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Y&R: Week of November 16, 2009 Discussion

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I think the opposite. MAB clearly stated that Adam is a sociopath in an interview with Branco which to me they have sold that aspect. Clearly they didn't need to take the character there, but I think in that aspect Muhney has been giving them what they wanted. This is why I kind of understood Engen's "issues"; he no longer knew or understood the character and by all indications he disagreed with the characterization going this route. Now I will say this sociopath(ism?) as depicted in Adam is not even romantic on a soap. When I see Adam and Sharon I think predator and prey (not in any good sense). I always try to respect the opinion of others, but when I read posts of fans who claim to like the Adam/ Sharon pairing I admit I'mma bit bewildered. I mean viewers saw what Adam did to Ashley right? I havn't felt any vulnerability or remorse from the character since Engen left the role. Then we saw what he did to Sharon. Remorse was an "afterthought", almost forced in these plot points. I no longer believed the character felt any kind of sorry. Sorry MM never sold me int hat way. This pairing is wrong for many reasons and it is not just because it victimizes both the characters of Sharon and Ashley in its wake, it's also because part of the problem with the writing has been the misogyny. The approach here has been to me: a glance at men who are d!cks and the women who love them anyway' no matter the loss of self respect. Phyllis, Heather, Sharon, Mac, Chloe, Patty, Ashley etcetcetc. The Adam and Sharon pairing crosses the line for me a bit more. IMO if the writers are this fascinated by more , darker misogyny they need to make it clear it is not romance because it is not.

I havn't watched much of them but the scenes I saw of both Adam and Sharon I just got a feeling that SC was not very comfortable with the overall tone of the character dynamics but I could surely be wrong.

The dynamic between Sharon and Adam shoould have been the writers opportunity of redeveloping Sharon. I think what should probably have occured is maybe more friendship and no coupling before the big reveal. It would have given the audience a bit more opportunity to sympathize with each and the baby switch wouldn't then be for nothing. I don't get how you are Mark but I am not at all compelled by any of this

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If something is too contrived and is poorly built up, then it's not soapy, at least in my opinion. That's how I feel about Adam/Sharon.

Sometimes you can avoid the obvious and still tell a good story.

It would have been very, very easy, and some would say soapy, for Sharon to have gotten together with Victor early on, when he was paying her mother's hospital bills and when he was, I believe, starting to split from Hope. Yet, if they had done this, would Sharon even be around today?

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They are over used IMO because they have weak character development. Last year we were able to stand watching Katherine go off the road and go through her whole ordeal because they used Katherine's and other verteran characters history as a clutch to carry this story. They are unable to do much of that with Billy and Adam and instead of properly developing each character, whilst they move them along within the plot, they pull these manytime confusing, conflicting, ooc characteristics to move the plot along. Of course, as it seems, they are trying to set up new legacy for new generation characters but they are so many discrepancies there. IMO the ADAM character can be salvaged in many ways but I do not view him as a hero or an anti hero at this point. I don't know where he falls it is somewhere between villainous tyrant and cartoon villain. As for Billy I don't even care to watch these writers version of him

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Adam yes.

Billy no.

Maria has written Billy way OOC but LML did too.

Victor Jr. though was a relatively fresh character & she screwed him up royally.

Muhney is a strong enough actor to make the character work despite the horrible writing but between his tics & Morrow's complete laziness it's resulted in a world of suck.

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Yeah I know what u mean, to be clear I was speaking of Billy as a developed character in terms of being compared to a richly developed character like Katherine. But that's what I mean when I say "these writers version of Billy" Their idea is for him to be more like Jack reminiscent of Terry Lester's days. It doesn't work because it marks the character as being completly and utterly self indulgent. But then the character is self indulgent and a viewer like me realizes he has no substance, so what's the point of him being front & center and self indulgent again? Anyway I smh at all these things

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I liked Ryan bRown they could have kept him but got rid of his Mac. Jack did Billy wrong because they made Katherine & Jill mother & daughter. Is that what your referring too Deeedee? See I had no problem with that. That's why I didn't see Jack Smith did something wrong. But LML writinging Billy as a sufer dude. Those fumes defintely was sipping throuh her scalp.

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I hate Maria. On one hand, today had alot of good things in it. Tricia Cast was brilliant, and Nina is the best thing this show has right now. Mac and Kay and their heart to heart was lovely, and Nick and Jack's scene was tender and good... FINALLY they start playing on the Stepfather/stepson dynamic with those two. And Stafford today is burning like a supernova, her and Haiduk are INCREDIBLE together. And yet.... PHILLIP, what theyv'e done to him!!!! Bring him back from the dead just to ship him off. And THIS BITCH wants us to believe a man whose Ex-wife had to hold his hand, and nearly FORCE him to tell Jill and Kay that he likes to suck dick just WEEKS ago, is NOW going to go back to Australia to bravely protect CANE from evil cattle rustlers? REALLY? And this was supposed to be our long term committment to gay characters, after all the press? After all the publicity Thom and us fans gave her and this show? I just feel USED. F@CK YOU Maria.

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