodes to some degree.

Eileen and Lisa Rina basically did nothing this episode and I'm cool with that: they have been old fashioned successes this season and I really, really hope they both return. Make it happen Andy!

Lisa V: She looked glorious officiating the gay wedding. It's interesting to hear her say she's not going to launch any more restaurants, as that's been her life and Ken's life for nearly 30 years. I hope she stays for next season, though if she doesn't then she's exiting on a real high. She's avoided all the nonsense, and lives a glorious life. She wins. And she should.

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It's not that it wasn't super rude and super messy of Paul to go in on Dawn in her home, but I couldn't help but love watching it because Dawn's lorded over everyone the entire season, so it was great to see a total blowhard like Paul capsize her "Legendary Dawn Ward Dinner Party"...I understand Lauren and Paul because they're *very* English and *very* old school and they shoot to kill, they don't play games.

I agree that Tanya and Leann are kind of duds, but they do round things out, particularly Tanya whose just sort of there and inoffensive. It will be interesting to see if ITV renews the show.

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He definitely provoked things but it was funny. But I do disagree about Lauren and Cynthia. Cynthia does need to be like Lauren b/c Lauren is not afraid to drop sh-t on the table. She says it and moves on. Cynthia needs to stop stumbling over things.

I enjoy Tanya and I want her to stay. Leanne I can do without, but I want her to stick around b/c I know Dawn will eventually flip on her and it'll be sheer joy to see it all go down.

That's what I get from them--that they are very English and old school. I thought I would've gotten that from Dawn but I didn't.

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I agree that Eileen should be seated next to her soap bestie, but isn't Yolanda cutting out early? I thought it was reported she was only there a couple hours.

It would be awkward (although fitting) for it to be the four ladies vs the two trolls once Yolanda leaves.

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Dawn's new money, she's common, and she knows it. The class system, despite Downton Abbey's protestations, is alive and well in England. Lauren was the only member of the cast who was born and raised in Cheshire. Now, Northern English people, where Cheshire is, are always going to be slightly rougher and more gobby than Southern English people, the stereotype exists for a reason. It was plainly obvious to me that Lauren has a certain confidence from growing up in the posh set and that even someone as pushy as Dawn couldn't undermine that. Throw in Paul, who is a posh public school boy if there ever was one, and you've got all the makings of a Cheshire power couple. They're old school English and to hell with anyone who messes with them.

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Thank you. I was hoping a Housewives reunion expert would let us know of previous instances where the person sitting closest to Andy still got the boot next season, but I couldn't think of any off the top of my head.

This shall be awkward, if Eileen goes in (I hope!) on Kim, and they're sitting right next to each other? No Rosie/Elizabitch split screen fun for them? :)

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