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Y&R: Week of November 16, 2009 Discussion

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The last pairing she generated chemistry in was with Billy and she had absolutely none at all with Peter Bergman, yet they had the characters marry which was very painful for everyone. They should have developed this so called Friendship between Sharon and Adam a long time ago and aborted this stupid baby switch storyline entirely. I really wish that Adam was just gone at this point because he is so destroyed. Maybe we could see some masked man grab him off the street, throw him in a trunk and that could be it for a long time.

I think Mac is being written as a nutcase. She should be the voice of reason advising big baby Lily that now is not the time to have a baby. That she is supporting this is ridiculous.

Why oh why can't Gloria ever have a downfall? She is not comic relief and should be facing charges for aiding and abetting Patty's escape. Colleen wouldn't even be dead if it wasn't for her and her hubby. Yet here these two are getting a pay cheque for no F'ing reason.

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Did you see the huge number of Shadam lovers on other boards? What's up with these kids just falling in love with every single bad coupling there is? It just makes me so sick to my stomach. They apparently can't watch the show when Shadam isn't on and they blame the bad ratings on their absence - and there's already so many of them! Ugh.

Adam needs to die.

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Shadam, eh? Funny.

I find the chemistry between the actors to be enjoyable...Sharon has a lightness with him, and he seems sincere and wanting to be a better guy with her. (That's what I see in his performance, and it is also what Muhney says he's trying to play). Plus, the built-in drama with Nicholas, and with the baby Adam stole...means it is all a deliciously soapy confection.

Let me be clear...I wish they'd dialed back on Adam's villainy a year ago. But they didn't...this is what they wanted to write. So far, I am on board. I find Muhney to be capable. I tend to view Adam as a bit of a compartmentalized fella, who locks all these pieces of himself in different "rooms". (Yes, that is also the profile of dissociated serial killer, and I continue to believe there is some very dark backstory for Adam that we can only guess at). I think Muhney plays a little edgy and a little crazy, and for me that fits the version of Adam they have been trying to serve us for almost a year.

But starry-eyed fandom over this couple?? That's funny! I think it is the sickness that brought them together...and maybe the fact that they strangely overcome it a little when they are together...that makes them more compelling.

And make no mistake: "Shadam" fans are probably really "Phick" fans in sheep's clothing, LOL.

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