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DAYS: January Discussion

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Wow, i can't believe Bo and Carly had sex already. The timing of this storyline is all wrong. I wanted Bo/Carly pairing for a while but not like this. They just haven't had any rooting value at all. I'm very disappointed at how this triangle is being handled.

Loved the Melanie/Maggie scenes.

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Guest dc cubs

Toups, I agree about Bo/Carly moving way too fast. I wanted them back together but wanted the show to go slow with it. The pacing just fuels my fear that this will be just a blip until a quick Bope reunion. However, Bo and Hope have serious problems so how they could get back together so quickly would also be troublesome.

I think Days is doing a good job so far with the storyline of Mickey's death. Susan Seaforth Hayes was wonderful today and I too enjoyed the Maggie/Melanie scenes. Suzanne Rogers is doing some excellent work and hitting all the right notes.

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Some wonderful scenes today.

I was particularly fascinated by the Phillip/Vivian scene that I forgot it was even in that awful Java Cafe. I think the acting and the writing proved that sets aren't what drives the drama, but I'm not going to argue they do help. Sorel was fascinating to watch as Vivian shed her layers and was honest with Phillip. There was no manipulation, no endgame, just true love for a man who she considers her son. Jay Kenneth Johnson played Phillip's disbelief wonderfully. Phillip she be curious about Vivian's motives, but, as Vivian pointed out, he is the closest thing she will ever have to a son.

Also, I love how they built up the scene between Victor and Vivian about Vivian's news. I was sure that Vivian was going to tell Victor of Phillip and Melanie's plans to elope, but instead it was the news about Carly's child.

The Melanie/Maggie scenes were touching. I love the bond between these two. Nathan watching in the background was particularly angsty, which I absolutely loved. I loved Julie pumping Nathan earlier in the episode about his relationships with Melanie and Stephanie. I wish Julie was around more often.

I like that they are taking their time to reveal to everyone that Mickey has died. I'm hoping this will help to lure some viewers back in and keep them invested.

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Maggie and Mel are the closest thing to a mother-daughter relationship this show has. I love their bond. They're the bright spot of DAYS for me.

JackPeyton, I think you're right about EJ and Sami, that he'll use the kidnapping to get close to Sami, but it just begs the question about whether EJ has ever been involved with Sami in a way that didn't involve force or deception (twice leading to a child for Sami with the guy who violated her). There's always a 'scam' going on with this guy. I can't believe that DAYS writers think that having a woman forgive her rapist is the prelude to a 'relationship'.

Sydney is an infant who has just lost the only mother she's ever known. How could EJ put her through the trauma of watching her 'mother' attacked and then disappearing with a stranger? (A question I hope Sami asks and then breaks ties with him for good). He really is low.

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Guest dc cubs

I can't get behind and EJ and Sami pairing for the reasons NorthCafe outlined above. EJ is not a romantic lead or a hero. He is a villain who occasionally does a decent thing like stopping his father's goon from killing Rafe. EJ has to be in control at all times and doesn't know how to love someone on an equal basis.

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The pacing is just fine. Bo and Hope's issues began way back in August with the kidnapping and that brought about all the past issues that got pushed aside (thanks to head writer's in the past just tossing them aside to reunite them). We got weeks of them arguing and growing apart before Carly even got to Salem. We then got weeks of scenes of Bo and Carly bonding as he helped her all the while Bo and Hope continued to fall apart. Then you get a series of misunderstandings (Bo kissing Carly in an emotional moment, Hope kissing Justin so Vivian and Victor didn't catch on to them and Bo finding out from Vivian in a way that was out of context). Bo got told on Friday from Justin that Hope wanted separation papers filed and she was still set on it. Bo and Hope both believe it's over. Then you have Carly, who went through a horrible ordeal on Friday and is very vulnerable. They both need an escape. Their feelings have slowly reawakened. Here you go.

I know some expected some sort of long-ass buildup to like April or something but that wouldn't suit the story. Each story is different and this one needed this to happen the way it did. It's all because of how Bo and Carly left things. They never did get closure. Lawrence kept her from Bo for so long and as soon as she got her memory back, she took off with Lawrence and it was clear alot of that had to do with Nikki and finally being a family. Bo and Carly never got their chance. Fate took it from them. It only makes sense that their feelings would come roaring back with her coming back when his marriage is in shambles and he has no one else really in his corner all the while she needs his help and they are in close proximity. I'm sure alot of it is driven by hurt too. Hope left him. She walked out. She's been difficult and has done nothing, really, to help them work things out. She's like a lost soul and she's even admitted she doesn't know she is anymore, which I think is key to this story. Bo and Hope are rediscovering who each other is as people AWAY from each other. The question is...will this lead them in other directions or back together? This isn't the typical triangle/quad or the typical soap story. It's a bit more complex. It's more of a character story being driven by Bo and Hope as individuals and Justin and Carly are helping them to discover what they need to.

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Right on schedule. ;) LOL

Yeah....still not feeling it, not connecting to it like I am with Brady/Nicole/EJ/Sami/Rafe or Steph/Nathan/Mel/Philip. Sex at the 3.5 month mark doesn't work for me. As a Bo/Hope and Bo/Carly fan, I'm very disappointed. I was really looking forward to what I called "The Ultmiate Triangle" - boy, did I played it out differently in my head. So far, the best thing about Carly being back is Vivian because this triangle just isn't cllicking for me.

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Has Days included many Bo/Carly flashbacks?

When you have the original actors and a wealth of scenes to choose from,surely its a no brainer to remind/educate viewers about this couple.

Also,are they addressing the absence of Mickey's siblings?eg Marie,Bill etc.

And how about Alice?

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Loved Days today. Mark Hapka (Nathan) forcing those tears out of his eyes when Nate was gathering up everything about Mickey dying, loved it. I believed him! I also liked Mel and Maggies conversation in the kitchen, so heartfelt. I really like their relationship.

I'm really liking Molly Burnett and Mark Hapka more and more as the days go by... ^_^

BoCarly having sex, not liking it. It's all happening way to fast....and I was so annoyed by Bo's facial exp​ressions while Carly was kissing Bo from the back! Daytime Confidential has a nice shot of how his face looked on that part, he looked awful lol!


Anyways, yeah not liking this at all....I feel bad for Hope :(

Loving Viv and her weird maternal obsession with Philip. He is so mean to her! I wish Philip would be a little nicer, and try to make Kate jealous somehow, by being nice to Viv.

Day's is so good right now, overall ^_^ .

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Guest dc cubs

Yes, there have been quite a few Bo/Carly flashbacks which I have loved.

No mention of Mickey's siblings. Maggie did say she had to call Melissa and Sarah.

Maggie and Hope discussed telling Alice and how she would handle the news since she is so frail. I'm sure it will be said that Alice is resting or in another room since Frances Reid can no longer be on the show due to her poor health. Reid turned 95 last month.

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That's because it's not a typical triangle and should not be thought of as such, hence why Tomlin isn't taking the JER approach with it (although he did give us various flashbacks and scenes of Bo and Carly remembering and talking about their Mayan "wedding," which was very JER-ish). It's a character-driven story. It's about Bo and Hope looking at themselves. That is what is at the heart of it. Do they really belong together? Who is Hope? Who is Bo? Hope's line about being with Bo for so long and not knowing who she is two weeks ago to Justin said it all. She needs to find herself. Bo needs to find himself. The whole story is building to the moment of whether or not finding themselves will lead them together or separate them. They took the smart approach. It's all about the emotions and the characters. Not every triangle/quad can be the same anyway. You don't always have some 6 month buildup to a sex scene, especially when you have Bo and Carly, a couple who never got closure and who were together before. It's not like it's a new romance. The show spent alot of time on Bo and Hope's breakup. It spent a logical amount of time on Bo and Carly growing closer. The next beat was ready to be played. They played it and dragging it out any longer would've been ridiculous and watered down the story.

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That's great that it works for you. But whenever I watch, I'm not drawn in. They're going to have to use a different kind of bait, because I'm not hooked yet. It's been 3.5 months and I'm still waiting.

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