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Y&R: Week of November 16, 2009 Discussion

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The cattle rustlers excuse to protect CANE of all people was the lamest excuse for why Phillip had to leave EVER.

From day one Phillip's return has been about pimping Cane, and he's going out doing the same damn thing. Stupid, stupid, stupid...

So, why exactly was history rewritten and contempt for the audience's intelligence displayed by this writing team and management shown with bringing Phillip back? They obviously had no plans for him, he's been back officially since what? May? And the best they can do is fit him in like 20 episodes of filler scenes?

This writing team is one of the biggest hack regimes ever to grace daytime. There's no other excuse for their actions. They can blame the network, they can blame Sony, hell they can blame the fans all they want, but their lack of story development, character development, and long term planning has been evident for quite a while now, and not to the extent it was with past writing regimes.

This show is a farce.

I know somewhere Bill Bell is out there ashamed about Phillip's return and the way it was written. He said he wished he hasn't killed the character off, but in the end, the decision worked out well for him and drove years of story. For Maria and her hack team to take that away with NO STORY AT ALL PLANNED was a sham and one of the worst decisions ever in this show's history. Whoever had a hand in this and their enablers should be ashamed of themselves and the mockery they've turned Y&R into.

I'm not even fond of Thom Bierdz, but he and this character deserved better and a properly plotted story.

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Alvin, After watching today, with good things to see as well... I feel like a devoted wife whose husband (Maria) has just beaten the sh!t out of her, and then the husband brings home a dozen roses. And all this after I talked to Thom on the phone and told him how much this meant to me to finally see myself reflected on this show that I've watched since the age of FIVE. And after all the fear and angst he went through when he was on the show the first time, it was like poetic justice... it was a wonderful and touching thing. And now it's all just been SH!T on. I know it's possible that it's not her fault, but at this point... I'm blaming her until I hear otherwise. If it IS the network or Bloom, or whoever... she's gonna have to defend herself and name names before I'm willing to forgive. And then I still might not.

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Probably what I hate the most about this is that Thom will probably still end up getting a lot of the blame. Oh, well if he could only act, then they wouldn't have done this exit. It's not their fault. I don't buy that for a second. I truly don't believe they had any plans in mind for Phillip's return, no matter what Thom's level of performance. Good acting does not mean anything with the people running this show. Yet once again, they will likely get a free pass, because people will say they're just glad to see him gone.

This whole story is lazy, pathetic, and shameful. The idea of Cane being in hiding from this cattle cartel makes no sense to me. Cane was CEO of an international company. Cane was the cover model for an internationally known magazine. Where was this big secret THEN?

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I think this Thom can't act stuff and that's why we're canning it is the same kind of rubbish that they pulled with CE. Thom was on for one day before they scrapped the entire storyline and back-burnered him until now when they are sending him out the door. If acting was the problem, and the scripts were actually written, we could have been enjoying months of fall out with Jess, Jeanie and Tricia bringing it but Thom acting like a wet blanket ruining otherwise Emmy caliber scenes. We got no fall out, no Jess, No Jeanie, no Tricia dealing with this situation, it was all a massive publicity stunt with the reason for it escaping me, much like the reason for any of the storylines these days.

I actually think this Lily surrogacy storyline would be better if she was told that she is dying and only has a year or two left to live. Under that circumstance I could see why a woman, as self delighted as she is, wanting to see her baby before she dies, knowing that her good "friend" Mac would make a wonderful mother and the baby would be much loved and cared for. As it is, she has so little knowledge of a real baby to know how much work they are.

Michelle was great today, I really wish that Phyllis had killed Patty. That might make the Dr. Doppelganger and Jack thing a little more tolerable. Phyllis would have every righto t claim temporary insanity. It sure seems to me that Patty is playing everyone and does know she's not in the 80's.

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