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So there's a petition going around to get Brandi fired from RHOBH. They're 1,500 signatures away from the 10,000 goal. LOL! I love how basically everyone but a few stans have jumped from Brandi's sinking ship. Granted I haven't signed and don't intend to, here's the link for anyone that wants to.


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I can't even... imagine how Joanna would go about proving that it's not true. blink.png I know technically she doesn't need to but sometimes not all publicity is good publicity. Budget Miami CokeWhore really does not need her name associated with the words "rancid vagina."

Agreed. This is just a desperate ploy to remain BravoRelevant and try to get invited to another RH franchise. You know she is itching (pun intended) for BH but that would really bring the show down.

Not a fan but I feel highly uncomfortable signing any petition to get somebody fired. Not unless they are truly evil, a danger to people or truly, truly incompetent.

Brandi is messy, crazy, manipulative but she's not any of the above really. Anyway, there's already a Bravo expiry date on her ass.

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I wouldn't sign either unless I truly hated the person. But then I would have to personally know them for that to happen. Brandi is like Nene for me, sometimes I despise her and want her gone, other times I find myself enjoying her and the drama she causes. Unlike Nene however, I haven't enjoyed Brandi at all this season. I can see why there's such hatred and need to get her off of Beverly Hills. She's lost all the fun she used to have an now just does and says anything she can for attention. It's really sad and annoying to watch.

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Same. Tbh I hope she recaptures some of her fun. When she first came on the show, she was refreshing. She said what she thought amidst all these ladies who were afraid to say a peep about the abuse Taylor was facing at the hands of her husband, or about the drink and drugs Kim was clearly ingesting. There was something childlike and fragile about her and this was what probably drew Lisa to her and why she clung on to that mother figure and did everything she could to impress/shock her and be noticed by her.

Now, though, she believes all the hype about herself from S2 and S3, and is under pressure to "deliver" the same only more so. FunnyBrandi, LoudBrandi, NoHoldsBarredBrandi, IMakeMistakesBrandi. I can almost feel her panic and her desperation to be noticed in social situations now. The problem is that she has gone too far with her antics for the sake of the show and burnt a lot of bridges. That and the inability to learn from those mistakes -- or even truly own them -- makes her appear immature.

Having said that, Kim brought the drama to Game NIght on Tuesday, but Brandi really lit a match under it and made it explode. In Bravo terms, she is doing her job and managing to make it all about her, I guess.

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Toyota's struggle blog with OK Magazine:

How did you feel when Claudia accused you of sleeping with men for gifts during her argument with NeNe?

PW: Claudia’s attack was out of nowhere and I’ll always pray for my enemies and hope they find peace in their lives. She and I were not necessarily considered friends, but I had never spoken ill towards her, of her or tried to call her out. We had a professional relationship at Radio/Dish Nation. I know she wanted more of a friendship, but I have said previously I didn’t feel right about opening up to her. Claudia had already told me she had gotten fired from her show in New York and could no longer afford her lifestyle. She basically burned some bridges, had a lot of professional let downs and no love life, which led her straight to Atlanta. RHOA was her last shot at the stardom she desired. If you add up all that heartbreak and shattered dreams that will leave you a thirsty 41-year-old has-been. Claudia is a “Mini Kenya” just as I predicted when we met, even though she swore that her friendship with Kenya would not affect her actions towards me but clearly that was a lie. I just wish she would get her facts straight.

Did you sleep with a married man like Claudia and Kenya claim?

PW: Since my tumultuous relationship and divorce from Kordell, I’ve chosen to keep my personal life as quiet as possible. I am in no way in a relationship or have I ever been in a relationship with a married man. I stated on the show several times that during the filming period. I was in long-distance relationship with a professional football player. That relationship didn’t work out, but every girl on the cast was aware we were involved. Anytime I answered a question about who and how my boo and I were doing, Kenya and Claudia’s interview would pop up and finish my sentence with lies.

Why do you think Claudia is talking bad about you in her confessional?

PW: I’ve learned that sometimes when women are envious of other women they will project their past onto them by any means like calling me all the names that have followed Claudia and Kenya their entire careers such as whore, gold digger, home wrecker etc. Claudia believes if she can slander my name it will make her look better and distract people from Googling her and her shady past. I would love for Claudia to live in her truth and find out what went wrong and why she’s so mad. Don’t attack me and instead be a sister and support. She is definitely succeeding as Bravo’s resident mean girl with green eyes full of envy.

My thoughts:


Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Kandi's blog:

Last week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta was crazy. Let me just say, despite all the shade that was going on betweenDemetria and Phaedra, it was nothing compared to the argument that happened between NeNe and Claudia. First of all it was unexpected -- nobody was expecting Claudia and NeNe to get into it. But at the same time what did you expect? Something is going to pop off if you tell somebody that you can’t believe they have a brain, but I don’t think anybody was expecting Claudia to react the way she did. Yes, I did feel like Claudia got the best of NeNe in the argument, because there was a lot that was said. Every time NeNe had something to say, Claudia had a comeback for it. It was funny and hilarious, and Claudia just seemed to be saying the things that everybody has at one point wanted to say, but probably never did. The reason why I say everybody is because I look at the blogs, I see the tweets, and there have been a lot of times that people over the years have said, “Why didn’t you say that?" Or "Somebody needs to tell her this!" Or "Somebody should do that!" So all the things that people have said on Twitter that someone should have said to NeNe, Claudia said that day. And it was hilarious to me.

I see people have been tweeting me saying, "Oh you’re two-faced" -- no I’m not two-faced, because I really don’t have a very close relationship with either one of them. Both of them are cool, but I just don’t have a close relationship with either one. So if one of them says something funny, I’m going to laugh, I’m sorry. You can be mad all you want to, but if Claudia says something funny, I’m going to laugh, if NeNe says something funny I’m going to laugh -- I don’t owe either one of them anything. So it is what it is.

Some people felt like NeNe got the best of Claudia in the argument, but I didn’t feel that way. For one that argument was even longer than what you guys got a chance to see. But on top of that I felt that sometimes it seems when NeNe gets frustrated or upset with someone, her go-to thing is to talk about is, “You're broke, I have more money than you,” so I was used to that, it was nothing new to me. But the stuff that Claudia was saying was funny and she was very calm about it. I’m not a good arguer; I wish I could be as quick on my feet as NeNe and Claudia are. I’m not quick on my feet like that when it comes to going back and forth with somebody. I get angry, and sometimes it gets all out of hand for me, but for them they’re good at just going back and forth with their words. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, because I know NeNe has said she says things that she regrets later. But it’s of course better than someone getting violent; they just fought with words, and it was amusing.

OK enough about that, I know people have their lives, I do too. To me NeNe's funniest moments of the conversation were when Claudia left the table. When NeNe kept talking it was so funny! When she started taking about that bob, I was looking at my own hair thinking, "Well I have a bob! Wait a minute, hold on, how are you going to talk about bobs like that?" But it just was so funny, she had us cracking up with the way she kept pretending she was rolling her hair up, it was just hilarious.

But outside of that, with all the drama that was going on between the girls, I felt like having another Bedroom Kandi party was the perfect interruption we all needed. We needed something that was going to be fun, that could bring everyone together, or at least get us on the same page for once, and I feel like I was able to do that. I know people are always asking why I'm constantly talking about sex, but when you talk about sex, you always laugh or smile, because it only brings happy thoughts. That’s the one good thing you can say about that, and when I brought out some of our Bedroom Kandi products and we played the game, the Bedroom Kandi version of hot-potato, it was hilarious. But better than that it helped everybody to mend their ill feelings for a moment at least, because people who didn’t even get along with each other still had to work together to play the game, which I thought was a great thing. People were laughing and smiling -- there were no arguments, there were no side-eyes, and I felt like it was perfect. Ain’t no party like a Bedroom Kandi party, 'cause a Bedroom Kandi party don’t stop!

Anyway, so on to the bus. The bus ride went horribly. I thought that everybody was on the same page after doing the Bedroom Kandi party, but obviously not. I thought it was good that NeNe apologized, because she doesn’t normally apologize, and I thought it was a good thing for her to clear the air with everyone. But Claudia just didn’t want to accept the apology. She wanted to keep going on and on and on about why NeNe had said those things. Come on girl, can you just please just accept the apology and keep it moving? Or don’t accept the apology and be quiet. Nobody wants to keep going on about the same thing over and over again, so that was irritating to me.

But then she had to blast Porsha, which I felt was completely uncalled for. I didn’t even understand why she even had to bring that whole situation up. That’s one thing that I don’t like about a lot of the girls. It seems like they purposefully want to bring up negative things about you, to put you on blast, or to put everything out there. It’s not like Porsha was even the topic of that conversation, so I don’t know why she felt like that was the perfect time to blast Porsha. It was just really unnecessary, and that’s just how I feel about that. Who Porsha is dating or who did or did not buy Porsha's car I don’t feel had anything to do with anybody on that bus, and I didn’t feel it was necessary.

So enough of that, at least from that point on we all were able to still put our negative feelings aside and make it to Demetria’s performance. I thought Demetria did an outstanding job. That was the first time I’ve ever heard her sing, and I thought her voice was beautiful. I thought she did a good job with her performance; she had a lot of personality on stage. You guys only got to see the one or two songs that they showed, but of course her performance was longer than that, and she did a great job. I don’t know if she could be a pop star. When I think of pop stars, I think of young teens, early twenties, so I don’t know if she is necessarily a pop star, but she is definitely an entertainer, and she definitely could put out an album. I think she definitely would have a lot of fans if she had the right team behind her, and I was glad we could be there to support her. The funny thing is she didn’t even have a clue about what went on in the bus, so luckily that whole negative drama missed her and didn’t affect her performance. Thank the lord, thank the lord.

All right, until next week! Everybody please follow me on Twitter. I know you like to go back and forth on Twitter, so feel free to go on my Twitter page and go back and forth with me @kandi. You can hit me up on Instagram @kandiBurruss and follow me on my website Kandionline.com. And please go to BedroomKandi.com and book yourself a Bedroom Kandi party, because clearly a lot of us need to have a Bedroom Kandi party in our life! See you!


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Ugh I want to see the unedited footage of Claudia and Nene. I agree with Kandi if neither one of the people in an argument are my friend I am going to laugh. They were both reading each other but like I said earlier Nene showed she was bothered by all that yelling and popping off about bank account balances.

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Nene was extremely bothered b/c Claudia was telling her the truth. Nene can't handle the truth. Kandi was telling the truth that Nene's 'reads' are all the same--all about what possessions she has and what others supposedly don't have. That's one of Nene's main problem--she's too worried about everyone else's coins.

But Kandi lost me when she got to the Porsha situation. I find it odd that she thinks it was wrong that the other ladies bring up Porsha's situation but she stayed quipping about Kenya and Marlo's situations in previous seasons. That's why Kandi can never fully have me in her corner b/c she is too bias to the point she is a hypocrite.

Claudia's blog:

WHEW! What trip! First of all I'd like to thank Demetria for inviting us all down to Puerto Rico for her do-over. And honey, what a do-over it was! The rooms were cute and cozy, the weather was amazing, and the pina coladas were fantastic! And on top of all that I really got to know Demetria a little more, and I just adore her. And of course like always I had a great time with Kenya and Cynthia. Those two really know how to have fun, and I appreciate their laid back and easy going demeanor. Our time at the pool was fun -- especially watching Kenya attempt to speak both Italian and broken Spanish to our bartender in an attempt to wrangle up some local cuties!

Dinner…well the evening once again started out fun, fun, fun! I was with my girls Demetria, Kenya, and Cynthia, and it was all so effortless and easy breezy! We were making toasts in honor of our gracious host as well as to new friendships. The tone of the evening certainly changed when the rest of the ladies showed up. I don't think I saw any one of them besides Kandi acknowledge Demetria, our host. Girl, I need these folks to take an etiquette class or something around these parts! But I digress. Things got heated between Demetria and Ms. Parks, and it was all downhill from there. I honestly couldn't understand the treatment of Demetria from Phaedra. On a shady scale from 1 to 10, I give it an 8.

As for the little disagreement I was involved in, Iet's just say it was a fight of words with lots of bobbing and weaving that was capped off with a verbal scalping! Lots of low points and crass things said, and plenty of one sided yelling. I am proud to say that I maintained a calm and classy demeanor throughout and let my wit, not my volume, do my work against several malicious false statements made by the mother hen.

Kandi's party was fun as always and it was nice to see all the ladies get along and have fun -- something I think usually is missing when certain people are in the mix. But I will say on that night it was great hanging with all the ladies. I had a great time and was surprised at who excelled and who struggled with the Pass the Potato/dildo game!

The bus ride to Demetria's performance was interesting. First we got the news that one of the women in our group would be stepping in and taking over for Sherri Shephard in the Broadway play Cinderella! That was great news, because I heard that Sherri did her thing, so although those are some big shoes to fill, even getting a chance at that role is huge, and I acknowledge that. Kudos!!!

I guess I should address the argument with Linnethia (Is that how you spell it? One day I will get it right!). I think I showed maturity when I congratulated her on her newest gig, but I felt I'd take that time to also make the point that she is not the only one working. Often times that is her narrative: "I'm the only one that will be left standing. I'm the Queen! I'm the only original! I'm rich! They are not on my level!" I mean it's exhausting to constantly hear these things, but even more laughable that it's being said to a group of women -- the majority of this group has been working on their own long before the phenomenon of reality television. I know I'm dating myself, but I've been a member of the Screen Actors Guild since 1994. I just don't think people that are used to working feel the need to constantly tell everyone that they work. We're all adult women, aren't we supposed to be working? When one behaves like this, it makes it difficult to "give props," yet Cynthia and I both did regardless of the shade.

Some may think I'm a pit bull or that I was wrong for not acceptingNeNe's weak apology. Well I don't know how these ladies do it, but where I'm from apologies for bad actions usually come with an explanation so there is an understanding as to why it happened in the first place. That was my entire point for pressing NeNe. I wanted to know why that was the go-to thing to attack me with -- my integrity as a woman. I've experienced lots of things in my life, I know a thing or two about sexual abuse, so for me to be called a "whore" and have someone talking about my private parts is for sure a trigger. I don't want to get into all the ugly details, but let's just say my life was affected by that word, and it is something that cuts me deep. It seems that has followed me throughout my life. Maybe because I am considered somewhat attractive, the go-to insults are "whore, ho, bitch, and slut." I remember not being able to have sex for years after what happened to me, and men getting frustrated with me and again using that word to hurt me when that was the furthest thing from the truth. I wish people would be careful with the words they chose to use, because you never know someone's back story. So I was demanding NeNe tell me why she was calling me a whore, and she refused to answer that question, so that was why it was so difficult for me to accept a simple, "Well, I'm sorry!"

Now is there a time or occasion when the use of that word is warranted? Absolutely! That should be reserved for women who exchange sexual favors for money or gifts, not because you are losing an argument. When you make these gross declarations on a huge platform, you give the green light for others to follow. I have had hundreds of people repeat this to me since NeNe screamed it at me, and it's not right. And I find it ironic that since then a very false list has been circulating the internet of all these alleged lovers that I'm being linked to, several of which are married to women I am cool with. The timing could not be any more convenient for some. This list is mostly false, not 100% but mostly! Once again, we must be careful with how we characterize one another, ladies. I know that I do not speak on something unless I am damn near 99% certain of it and pretty much know. I encourage others to follow suit.

As for the other lady I fussed with, well, it may have seemed unwarranted and I am sorry about that. I just wanted to make a point that the double standards in this group are crazy! I just don't how for some women it's, "Close your legs to married men," and then to others it's, "Do you girl, get your coins!" It gives me a headache trying to figure out the rules of engagement in this group! Ugh! Can I get a handbook of the rules? Because these double standards are killing me. I need for things to make sense.
I have to say I loved, loved, loved Demetria's performance! I knew she could sing, but I didn't know she could SANG! It almost brought me to tears seeing a beautiful and kind woman living her dream and doing it so damn well! Despite all the shade and negativity she had to deal with leading up to her show, she handled it like a true professional and pushed all that nonsense to the side and flourished. She for sure is an inspiration. Sometimes when I'm down I tend to curl up and hide, but to see Demetria fly high after all the nonsense was inspirational! I will continue to support this woman, and last I heard she was climbing up the iTunes charts and was at number 4! Take that, naysayers!

OK this was my most personal blog so far, and just a taste of things to come. I will continue to try to be an open book so you all can really get to know me. And in the process I hope some who share some of my struggles can feel better about their own and take comfort in knowing that you do not have to feel like you are alone and that you are damaged goods. There is life after tragedy and there are rainbows after the rain. Trust me, I know! I appreciate the love and support from those that have found something in me to relate to. I read all the comments and messages, and I just want to say the love has been overwhelming. Seriously guys and gals! Words cannot express how wonderful you guys have made me feel since joining the show. I love you all!


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Don't underestimate how catty Andy can be though...unlike Nene...unlike Ramona he doesn't give two figs about Brandi Glanville anymore. She may bring in ratings but if she ends up being viewed in his eyes as another Jill Zarin or another Danielle Staub then Brandi will be fired....plain and simple.

Especially if Lisa and the other wives start expressing their preference for that very outcome. While we're at it I think I've reached the end of the line with Kim Richards. Sure everybody loves a trainwreck but there's only so much I want to see before it becomes too disturbing/uncomfortable.

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Claudia's blog was very well written! But I have to say I found it interesting how she talked about the "whore" comment hurting/being inappropriate because of something she had gone through (which is terrible - I wasn't aware she was a victim of sexual assault). Yet, she saw no issue attacking Nene's looks, calling her bald, saying her hair was glued on, and telling her she was too fat to wear runway clothes? You say those things knowing it's going to hurt. I mean does she think Nene isn't self conscious about being bald? It's odd to say "Don't come at me with things that hurt me personally!!! BUT if you do, I'm gonna come back at you with them, too!!" That just makes you look bad. If you're so above attacking someone on a personal level, then don't do it. The "she started it" justification is childish and doesn't excuse the fact that she, too, said rude things.

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Claudia is so shady in this snippet of a preview for Sunday's episode. :P Betcha Porsha has another epic Instagram/Twitter meltdown by the end of the night. Part of me wants Claudia to pursue Kordell full speed just to f*ck with Porsha. :lol:

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