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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Older RHOC-

I wonder just how much Geana knew about Tamara and Vickis marriages because watching it now, knowing how both of those end, and her comments about their judging Gretchen make me think she knew all about their failing marriages. I love her. Really. She is kind of boring, and depressing, but she is also very smart and calls these bitches out on their [!@#$%^&*]. When she told Tamra she needs to apologize to Gretchen for saying she was running a con on Jeff is just one of those common human viewpoints, but Tamra cant do it because she is so, so threatened by Grethen. Her opening lines Gretch's first two seasons are directly about her too, its kind of pathetic. But jesus i am beyond attracted ti Simon like... hardcore.

I will miss Kara and Shane more than anyone, because shes hilarious and he is so, so sexy.

Alexis' arrival... jesus help me. She is the absolute [!@#$%^&*] worst. Its actually disgusting watching her and Jim and the way he dominates her and she is seriously nothing more than his piece of property.

Gretchen and Slade are great. They are not only sexy together, but they really seem to make eachother happy. I think she is not given enough credit for being smart, because she still hasnt married or had a baby with him due to their financial and his legal/job issues. She clearly didnt get a ton - if any money - from Jeff because she wasnt in it for that reason. I think shes a girl who just falls in love easily. I also love how she hasnt so far tried to turn Alexis against anyone, she just lets her meet them and form her own opinions.

I have come to really like Lynn but good god i hate her children. Like... majorly. She annoys me now with the issue between Gretchen and her daughter. Gretchen just reached out saying she was here if she wanted someone to talk to not a parent, and she ASKED lynns permission to do so beforehand. Lynn is a terrible mother, honestly. And for her to throw the photos some dude leaked of Gretchen online was majorly low. "If my daughter has a problem she comes to me" - yes, Lynn, she does... but you dont listen.

Its very interesting to watch the impact of the real estate crash had. OC was hit majorly hard, and its very sad to see but at the same time its like... yall were clearly living beyond your means for show so...

Edited by JackPeyton
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That was a cruel thing that Brandi said about Kim and Kyle. Seriously she needs to STFU and think before she speaks her mind. Even if it was true, she didn't have to say it to Kim. One thing I don't like about Brandi is that she plays the victim too much. Too many times this season she threw out her cards. Oh I was cheated on. Oh Im all alone with no man to protect me. Oh I have no money. She says sh-t and when people come at her for it, she falls back and hides behind all her hardships to deflect. If she's learned one thing this season, I hope its that she's learned to watch what she says and the possible implications and reprecussions of her words. She has no filter and its gotten her in trouble one too many times. Makes for interesting tv for sure, but it does her no favors

The shirt segment was fun. Even funnier when Andy threw Adrienne's shirt...lol

I kinda believe Kim in terms of the Yolanda/Lisa issue in Paris. I think Yolanda got caught and was trying to downplay it. I also think Kim may have made it into more than it was, but I definetly think Yolanda said negative words about Lisa. We saw her on camera call out Lisa and disapprove of her actions and question her motives in her talking heads so its not hard to believe that she said something to Kim about that. IMO she really didn't do a good job of defending herself and it was clear that she was deflecting. I did like that Lisa didn't give the other group the satisfaction of causing a rift by publicly siding with Yolanda but I have to imagine Lisa confronted her about it off camera and Yolanda explained where she was coming from. That's how real women handle it

Edited by Cheap21
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What Brandi said was something I've seen many people say throughout the years. Let's not forget Kyle was the one who called out Kim's alcoholism on the show she got her sister on...What would Kim's story be without the alcoholism angle?

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I love that Brandi said it because it ws the truth. Rude? Maybe. But they signed up for a reality show and put it out there to be judged. People have said all season and last that Kyle liked Kim as an addict and weak. Notice how Kim didnt come to her defensive and even kind of questioned her on it - because even she knows its true I think and thats why shes pulled away from Kyle.

I dont think she needs a filter or to watch what she says, esp because its all be utter truths so far.

As for Lisa, Yolanda and Paris - I do believe that she said what they said she said about Lisa... however, I think they eliminated the context to throw her under the bus and Lisa knows that. I think she was trying to clam a addict down and told them what they needed to hear/agreed with what they said.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Uh Kim is annoyimh and imo still on something, I believe Yolanda and I dont think she said Lisa is full of ish, Kim was hardly lucid in Paris to confirm anything except she likes turtles LOL!

Ididnt have a problem with what Brandi stated because one, she stated it right in front of the siisters, and two, she clarified what she was trying to state and I agree with her and so do a lot. If Kim is still at the point where she could die if she isnt sober, any sane sister wouldve told her to get off the damn show. Kyle seems to be milking her sisters disease

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Yolanda did say some of that stuff. it aired and she even told Lisa in Paris to let it ho with reference to Kim, but Yolanda denies saying all that other crap that the Richards sisters were spewing LOL, Even Lisa admitted that Yolanda might ve stated some of the stuff but the other crap doesnt even sound like something Yolanda would state.

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