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Y&R: Episode discussion, week of January 18, 2010

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You all -- especially DeeeDee -- make excellent points about Katherine. You're right...they never used to need her to "introduce" or "build sympathy" for other characters. You're also right that she has been "de-fanged".

I remember when Phillip II asked her for a divorce because he was in love with Jill. Back then, Phillip had some audience sympathy! Because Kay was SUCH a mean, drunken wretch, with her stable boys and all.

And let us not forget that there were times when Jill tried to leave the rivalry behind (like when she married John Abbott), and a bitter, lonely Kay was the one who re-ignited the feud (e.g., with those ingenious puzzle pieces).

You're all totally right about this. It is as much of a distortion of the character as presenting Kay as this uber-businesswoman.

The only thing I can say is that I don't MIND this "Nancy Hughes" (good tie in!) version of Kay...or her business acumen. I really enjoyed what she did for Amber and Kevin (who were pretty annoying) during the pre-Chipmunk era.

BUT, I am hoping that this Tucker thing brings out the tigress in Kay. The vindictive, nasty side. I'm thinking, though, that she'll manifest it more with Jill (after she learns that that "slut" is sleeping with the enemy, and it reminds her of how she slept with Phillip II).

Also, with the WHOLE town aligned against Tucker (all the scoobies, all the veterans), I'm vaguely feeling like they're setting up a who-shot-Tucker story. The only reason I'm doubting that (especially killing off Tucker) is because they now signed such a powerhouse actor.

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While I liked the dinner and the part of where JT stood up to Victor and then Princess Boringtoria on the phone, I just hate Victor. This isn't a love to hate like it use to be, I have no use for him anymore. The scene where to talked down to Jack and Emily was so dumb and hypocritical. It tried to make Jack look worse than Victor, but failed to do so.

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Chancellor Industries was always a non-entity on this show. Hell they don't even have a Chancellor Industries set!

We always knew Katherine was filthy rich and Phillip left her a company, but we knew her fabulous old ass wasn't running things day to day there.

Newman and Jabot are the real companies on this show, seeing Katherine as this big bad businesswoman is jarring, and really it's not Katherine at her most interesting.

This sh!tty writing team needs to stop trying to make Chancellor Industries happen already, because it was never happening to begin with...

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Who was it who started the Katherine as businesswoman stuff? Was that LML? I remember I had been away from the show for several years and was shocked to learn that Katherine was involved in these business stories. I don't think the idea is automatically bad, if the show had people who knew how to write business, but it's a big change. For years, especially in the 90s, Katherine rarely even left her own home. Some fans used to joke at the time about stories where Nikki and Katherine would battle agoraphobia.

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Yes, exactly.

I don't mind Kay as a businesswoman, but we didn't see her evolution to get there. It was just a few years ago that she was so uninvolved that Michael Nouri could sweep in and rob her blind.

I'm not minding Kay as the center of the show, though. She's a likeable, feisty broad.

I'm also not minding Victor being back, *sshole that he is. Yes, he is off-the-hook outrageous right now...but BOY does that pepper up the show. The GCAC scenes were so preposterously uncomfortable...and I was on the edge of my seat watching every second of it unfold. The altercations at GCAC are what soap operas should be...not plane crashes and house fires and...

So this Anne Schoettle is Shaughnessy's wife?? What writer got dumped to accommodate her? Did she do both the script AND the breakdown today? It really wasn't bad. She wrote for Days right? But never Y&R?

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