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I just finished watching season 1 and 2 in the span of 3 weeks.....and I LOVE this show!

House of Targaryen

- Daenerys (Emilia Clarke is hot!!) is one of me favs and I liked her with Kahl Drogo.

- Daenerys' weasel of a brother's death was freakin cool! Here's your gold crown! LOL

- Don't mess with Daenerys and her dragons! Take that evil magician with skinny arms.

- I hope next season Daenerys and her crew make it over the 7 Kingdoms area

- Damn Doreah for betraying Daenerys. Now she's locked up and that vault and now I won't see Roxanne McKee wub.png again.

House of Lannister

- Tyrion is another favorite of mine. I love his humour and intelligence. I him with Shae, but I have a feeling Shae will die due to Cersei's threat.

- I can't help but like Cersei because I think Lena Headey is so damn beautiful. LOL I can't just dislike her. I do think she loves her children though. That scene with her youngest son, where she was about to give the poison(?) to him, was sad.

- The dude playing Jaime reminds me so much of Josh Holloway.

- Jaime and Cersei = nasty! Cersei made a comment about sharing a womb with Jaime - so I guess they're twins?

- Tywin is a pretty badass. I like his admiration of Arya. He's my second favorite Lannister after Tyrion

- I hope Joffrey dies!

House of Baratheon

- Oh Stannis was so close in taking over. I thought it was going to happen.

- Not really a fan of Stannis' red witch and her sorcery ....though she does look good naked.

- I was happy to finally see a big battle scene. I just love war battle scenes.

House of Stark

- I pretty much like this entire family except for Mama Stark and Sansa, though Sansa is finally coming to her senses about Joffrey. So maybe I'll start like her next season. She should've left with the Hound.

- John Snow's fat friend is another fav of mine. He's so likable. LOL I know he's taken his vows but I hope he hooks up with that red-headed Wildling chick.

- I can't believe Eddard got killed! That said to me that this series will kill off anyone, which makes me worred about my favorites.

- Arya is another favorite of mine. She's such a tough and smart little girl.

House of Greyjoy

- Theon get knocked out after his war speech was hilarious! laugh.png I had a feeling early on that his guy was to not be trusted. Him findnig out that he felt up his sister was kinda funny too. LOL I hope Rob kills him.

So before I read the last 16 pages of this thread, should I be concern about spoiler? Are people talking about the book?

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I really disagree--I thought it was fantastic, myself, and they did a good job of somehow shoehorning every character in.

The House of Undying was SUUUUUCH an improvement over the books--adding them having the dragons gave Dannii much better motivation (as a friend said, in the book it feels like she goes there and gets trapped simply because the writer wanted her to). I was also glad it was dealt with quickly and spectacularly--I was worried she was going to be imprisoned till next season. Also very smart to end with the White Walkers (setting up the basic theme of the series which is while people in central Westeros--King's Landing are endlessly battling each other, their ignoring the approaching threat to them all from the East with Dannii and her dragons, the West with Mallisma and her Fire God, and most of all from the North with the White Walkers who have no allegiance to any side). Also a much better backstory for Robb Stark's bride, who in the novel is almost a blank slate.

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I think the problem is that I speculated on things, I shouldn't have. Things that have happened on screen in season one, episode 2, but are (perhaps) more clear in the books. It is just speculation though. Nevertheless, I will not do it again.

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Toups, I read the first book after seeing the first season, and then read half of the second book, but decided to hold off till I ahd seen the second season, and have since finished the second book. I'm 99% sure that in this thread any spoilers (certainly the ones I recently stated--like the much improved story for Dannii) for the book are merely ones about differences in the show.

Edited by EricMontreal22
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