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Dancing with the Stars: Season 10

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She deserved it bc she was the best. I dont think her win was unexpected. She was the best from episode 1 She really was on a totalyl different level than the rest. I wish all the stars didnt choose to do the argentine tango. I was upset Evan chose that bc he just did it last week and did the same exact routine. I wasnt as impressed bc of that.

Come on people are saying this is rigged? Thats very typical of when fans dont get an outcome they wanted. Nicole was the best dancer. I didnt like her and wish she hadnt won (was rooting for Erin w/ a showdown with Evan), but she deserved it bc she simply was an amazing dancer. The judges gave ehr praise bc she DESERVED the praise. They were extra hard on her this season bc she did have more experience and there were higher expectations for her. Her attitude may have stunk, but her performances most certainly didnt

LOL at Niecy dancing to Bootylicious. She got to shake her jigggly parts! lol

How lucky was Pam to dance with 3 hot guys. Loved her coming from the air. That was interesting

Can they please get Kate off my screen. Of course she came to promote her 2 new shows. She wa right when she said 90% of her audience hates her

Overall great season but I found the winner way too predictable. They really all were fighting for 2nd and 3rd place. Congrats to Evan and Erin for getting so far

Anna wasnt in season 1. Edyta is the only star who's been there from the very beginning and never won. I used to hate Anna. This is the first season I didnt mind her. Ashley was the only other season 1 dancer in this season

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This season wreaked of bias. The judges were unbelievably pro-Nicole, it was pretty blatant, especially Carrie Ann who I think has outstayed her welcome and could do with a firing. Carrie Ann is just so unkind to everyone but her favourites, Nicole and Derek's freestyle was crappy in comparison to Evan's. She always picks on people, especially other women. She did it to Susan Lucci, Jane Seymour, Mel B...the list goes on and on. She's just an utter bitch.

One thing that always intrigued me was how uncomfortable Brooke Burke seemed when she'd interview Pamela Anderson, the dislike from Brooke was so evident. I've finally figured it out, Brooke is married to David Charvet, who was Pamela's boyfriend while he was on Baywatch...notice how David was never in the audience until Pamela was axed. Considering that relationship ended 15 years ago, either Brooke is incredibly insecure or David still hasn't gotten over Pamela.

I loved Pamela and Neicy's dancing, they had a blast.

Nicole and Derek are sickening. Horrid, inflated egos, just despise both of them! But here's the good news, Nicole came off horribly in this show, she's already widely loathed in the music industry, DWTS was a major step 'down' for her. She can enjoy her little mirror ball, she's 31, she's too old to be what she wants to be, she's over and she knows it.

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That's no worse than Len telling Nicole and Derek that they should win even before Evan and Anna had danced. I would have loved to see the look on Len's face if Evan and Anna had won :lol:.

The only way she could have won is if she was Julianne Hough or Cheryl Burke.

Did anyone hear a rumor that Julianne said that if Derek won, she would come back?

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If asked? I doubt they ever wanted her to go, they were always all over her even as she became an entitled showboat. She is probably coming back because her attempts at music and film careers flopped.

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I'd just like to say ditto to everything you said.

For me in the episodes I watched Nicole's dancing was mediocre at best. she had no personality in her dancing and no chemistry with Derek. It was like watching two singular people that happened to be dancing at the same time. There was no connection between them. I certainly didn't think she was the best dancer and I don't understand why the judges all had their noses up her ass the entire season.

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