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Farah Fath declares war on the message boards

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And that's why I don't feel bad even jokingly saying the girl should jump in the middle of a moving subway. Her "middle finger" proves to me that this girl is completely devoid of any kind of class and shouldn't be treated with kid gloves.

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I think it was meant as a dismissive remark, but not any kind of racial remark. I think it's something people tend to say to any group people that pisses them off. Damn Ross Perot for making it mean anything else, since it's usually on the tip of my tongue when dealing with my extended family. :lol:

I hope FF meant it when she said she isn't reading the boards anymore. Like someone else said, it's a battle that can never be won.

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Exactly -- which is still offensive. I should know. To this day, I still dismissively call my parents "you people" whenever they irritate me and it pisses them off! :P

Which is why I believe this half assed "apologizing without apologizing" apology is incredibly insincere... and just made her even more ripe for the joke mill!! :D

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Word. I can't help but feel bad for her, but posting what she did was like chumming the waters. It reminds me of a quote from The Wire "You can't lose if you don't play". Getting into debates with online fans or even acknowledging that they affect you in any way is a lost cause. I actually like FF and I thought she was good playing the single mom in Paris, Texas, but disingenuous apologies are not helping her case, imo. She needs to just stop engaging completely and this will blow over. Someday.

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The first thing I thought of when I read this was Kelly Ripa's recent discussion of her first few years on AMC. She learned that she wasn't a very good actress and TPTB not so gently told her that she needed acting lessons. She took them and improved. That's grace, in my book. Maybe Ripa benefited from having been a young actress at a different time - without as much internet contact with fans, or maybe her current success makes it easier for her to admit how bad she was, initially. Young actresses like FF could learn from Ripa's experiences. I'm sorry she's hurt by fans' opinion of her work, but I think that any actor serious about staying in the industry would have wanted to get better to prove fans wrong rather than give the big 'FU' to fans.

ETA: If that's her official apology (posted a few pages back) it's saddest thing I've read in a long time (no sarcasm). She is young if she's been motivated by trying to please the fans who've hated her work, and checks to see if they like what she's doing.

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Kelly Ripa has been very open about the fact that, when she started, she was told by TPTB -- including AMC director, Henry Kaplan -- that she needed to step up her game. The bottom line is, internet savvy or not, when you realize the crowd you're supposed to be entertaining ISN'T BEING ENTERTAINED BY YOUR PERFORMANCE, don't tell them to fuck off! If she's smart, she'll realize that "focus groups" are the wave of employment future. After seeing what happened to Scott Evans and Brett Claywell, the last thing she needs to do is create enemies.

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Exactly! Her attitude is just asking for a pink slip if you ask me. I mean, I don't see that happening..... but people won't forget this and the next time she slips up, whether it be ripping up a scrapbook or launching a woe is me myspace diatribe..... look out.

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