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The Many Crimes of Maria Arena Bell

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3. Empty promises; poor stoytelling.

4. Offensive material given to minority characters and their total neglect under her leadership.

5. Her BIG ASS ego. This woman is seriously arrogant and refuses to admit her show has some very major problems. Instead, she probably blames everything on the fans.

6. Being an enabler of misogyny of her own damn show. As a woman, she should be ashamed of herself for this crap.

7. Keeping a job she knows she isn't qualified for and hiring problematic writers and producers like Sheffer, Scott Hamner, and Rauch to help her guide the creative direction of the show. That's a recipe of for disaster, especially with her inexperience and the horrible track records of those writers and producers.

8. And yeah, being a damn liar.

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11. Constantly hiding behind Bill Bell's legacy and using lame excuses like "Bill is watching over my shoulders!" We know her and her writing team's writing is nothing like Bill Bell's, nor does she or anyone else on her writing team have his storytelling genius. She needs to stop trying to manipulate her audience with that sh!t.

She's married to Bill Bell's son, Bill Bell, Jr.

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17. Breaking the hearts of your longest term fans. Building them up and conditioning them to expect more...only to pull the rug fully and totally out.

18. If the pressure to derail your stories is coming from Sony and CBS, not having the strength to push back.

19. If the derailing is coming from your loud and forceful co-HWs, not having the strength to push back.

20. Writing in 26 week cycles whose transition points are soooooo clunky, it almost feels like ending one telenovela and starting a whole new one.

21. Buying your own press (thanks, NB!), and losing the thread about what makes good storytelling with integrity.

22. Getting sucked into using the most hackneyed devices ever (doppelgangers, back from the dead), and not even playing all the emotional beats

23. Overdosing on eradicating LML's every imprint on this show. Now we're even gonna revisit Pheila? Really? (Even if not, why are we even playing in that infested sandbox?)

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Having outright contempt for veteran characters.

Casually rewriting history without ever following it up.

Presiding over some of the most blatant woman-hating I've ever seen in daytime.

Turning Y&R into a show full of women with dirty hair and wearing clothes that Wendy Pepper would look down on.

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24. Turning Y&R into a contrived, plot driven mess;

25. Putting romance on the back burner;

26. Allowing a show that used to be so beautifully lighted, directed and produced free fall into complete mediocrity;

27. Hiring writers who know nothing about the unique storytelling and scriptwriting flavor of Y&R;

28. Failing to find and mine the emotional beats in most if not all the stories currently being told;

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This is so true. I was so psyched to see Thom back, and Phillip being gay was like some fantasy come true. And then it turned to ca-ca right in front of my face. I thought that after 35 years of watching this show, I'd finally have a character I could TRULY identify with. I suppose I expected too much. I don't know who to blame.. the fans for complaining that faggots had invaded their show? CBS for telling her what to do? Her for not standing up to CBS? OR her for leading us on? I don't know...I just don't know what to think. And add to that the conflict of things this week that are interesting to me (Ashley reaming Victor, Jill vs. Jack as Jabot) As a fan of 35 years, I feel like I've had the sh!t beaten out of me.

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