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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Um, I am watching RHoNJ right now and literally PIMP laughing when Kathy's son and Rosie pull up in Richie's orange Ferrari.

First of all, the fact that Richie bought a "my middle-aged dick is really small, y'all!" Ferrari with all the Bravo money, and he chose one that looked like tangerine roadkill.

Secondly, what in the holy hell is Kathy wearing? Did she just come back from a costume party where she had to go as Calamity Jane? She should not be wearing clumpy cowboy booties and needs to fire her bootleg stylist, STAT.

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RE: They shoulda gotten rid of Caroline and Kathy and brought on 2/3 new girls to replace.

The problem is that they're all so connected. Caroline leaving means Jac will most likely quit (which is fine with me). But then Melissa will have no backup and vamoose in a hot second.

So you'll be left with irrevelant boring as paint Kathy and my girl Teresa. You'd have to rebuild it all over again.

I don't know why Andy won't just go drag Dina out of whatever hole she's hiding in and make her and Caroline's hash the ish out on reality TV. That would be ratings GOLD. Add in Danielle!? Season 5 is great success

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Lydia read Slade's dumb ass beautifully. She had a response to every nonsensical justification he made. She ZINGED him with the "Now I see what you are"...brilliant. She was 100% correct about the Miss Piggy story. "He should check me out less and pay more attention to Malibu Beach Barbie"...thatta girl!

Gretchen's attitude towards Lydia, Alexis and Vicki is extremely ugly. She has this tendency to laugh like a dumb hick and act incredulous when she's trying to be witty. And she fails. Gretchen just comes across as this angry, bitter, jealous, bitch.

Laurie looked like a drag queen with that hard red lipstick. And she has the gall to act above Brooks when she 1) cheated on her husband and 2) associates with porn stars/strippers? She needs to get off whatever moral high horse she thinks she's riding on that ranch of hers.

Brooks reminds me of the evil Teddy Bear in Toy Story, his bloated ass is just weird. That accent. It's just...smarmy.

I thought Tamra handled him really maturely: "I got Brooks, what's next? Jim Bellino?" Tamra, trashy as she may be, is hilarious. Eddie can dance!

Terri is a terrible dancer...and that was awesome to see. He and Heather are a great match.

Finally, good for Alexis for surviving an episode.

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DF, man, you really hate Gretchen! :lol: I was on her side during the whole Mejico fall-out as what the other girls did was selfish. And I was prepared this episode to remain 'on her side.' But her treatment of Alexis at the salsa party reminded me when she dumped their friendship in order to move on up to Barracuda Tamra and the fact that the ladies are now ganging up on her could be a little bit of payback.

As for the Lydia/Slade/Gretchen face-off, I get why Lydia was hyper-sensitive but she did make too much of a pretty innocuous statement. At the same time, I think she kept hashing it out because deep down she is not sure about Gretchen and probably does not have good vibes about Slade. When she said "Now I see what you are," it was a pretty accurate line, and her point about Slade bringing up the Miss Piggy comment and then Vicki having a nose job was dead-on. Vicki pretty much as said that it was because of jokes and cruel comments like that that she went under the knife. I have to say, Lydia has been growing on me episode by episode.

Eddie dancing was hot. Terry dancing was hilarious. I loved Terry all this episode. Brooks creeps me the !@#$%^&*] out, especially the way he was laughing when he got Tamra in his arms. A day after Ryan leaves for base-training with the marines, and Broke-Ass is already slithering out of the woodwork.

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My goodness, several woman have made appearances on OC after leaving the show (Jeana, Jo, Kimberly) but Lauri is by far the worst! She's come back to do nothing but hurt Vicki and this is such an ugly side to her that isnt flattering at all. She is enjoying gossiping about Brooks and throwing info out there that could ruin them. She is malicious

Im sorry but Brianna needs to get over herself. I cant stand Brooks but who the hell is she to tell her mother who she cant see? Vicki cant bring him back to HER house? Does Brianna own it? Is she paying the bills? She needs to move out, get her own home and stop leeching off her mother.

LOVED Lydia reading Slade and not backing down. That was lovely and made me love her even more.

Gretchen is becoming so jealous. First of Vicki and I can see it soon being Alexis. She needs to get over herself as well.

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Again, IDK why those hags on that show fight for Trampra's attention. She cares about no one and she'll turn and step on all those stupid broads to be el numero uno. She's the puppet master and they are her puppets. It'll good if Gretchen doesn't return, and Alexis surely won't be asked back after this season b/c they didn't want her back this season. I wonder who'll be the punching bag then?

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Yup to all of this.

Vicki is IMO the only one who truly comes off as a terrible person on OC and it's strictly because of her obsession with Gretchen. I also can not at her blaming Slade for her getting plastic surgery when she mentioned in season one looking like miss piggy and really it was the audience who pointed it out so often and were truly cruel. What slade has said about her is wring absolutely, but it isn't like she is he innocent victim. This wasnt a one sided fight and she actually gave far worse than she got.

As for gretchen and Alexis, I honestly don't blame Gretchen. Alexis dragged her into all these fights and when Gretchen spoke the truth Alexis couldn't handle it. Gretchen didn't attack her or bash her, she much le heather just told the truth and Alexis didn't like it. I think Alexis and Vicki's totally fake and forced friendship to try and get back at Tamra and Gretchen speaks volumes about what insecure and fake, weak women they really are.

Then there is Lydia who talks about being this peace and love hippy but it just rings false when you see her actively try to find issues with gretchen to create a storyline for herself. Her husband tho is so far the best husband OC has ever seen.

Heather once again remained flawless and perfect.

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Loved Buckey Beaver in last night's episode. If it had been anyone other than Slade, I would have been yelling at her to let the cheeseburger comment go. I mean, it was rude..... But it wasn't a big enough deal to keep going on and on. BUT....since it was the Douchelord himself, I am so glad she called him out on it and rode him hard about it. She really held her own w/ him, when he got all condescending and tried to backpedal out of that mess. (As if he could turn on his "Slade Charm" that only exists in his and his braying girlfriend's minds) And I just LOVED when she called him out on the Miss Piggy thing! You go, Lydia! Seeing Slade squirm was the best part of the episode.

Lauri is so.... thirsty. I don't care for Vicki but why does she keep trying to spill tea on her. Was there no other way to re-introduce her to the show?

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But from the clips I've seen on Bravo about the fight, Lydia didn't do that much. She whined if anything and then slyly said, "I see who you really are?" Umm b-tch where have you been? Everyone knows that Slade is slimy. Get over it. Lydia is a well-studied b-tch. She's a sh-t stirrer. And no one made Vicki's thick-jawed ass get surgery. The b-tch is old as Methuselah and if she's still having body issues then that is on her. Vicky can dish it but can't take it. I hate that ole' wh-re with a passion.

And RadarOnline is reporting that Trailer Sue didn't invite Gretchen to the wedding till the last minute, and she was supposed to be a bridesmaid. Buck Mouth says we'll why, which IDC, goes down in the next 6 episodes. Why would Gretchen give a flying f-ck about being in that ugly ass wedding. The bridesmaid dresses were frumpy and didn't fit anyone correctly. I'd choose to sit in the audience too.

And Gretch needs to pull a Phaedra and tell Lydia to give her a back-end b/c that My Little Pony lookin' heffa is constantly going to the press about Gretchen. Famewh-ring at it's best ;-)

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Yup. The only press horse face gets is when she's talking about Gretchen.

I don't know what it is about Gretchen but bitches are obsessed with her. Miss piggy, horse, Tamra, Alexis. They all talk about her all the time. The only secure woman on the show, heather, is the only one who doesn't seem to have a big issue or be jealous of her.

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Thanks for the heads up. Should either be a fun train wreck or a frustrating clusterfuk. Ill be watching ;)

My TiVo says its Mark Paul Gosselaar and Brecken Meyer. Did they cancel last minute and so they decided to throw on the horse faced post-op shemale instead?

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You can Pleather to the list too b/c from previews, it looks like she's going to be gossiping about Gretchen too next week. I swear that Gretchen needs to be crossed over to another franchise. Preferably, Atlanta or Beverly Hills where she has friends. Let them miserable hoes have that show and demolish each other. It'll be like when Danielle left on RHONJ. Everyone thought it was going to be smooth sailing from then on out, but once the common enemy is gone, you'll only turn on each other.

Oh I cannot watch that sh-t. Cray Cray Kelly is too much for me.

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