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Y&R: Episode discussion, week of January 18, 2010

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When Katherine wasn't so saintly:


The thing about the Jill/Katherine rivalry is that I could never side with either Jill nor Kay, both were equally nasty but both had a point because they had wronged each other. With LML and MAB Jill has become more of the bitter old shrew while Katherine has indeed become a saint. She was already regal enough, but everyone seems to go to her defense leaving Jill in the cold.

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Yes, that also bothers me about the Katherine/Jill relationship in recent years. Katherine put Jill through a great deal of pain. The new history, which says that Jill was this maneater who ruined poor Katherine's life and has been a burden to her ever since, it is a cheapening of what actually happened. This Saint Katherine stuff does her no favors. The worst was during those weddings earlier this year when that annoying and rude woman, Pearl, trashed Jill, and we were supposed to be appalled when Jill gave it back. This was also around the time we got the lovely scenes of everyone standing around laughing at Jill.

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I tuned in and seen one scene with Lauren where she said something about her office being painted or redone or simething and Daisy was creeping around and i thought of that same days story. im sure thats whats going to happen. or like when shiela poisened her necklace>


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This isn't a hairdo but more like a hair don't. The color is off and the cut ages Nikki into her 60's. MTS can't be more than 50, I'm guessing she is about the same age as Ashley. Also, Nikki just isn't Nikki without blond hair. I feel like it takes something away from a character when an actor radically changes look. If Victor were to stop using his Just For Men and get a shave, he wouldn't be the same Victor.

I don't tune in everyday, watch maybe once a week, but where has Gloria been? She was front and center for a while but seems MIA. I adore the character, know everyone else hates her, and feel like she should be mixing something up. Between St. Kay and Tucker the !@#$%^&*], Y&R is boring. Also, I'm over then manner in which they keep bringing up Adam's walk on the wild side. It is like they are trying to redeem his sexuality. Such an effort is being made to say "Adam isn't bi, he just uses people". If you prefer women but do the back side glide with a man, then you are BISEXUAL and this is regardless of motive. Even when a man has sex with another man for money, he is deemed as bisexual within the medical community. I'm not into labels; however, I feel like TPTB are trying to somehow fix the situation with Adam's sexuality. I hate to call it homophobic but all of these efforts to justify Adam and Rafe are a bit much. A straight guy wouldn't get hard in a homo situation and would probably feel ill: sort of the way Y&R is making me feel.

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Didn't you know that once you turn 75 in soapland, you suddenly transform into a perfect example of humanity. Check out World Turns and you'll get what I mean. Every geriatric is a saint, fully declawed, and filled with wisdom. I miss the real Kay and, for that matter, the real Jill. Both women have lost all their spunk. Now Gloria is our only guilty pleasure.

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I hate what Ma Bell from Beverly Hills has done to Katherine, she's literally defanged her and made her Mother Teresa which Kay Chancellor never was. Kay was always a bitch, always a diva and always tough. The Kay we have now is sweet and gentle and defenseless. I call bullsh*t!

Jill is only supposed to be in her 50s, so what they've done to her is even worse. At least you could argue that people in their 80s mellow with age...but Jill should still be badass and whip smart like she used to be.

This regime HATES women. Ma Bell from Beverly Hills should be ashamed of herself.

Gloria's wings have been clipped, contract wise. She'll still be kicking around, but the backlash against her was very clear and she won't be getting much front burner airtime ever again. And that's a good thing.

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Oh, thank goodness. I thought it was just me whose eyes rolled to the back of her head everytime Y&R start singing "Good Queen Katherine" from the Prop 'Em Up hymnbook. I especially dislike her good samaritan work with Amber and Kevin, two cons who have NEVER deserved the good fortune, riches and opportunities Kay routinely throws their way. Kay is SO much more interesting than that. SO much more! And imagine how much more compelling she and Murphy would be if they let Calculating Kay come out to play? I consider Murphy a worthy successor to the fabulous Rex, and Kay certainly wasn't Saint Katherine back when Sterling showed up, was she? Murphy's a tough bird who has been through poverty and war, so he could handle it. He could handle her!

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