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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Watching RHONY:

Wow the difference between season 2 and 3. Jill and Bethanny no longer friends! Alex friends with everyone! Single Luann!

Sonja just randomly popped up as a wife lol. What even? It was jarring.

I actually don't hate Luann and Jill and Bethanny like I thought I would/did from promos.

The Jill/Bethanny relationship breaking is actually kind of heartbreaking. Bethanny was a bitch and didn't make Jill a priority when Jill. Ended her and when Bethannys life fell apart with her dad dying and she needed Jill Jill choose not to be there. I can't say I blame Jill but she also came off horrid. And Luann's desperation to make sure they didn't make up! Omg.

Ramona is just trash. Plain and simple.

Alex actually has a point this season and that's nice.

I can't wait for scary island.

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that's too bad bc Ramona while abrasive is really harmless. She's not malicious like Jill and LuAnn. Trust me things get worse with them, especially LuAnn. I don't like to use the C word but that's the perfect title to describe her. She comes across evil in S4 and is by far the worse housewife in all the franchises when it comes to being mean and nasty with very little balance. Ramona will appear like an angel compared to her

Well at least you are consistent with disliking the "queens" of each franchise....lol

Edited by Cheap21
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I always love the ones you hate. Haha... Diff'rent strokes... smile.png (although I'm not too big on Vicki overall)

Season 3 of NYC is the one I could watch over & over. Best season of all housewives shows by far, IMO

Finally, Alex isn't stuck on her own storyline island with Simon, vacationing in the off-season in speedos and trying on clothes and fawning over each other, like in season 2.

I still have yet to see the reunion episode of season 1. Maybe Bravo will replay it in the upcoming weeks.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I love people go know who they are nd don't apologie about it.

I domt like idiots, bully's and mean people who ply innocent.

The best moment of RHONY so fr has been Alex telling Jill that Bethany is done with her. I died. It was perfection.

I hate Jill and Luann but they at least entertain me. Ramona I just find disgusting nd tragic and have no interest in seeing.

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that was the scene that made me an Alex fan after having no use for her for in the first 2 seasons. Alex found her backbone and voice and from this point on, she starts telling it like it is and doesn't really give a F what anyone thinks. Its too bad she was fired bc she truly became a great housewife after that scene

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