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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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That is some Al Capone [!@#$%^&*] right there.

OTOH I feel sorry for Tre and especially her girls but OTO... don't do the crime if you can't do the time! I wonder if this is the end of RHONJ as we know it. Rumor has it that Al Manzo (aka Mr. Caroline Manzo) is up to his neck in public commission chicanery, too.

That RHoM promo is one of the best I have ever seen. I have never seen Adriana look as stunning as she does there. Marysol also looks good (if very "done" in the face). Honestly, after all these NJ news items the past few days, RHoM looks like a breath of fresh air right now.

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Regarding Joe and Teresa...the man should fall on his sword, take responsibility for everything, claim he forged everything or threatened Teresa to do likewise 'or else'....Ultimately, he can't raise those girls alone, Teresa could, she's built of tough stuff.

The charges against them are very serious. The only people to feel sorry for are their girls.

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You have to be an American citizen in order to be thrown in jail? It's crazy he isn't a citizen as he's been with Teresa forever. I wonder if this will lead to a divorce or if she'll stand by her man. I feel awful for those girls. I hope Joey reaches out to them despite their issues

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No Lauri at the finale party? Does not looks like Jeanna is coming either. I miss when the finale party was something of a reunion for all the former cast wives to come together. Even if we only got a few seconds with them, it was good to see that the women were alive and kicking (or in Quinn's case, realise that she is still a hot mess with a fake blonde plastic wig).

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They had a hearing today and each were released on $500, 000 unsecured bail bonds. They had to surrender their passports and are not allowed to leave the Tri- State area until their next hearing. I want to feel so bad for Tre but man the things she is accused of are just downright deplorable. I still love her in the context of the show though.
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Props to Bravo for pimping out Miami with a fantastic promo! It still doesn't beat Beverly Hills in my book, but it's nice to see they're putting faith into Miami and putting them on a Monday night (in part because no other franchise is ready to debut, much to my NYC-loving chagrin). I don't watch Miami but I know my hubby will be watching.

I don't buy the "7 housewives is too many" excuse when Beverly Hills had 7 last season plus 2-3 supporting players (Camille, Faye, and Marissa) and it was a very successful season and easy to follow all their lives (it helped that people like Kim and Taylor had little to no storyline). NYC had 7 for two seasons as well.

Poor Teresa... I agree with DaytimeFan's idea that it would be in their best interest of their children to lump all the blame on Juicy Joe and leave Teresa to raise the girls.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Yeah I read that she brought a ton of proof and they all came out looking the jealous insecure bitches they are.

As much as I love heather I can't wait to see Gretchen shut her ass down with proof about this role. Wow would think heather is smart enough to know that even if they did offer a role to Gretchen and she turned it down they'd never tell her. Hun that's not how this industry works.

Gretchen is always prepared now. I'm not sure why the others even try. Eps over this when she asked tamra if she wanted to see the emails from Malibu country and after bringing proof in years past.

As much as as Slade comes off slimy, I think that you can tell he and Gretchen really love each other. In such contrast to the other women. Alexis is controlled by her husband. Tamras new man is an uninterested in her as her last one. Vicki's so desperate shell date a loser and throw her family away for it.

Terry and heather tho are the best and IMO the most realistic.

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I like this turn of events on OC with everyone ganging up on Gretchen. It seems very scripted (last season, everyone was against Alexis... who'll be the target for next year's reunion?). Every lady on this show is a mess (okay, I'll give Bucky Beaver a pass due to being new and uninvolved). This is the first OC season that I've watched entirely. Excited to hear they're doing a 3 parter. Wonder how they'll stretch out the drama.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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BH had too many housewives. They could have easily trimmed it down to 5 or 6. Kim for example did nothing noteworthy of keeping her on as an official housewife and Taylor didn't do a whole lot either. Even Adrienne was barely there. Kim 's role especially served more as a friend and she should have been bumped off. I loved season 2 of Miami but 7 was too many. Ana, like Kim, just didn't do a whole lot to warrant being a full housewife. 6 is the sweet spot. Anything more than that is a lot and doesn't allow for much room to showcase them all in full capacity

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