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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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OC and NJ have the most in common. If Bravo were smart, they'd add a shot of youth by making Kara a housewife now that she's rich. Can you imagine? We watched her grow up and now she's graduated to housewife. Even Briana is on enough that she could be a housewife. But in general they need to fire about half of their stale cast. Gretchen and Alexis need to go.


In other news, Ana from RHOM will be co-hosting The View. Pretty impressive that they're having her since she isn't even one of the stars. I wonder if that means she's in contention for an actual position on the show. I could see them considering her. I know she's nuts, but if they were smart they'd consider Jill, Alex McCord ( love her fashion reporting since she left), Nene and Phaedra as well. The show has gone beyond what it used to be and I would prefer a real tv person to these actresses they keep adding. At least then you'd have a different perspective with some being lawyers and business women. Alex could be a good Mommy to have on, plus her fashion reporting and interest in tv and film. Phaedra could provide comedy and legal advice. Nene could add a huge personality, but it probably too uneducated about most issues. Ana could provide legal advice and of course is a chef. Then you have Jill who has such a large personality and is a hot mess, which would be perfect for The View.

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hold up, she was hosting? What a bad choice. Not like she'd bring in many viewers. I read on Wiki that she was a guest in season 1. I don't even remember her but really I don't remember anything about season 1 except for that ghetto ass reunion
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Dont' hate! Don't hate! tongue.png They might be bringing her on there to co-host and then cook at the end too because she's well-received (for cooking) in Miami.

Not with that haircut he ain't. tongue.png I'd put a bag over it until at least he grows his hair back or get hair transplant, something! Joe Gorga season 3-4 was f--kable to me.

I am sorry but I disagree. One thing I can say about this entire franchise is when fans aren't stupid and when they aren't entertained or it's too dark, the ratings drop like flies instantly.

Case in point, NYC season 4. Ratings instantly dropped from season 3, which was their glory season and Bethenny might've played a point in that but to some, the show got stale and dark.

IMO, Kenya's antics saved RHOA from a dramatic drop, which would've occurred had she not been there to stir the pot, and Bravo having these women go on every media outlet he could book them on.

And honestly, I want the OC to flourish but Andy needs to drastically shake this cast up, getting rid of root of the problem for this show--the "quartet"--Vicki, Tamra, Gretchen, Alexis. Get rid of these four, keep Heather and Bucky, and cast 5 new, strong, wealthy women to star beside them and show could go well. I like RHOC and want to see it do well but these past two season are stale. The cast dynamic is stale. The drama is stale.

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It just don't look right and it f-cks up his face and everything. I mean I'd probably still give in if he was gay and did try too press up against me IRL, but afterwards I'd tell him to grow that hair back. He was sexier with it. But then again, thinking about it . . . I probably wouldn't give in b/c I'd have to deal with Teresa and I'd shoot b*tch from day one.

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Ha! Gorga's got the kind of body where you don't care if a certain part of his anatomy is merely average... smile.png The man is jacked! (though he'll never hold a candle to my all-time fave, ATL's Ed Hartwell... and you KNOW *that* guy ain't merely average! lol okay I'll stop)

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I agree those ladies have run their course. All 4 mentioned are unlikable. I used to like Gretchen, but now that I've been watching more consistently, I see how whiny and petty she is alongside the other blondies. And what the eff did she do to her face??? How old is she, and she's getting all Joan Rivers on us already? Oy... Like seriously, when we saw that profile shot of her in the limo, it was like someone was behind her, holding strings to make her face look so pulled back. Her jaw makes a 45 degree angle north towards her ears.

The thing is though, Heather and Bucky Beaver aren't all that dynamic (Bucky is brand new, so to wipe her out would be like ousting NYC's Cindy), so with 4 new ladies and these 2, it would basically be a brand new show with the same title.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Just caught up on the OC... Things are heating up! I really enjoyed the Mexico trip and next weeks episode look really good too!

Heather just doesn't fit with these girls. I like her but after a second season I'm just not feeling a good gel here. She's sort of like the mom, but in a tightass way. She needs to loosed up with these girls or go to BH.

I cannot believe that Vicki peed on Tamras bed. Omg!!! That [!@#$%^&*] was gross but hilarious. Loved tamras reaction!

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That's NBC right? That must mean they still may have some plans for her.

How much of the Beverly Hills feuding do you think is real and how much isn't?

Speaking of BH, I was in a drug store and saw some cover which mentioned Kyle's husband and a man. Didn't really care about reading it.

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