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Y&R: Week of November 16, 2009 Discussion

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" The One" for what? The One she going to give her heart. That means it room for her to get to know him a little bit better. She didn't mention love but I won't put it pass TIIC to have Chloe say it tomorrow that she loves him. I thought she was going to say it when he was in the hospital. When he had his eyes close & she was talking.

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Damn. Amber being all sexy and breathy with that baby voice? Shuddddddddddddddder. Make it stop!

Loved Phyllis hissing at Amber. Now there's a soapy rivalry I can get behind! But then Phick did their usual sex-solves-all-our-problems mating dance and I got deja vu again.

Not feeling Billy & Mac's break-up. And Mac not a viable candidate for surrogacy? WTF? Was there ever anybody so rational, clear-minded and do-gooding? She's the perfect candidate! Still, given that it's for that bimbo Lily Spock, gotta question Mac's brain power here.

I covet Dr. Lookalike's tie-collar shirt. Jack is such a horndog, though, lol. One sniff of a woman's backside and he sells everybody he cares for down the river.

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Wow... Vail is actually alive and shot a scene! It was nice to finally see her today. It's hilarious watching Leblanc try to act all butch. From the previews, I see my worst fears about Phillip are about to be realized. he's shot 20 episodes? You bring back a character from the dead for 20 FUC$ING episodes? You could have had him haunt Katherine's nightmares and gave him that much screen time!! And after all the SOD covers, interviews, publicity. If it was Maria's plan to snag a few extra fags to watch her show, it DIDN'T WORK. And of course, Nelson is acting like it's no big deal, when in July... the whole Phillip return was the best thing since sliced bread according to him. Where's his outrage at the writing off of the first openly gay contract player in daytime? He mentioned it like a footnote. ...Oh, I'm sorry... he hasn't got time for outrage, he's too busy jerking off to pictures of Forbes March.

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"Putrid" but not necessarily out of character for the underdeveloped "Kate" aka Chloe. Not that I should comment I havn't been watching or reading the sumamries but, there is much to be developed about Chloe's fast infatuation with these men. Why does she "fall" so quickly? Obviously there is something to delve into there but I don't expect much to come of it more than using it to reach some inane plot point with the most ineffective pace

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I agree. I have never really understood most of her motivations or feelings for any of these men. It doesn't help that I don't think she has had strong chemistry with any of them, although I wouldn't have minded her with Cane, with the right story.

I think she's probably still supposed to be in love with Billy. Knowing Y&R, she will sleep with him the night before she marries Chance.

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It's nasty and done purely for shock value. Not only is he hiding that he stole her baby, but this hack writing team is trying to force romance on them? It's a little bit too much, and too soon.

Muhney and Case have no chemistry, AT ALL. They can't sell this (not that Muhney in particular can sell anything with his "acting.")

They're trying so hard to make them work so when the reveal comes out that he gave Sharon's baby to Ashley it would be more intense, but it doesn't work. They didn't need to go there for a good reveal.

I don't buy Adam having romantic feelings for Sharon, they've been friends for what, 2 months? I did believe at one point that he loved Heather, even though he used her. You're telling me he can completely disregard his feelings for Heather and develop feelings for Sharon in the course of two months? Also, they were trying so hard to force that Sharon could never get over Nick and love another man the same way a few months ago, so now she's suppressing that and can develop something with Adam, of all people? Talk about sh!tty and inconsistent character writing and development on this show.

It's like they've been writing the character of Adam a little differently to suit this horrible recast, and it's still not working...

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