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ATWT Canceled

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It's the stages of grief. I have zero attachment to ATWT and goodness knows I'm well-documented on this board as being firmly in the camp of letting these shows die a natural death but even I feel a twinge of sorrow. It didn't have to be this way, not for ATWT, not for any of the soaps.

And Moonves is still kicking his own ass for cancelling Moonlight.

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It's the look in Moonves's face that ticks me off. Like he *knows* that canceling ATWT, in the grand scheme of TV history, is a big thing, but it's like "Yeah, we canceled a soap today LOL It's whatever, you know, somebody had to come along and start taking these shows off the air anyway, so yeah, it's whatever haha"

I'm not looking for any feigned affection, though. Just an acknowledgment of what this show meant to his network for the better part of its 54 years would be nice. For many across the country, As the World Turns is the quintessential soap opera.

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Precisely. I don't think he should've used an I'm sorry or anything resembling that because that would have been seen as feigned affection.

However, a nice, polite reply saying that this truly was a huuuge show which changed TV in many ways, but that ultimately the reality of this business is that it had to go... Or something like that.

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From the NY Post:

Well, she sure is nice but all I'm gonna say is two words: Marnie...Shoulderburns. Schokenblurg. Cronenberg. Burdenburg. Whatever the [!@#$%^&*] The 40-Year-Old Alison's name is. You know what I mean.

And also: Frank Dicopoulos. But seriously, sadly, a lot of these daytime players, good or bad, will likely not be seen again. I don't see Marie Wilson (who I like despite her years eating the show), Michael Park, Maura West, Noelle Beck, the Hensleys or many others setting Hollywood ablaze. And not because they're bad actors. Because they're daytime and many simply will not get work unless they're under 30.

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While I am not surprised at all by ATWT's cancellation it nonetheless makes me very sad for the industry as a whole and the fans of the show. Yes, it is terrible another show has been canceled but we have to look at the positives in the industry. Days has been able to reduce production cost and has increased its viewership. ABC has shown a vote of confidence in AMC by relocating it to California and like it or not Y&R has had year over year growth ratings wise. Soon we will be down to six soaps but maybe the six that remain will pull out all the stops and be able to stop this dreadful trend that seems to be upon us. I am trying to look at the positives but also never forgetting ATWT, GL or any of the other soaps we have lost over the years.

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Many of these actors are going to have to make a move out West for jobs if they want to stay in soaps or find a long term gig in primetime. If they can't make the move they aren't likely to be seen again except in occassional episodes of Law & Order or some other procedural. There's always the theatre I suppose.

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Such sad news, even more so then GL THIS is truly an end to an era. ATWT was what people thought of when they thought "old fashioned soap," (and I don't find that an insult.)

Hold on as this is going to be a sentimental, sugar sweet ode to ATWT, one in which I will be embarrased I wrote as soon as I post, but...I like many grew up on this show and its characters. Weird story but my mom found out she was preggers with me on of all days, the day Kennedy was shot. She still remembers coming home from the docs turning on "World Turns," and then having it interrupted by Cronkite to tell the bad news. She always mentions that it was ATWT she was watching....as if she is still incredulous that such horror and reality could pop up in the middle of the safe, cozy world of Oakdale. As a kid my mom was so into "Word Turns," that she scheduled my nap/quiet time for 12:30, and I would lay there as she rocked me and listen...my mom saying things like"Oh that DAMN Lisa!" and like a radio show voices, to this day the Wagners, Fulton and Hastings voices make me feel, as goofy as it sounds, like I am wrapped in a warm blanket. It is astounding that the characters and actors who were there as early as I can remember we there when I was in high school, college, starting a job, making various moves and up to this day. It was totally comforting that in a freaked out world that is in constant flux, there was one thing that didn't change. I remember watching this and GL with my grandmother and laughing at how she would get into it and talk to the TV...."Watch out you damn fool, he is hiding behind the door!" "Oh for Christ's sake can't they see that person standing just behind them listening!"

I am in the minority, but it was in the later part of Marland's run that I started finding myself rather bored with Oakdale. I loved that Marland brought class and great plots and family and put the vets exaclty where they belonged, but his ATWT was not the ATWT I grew up with,it was too cold, too stoic, too freaking polite. This was happening at the time I was getting back into GL, which did not have its core intact like ATWT, but it was loud, sometimes messy but always passionate and full of heart. Marland, to me, took the heart and the passion out of ATWT, which is anathem to most viewers. After he died the show just stumbled and fell apart and, though I check back and occasionally watch, I never came back for good.

However, I always valued that seeing, and most importantly hearing, Bob, Lisa, Nancy, John, Kim, Susan made me feel like a little kid, curled up and safe at home.

Blah, I am making myself sick!!!

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Pretty much. We know from previous cancelled soaps that only a small number of actors will find work on other soaps. A few will rely on prime time guest stints, and commercial, infomercial and voice over work. Stephen Schnetzer who was Cass on Another World has done several Law and Order guest spots and has a nice commerical/voice over career going. However, most of the actors will end up pursuing new careers, especially the older ones. I hope that they have been frugal with their money because losing that reliable income is tough.

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