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Lydia did well but it was clear she like made flash cards and studied backstage. Lol. She still adds nothing at all and needs to go. Along with Alexis. And no lauri doesn't need to come back but I'd take her over those two any day of the week.

Tamra totally came off terribly wi the photos. She keeps coming back to Gretchen cheating on Jeff. Her and Vicki are truly obsessed with this and it's all eh have. Both of them are determined to prove she cheated on him to justify their shitty treatment of her and it fails every time.

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Bummer for Miami. How did OC do? I must admit I was surprisingly bored during parts of it (Lauri/Vicki, Tamra/Gretchen), but I like how Lydia attacked/defended herself against Heather. The thing is, Heather and Lydia islanded in their own argument kinda felt like "eh, who cares?" without one of the heavy hitters like Tamra, Gretchen or Vicki. Just my opinion.

Yeah, Alexis can take a bow. This is her final show as a Housewife.

Onto other things... nothing wrong with missing crazy Danielle, Eric! She was the crazy fun looney tunes paranoid kinda character you just have to watch.

Sigh... once OC's reunion is over it's going to be slim pickin's til the next round of housewives premiere. No Miami for me, and I was disappointed to realize this past Sunday's New Jersey was only Episode 11! I'm kinda ready for this storyline arc to be over. What's for them to discuss now that the Gorga/Guidice/Wakile broods are supposedly on good terms, as are Teresa & Wacko Jacqo? Are they just going to be second-guessing each other's sincerity for the next 7 or 8 episodes?

Edited by Gray Bunny
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My latina bitches are back! Its like catching up with old friends. The recap was perfect. Very soapy.

Rolling my eyes at Ana trying to be saucy. Bitch shut up, trying to start attitude with Lisa. My first thought was what is she doing here?

Adrianna, phony trick. She's planning this big flashy wedding and acted like she just got engaged last season, yet they've been married for 5 years and lied. And look at her trying to place it all on her son. Oh boy this is so confusing. She says she only has a marriage license and is legally married bc of this yet there was no ceremony. You need a ceremony in order to legalize it. Whether its a priest or justice of the peace, someone needs to officiate it. Something about her story doesnt add up

Alexia's reintroduction scene with her getting dressed was to die for! Great choice by production

LMAO at Frederiq's impression of Lea. It reminded me of the Marlo/Sheree cacklefest. That fight was so OTT.

Team Joana, Lea and Lisa all the way!

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Lydia was the breakout star of this episode of the reunion...she handled Heather hilariously, the IMDB comment about Empress Lisa, the "just because you say it..." repetition, "princess"...brilliant. For that performance alone she could return.

Heather came across very poorly and she really should watch it because that veneer cracking does her no favours.

Lauri was such a fail, she has no ammunition whatsoever and the comments about her drug addled son and her granddaughter are major fodder for next season, should she accept an orange.

Alexis added absolutely nothing and she should RUN from this show because she'd be leaving on a high note.

Tamra was tame this episode.

Vicki wasn't shaken by much and she didn't explode, I know it's coming for the next two episodes and I can't wait.

Gretchen is a lying liar who lies. And the big problem is she can't even cover her ass because she surely exposed it with: "Why is that that you two can do all these things but the rest of us can't!"...thereby implying that she has done exactly what she's been accused of, she just can't get it swept under the rug effectively like Tamra and Vicki can because, newsflash, she tries denying things supported by photographic evidence. And yes, it's all old news, but it's old news that Gretchen isn't letting go of either.

All I know is Jeana was mentioned in this reunion and it confirmed the necessity of her presence so, so much.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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My God, I'm so slow with MIAMI season 2, although it is excellent! I feel I'm watching a well-scripted primetime soap.

I nearly DIED when Alexia said that Karent should drop the "t" and they made fun of it--which is what I've been thinking ALL this time.

Adriana is entertaining me so much now, while Karent needs a good slap. All the rest, I love.

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I wonder if your opinion of Karent will change by the end of the season bc I HATED her early on and the show had me rooting for her by the end. She really isnt a bad person and she looks tame in comparison to some of the ugliness displayed by the other women. It was funny how she had the makings of being this great reality show villian but morphed into an antiheroine of sorts. Very soapy indeed.


I find it uneasy watching Tamra and Gretchen. Its too bad Tamra turned on her. I think Gretchen genuinely trusted her and they seemed like they were in a good place and had moved on. I dont think Tamra ever really trusted her and was waiting for Gretchen to slip up so she could be vindicated about how she originally felt. i cant believe we are back to Gretchen, J and her fiance. This was like so 5 years ago. Can we move on already? With all that said, Gretchen cheated; she was in a relationship with that guy and after all these years, she IS still lying about it. I cant with her and I wish she'd just come out and confess to it bc that would put it all to rest. OMG, Tamra brought out reciepts with her compromising pictures.




I dont think i noticed before that Tamra is front and center in the cast shot like the HBIC that she is. You go girl!


Dang, didn't realize Lydia and Heather had a falling out. LMAO at the look Heather gave her. I have to say Lydia looked the best at the reunion. Best hair, best dress, best skin, best makeup, she looked good all around. Im hoping this reunion means she's secured a spot for season 9 bc she held her own against Heather quite well

Im surprised they brought Lauri out so soon. I thought they'd save her till part 2. Didnt realize her son Josh had cancer. She's so messy. She came after Vicki for a letter she shared 7 YEARS ago? Talk about delayed reaction.

ETA: I liked Donn when he was on the show and personally thought he was too good for Vicki but he lost points with me. If there money and assetts are settled then why does he need alimony from her? Its a double standard for sure but I dont like men going after women for spousal support. Just grant her the divorce and make a clean break so you both can move on. Its ridiculous that they are still legally married bc he will go after her for money if she signs the papers.

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I'm on the side of those who think they should just let sleeping dogs lie. It'd be like if they brought Danielle back to Jersey and they rehashed what is and what isn't true about "the book" that was written about her. It seems ridiculous to badger Gretchen about something from years ago that she's already denied over and over. And Tupperware Face Vicki has NO room to talk, which is the point Gretchen makes that I understand. Tamra? Meh, she just wants gloating rights to get Gretchen to admit it on camera.

We get it. Gretchen more than likely had an arrangement with her dying man that she can get her kitty pet by another man since he's already on the way out. Who cares? If the man and his family are cool with it and with her, who cares?

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What irks me is that all Vicki did was send it to Jeana and it got around their social circle. Why come on tv to expose Vicki for not having a threesome in 2006 to millions of viewers. LOL. It makes no sense. Andy and Lauri y'all could have come up with something better than this. SMH. Lauri is so hollow and plastic. She needs to go away forever.

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At least their friendship wasn't destroyed over a comment in a cookbook saying you're as Italian as The Olive Garden. smile.png The producers really should've come up with something better to show the beginning to Caroline & Teresa's rift.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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