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About to the watch the reunion. Will def be watching Lisa very closely to see her reactions. Even as a fan of hers I don't automatically think everything she does is right.

LMFAO...Lisa is already diggin in on Brandi "We don't have the same personality"

Ain't that the truth Queen Lisa

Yolanda and this Lyme Disease...rolling my eyes. Not saying Wikipedia is the be all end all of information but judging by a cursory view of the page on the disease it's really not that serious and can be treated and eliminated with antibiotics within weeks.

She acts like she was diagnosed with breast cancer or some kinda death sentence....its really not that serious. Lisa is too nice to ever say that on television but we all know that's the bottom line. Her whole "Hollywood friend" versus "real friend" argument is beyond inane at this point. So if Lisa isn't her true friend what does that make Kyle or Kim?

Lol she just railroaded Lisa and didn't allow her to speak at all regarding that stupid party of hers. What a absolute liar Yolanda is. Does Gigi even feel 1/10 of anything for Lisa? Please

Black people really need to let go of the whole "Black people can't swim comment". As if most of us haven't said the ish before as a joke. Perhaps it was the mean spirited way she said it that offended people but honestly she apologized and I don't think it worth the uproar....in that one thing I'll defend Brandi to death.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Kim says this is the first season where we see the real Kim? Pass her some vodka, she's a total pill without the stuff. She quotes those AA lines like a pro.

Yolanda...grasping at straws with that painting party nonsense. Locked in the house for 18 months? While filming RHOBH? Sure.

Kyle...the perpetual victim. Hilarious that she acted so bewildered at the Dream Team.

Brandi came off as a huge, trashy, bitch.

Lisa, Carlton and Joyce all said little. What a boring part one of the reunion.

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That's your opinion. When she said it it came off to me like being called black was supposed to be an insult to Joyce. Brandi can say that [!@#$%^&*] with her friends all day long but it wasn't cool. Period point blank.

And she definitely said some slick sh-t about Joyce and her heritage for a couple episodes after that. Brandi may not be a cross burning, neo Nazi white supremacist but it doesnt mean she isn't ignorant and careless with some of the things she says. I will say I feel sorry for her sons of they're affected by the crazies who watch the show and think they can retaliate by egging her house but she needs to know her words have consequences.

Brandi also disgusted me trying to say Joyce settled. If I could find a man who satisfies me in bed, always has my back, great father AND rich. Hell I would settle too. Michael is not even ugly in my opinion.

Edited by Eric83
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Kim is so lame and irrelevant. Like I really cant stand her goofy ass. I understand this show keeps her sober. Let her ass film with Kyle and go on the trips but NO I dont want to see this trick in separate scenes and doing confessional. She is a waste of space.

Yolanda definitely overexaggearted with the locked in the house for 18 months thing. 18 months ago theyc were in the thick of filming Season 3.

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I agree. It's a very fine line to cross. If you're saying that to someone you're not good pals with, it's just not going to go over well. And even then, there are remarks that should not be said, even if your intentions are completely innocent. My husband is black and we have friends of many different and mixed races, but I've known from experience that there are some things I as a white person just should not say, no matter who my partner is; I don't get a "free pass" to run my mouth.

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I love you but I think you're overreacting. Joyce said she couldn't swim and Brandi said "Are you a black woman?"…It was in no way implying that being black was an insult, but just a joke on the old stereotype. Was it the most appropriate thing? Absolutely not. But it certainly wasn't racist.

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I honestly just took it as a joke and I didn't the whole "being black is an insult". Her other stuff about Joyce and Jacquline and her heritage offended me more to be honest.

Yolanda is an absolute joke. Again she did nothing but try to bullrush Joyce and Lisa so that they couldn't get in their opinion/take on the various issues they had with her. Love that Lisa proceeded to shred her whole argument about how Lisa didn't support or visit her for "18 months".

Regarding Lisa she barely said a word during the first part. She literally looked like she wanted nothing to do with the entire fiasco. Aside from her personality comment and when Andy tried to go in on her regarding her ability to dish it out but not take I saw a rational clear headed lady who knew what game Brandi and Yolanda were trying to play.

The problem is that Lisa is a pro and she's buying it anymore

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I probably read it differently because I cant stand Brandi this year lol... but yeah it was more ignorant and careless more than anything. Even her friend Etersa (spelling?) Told her not to play around with racial jokes with people you dont know like that. Things can get easily misinterpreted when you dont someone and their true intentions.

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Pretty much what I was trying to convey. Yes there is a double standard on who can say what due to the horrible past of race relations in this country. It is what is. I am shocked that Brandi was shocked how the fallout to that was. Not to mention the little digs she took at Joyce for being Latina....
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Agreed. For instance, with my close black friends I always joke when they say they don't want to swim and I'll quip things like "Girl you just don't want to get your weave wet", but I'd never say that to someone I didn't know like that. That's Brandi's fatal flaw, she doesn't know what to say to who.

I see your point for sure.

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Im late but I finally saw the WWHL appearance of Brandi where she says Kenya needs dark makeup and calls her ashy face. Have I mentioned that Im sick of her and her racial remarks? Lets see her try and pull that ish on CA. I hope Kenya roasts her

Camille's appearance made me miss her and I wasnt a fan. Its cool that she's still cool with Andy as I didnt think she had a good exit from the show. Id love her back even as a friend.

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