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Plastic Surgery of the Soap Stars

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I was lucky enough to see Diana Ross in Central Park years ago (the other day, not the day she "rained supreme" as the Post described it). That was a tremendous show, but then I got to see her at Radio City and her show was horrible. I think 50 minutes and goodbye. But The Central Park show ranks up there for me with seeing Queen at Madison Sq Garden.

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Ooof. But so important for the world to see such things. Makes me think of how on more than one occasion I've seen a woman go :blink: when she learned that ::gasp:: men wear makeup on TV and the red carpet too.

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Madonna looks her age. She looks good for her age, but she looks her age. And that is what plastic surgery is all about -- cosmetic procedures that (touch wood) will make you look great but will never EVER make you look like a fresh-faced, blooming 18-year old.

MAYBE if the photographer had done his [!@#$%^&*] JOB and photographed her in a more flattering light than this blue-grey steel ish, then maybe Madonna would look downright stunning -- and herself. Instead she has been so severely photoshopped that she makes some of her more ill-advised forays into surgery look positively palatable.

I feel sad that this fierce woman who I grew up with and admired, who stood up and said exactly what she thought, no matter who it would shock, has had to resort to this ridiculous photoshop trickery. We ALL know its trickery. Her "real" face with its soft lines and wary eyes looks fragile, defensive, vulnerable -- and blissfully alive. The D&G ads make her look dead-eyed.

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To me she looks like a female on too much hormones which make her look like a male. It's as if I can see a beard growing. mellow.gif

I also think it's the make-up... The powder makes all these small hairs (lanugo-like) visible... And the moustache.

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You know, the more I think about it, the more I wonder whether Madonna was not absolutely devastated by Guy Ritchie leaving her for that younng redhead in Sherlock Holmes. I think she really fell hard for him and he obviously dumped her body-obsessed ass when she hit 50 for somebody younger and more... compliant? She'd had cosmetic maintenance before, but that's when she went headlong into Face-Lift Territory.

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But I thought he was supportive of her efforts? Perhaps even a bit too much?

And that he dumped her when she went all batshit crazy and started doing all these bizarro things... Plus he was against that Malawi boy adoption.

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LMAO! "Porridge diet"! :lol: I never knoew porridge could "give your skin that healthy glow." Keep you warm on winter mornings, maybe.

The British tabloids and Daily Mail in particular can be so hateful. Women are an easy target. The Mail is always ragging on "Aging Madonna" and putting down women who have to work after giving birth or gain a bit of weight at menopause. Then they applaud bimbos like "brave" Kelly Brook for appearing in public in a bikini after breaking up with their boyfriends. I'm sure their tone will change once poor Kelly starts getting a little older.

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My theory is that Madonna became even more obsessed than usual about her public image and physical appearance. She felt she had lost some relevancy in the music world after a few of her albums did not do as well as hoped. Plus she must have been acutely aware of the age difference between her husband and her -- and the starlets throwing themselves at him. That was probably when Madonna's rather dry and wicked sense of humor disappeared entirely and she became All About the 5-Hour Workouts. And when you lose your sense of humor -- people do not realize that this was probably the glue that held your relationship together in the first place!

The adoption was an attempt to keep Guy, I think. By all accounts he really loves little David Banda and was thrilled when he joined the family. But then the Malawi authorities kept threatening to take the boy back and Guy must have thought "Oh, [!@#$%^&*] it. I can't deal with being manipulated emotionally in this way."

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They are horrible. And keep getting more wicked as time goes by. No regrets, no sensitivity...

I can see that.

I've just read that he was expelled from his school because he was caught "cutting class and entertaining a girl in his room". Now I have no idea what entertaining a girl exactly means in this instance, but if it's something sexual, d'oh, he probably has the same libido now as he had then. And was very good in bed which is reason no. 2 Madonna feels so insecure and pathetic.

He was probably a "sex god" who knew how to satisfy her.

Or I may be just talking rubbish. LOL.

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