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Who's the worst actor on your show??

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I'm torn on Thorsten Kaye. He used to be able to act. He simply does not bother any more. He has bought his own press and his ego is out of control.

How can you forget about the Puffy Prince? LOL! GH does have the worse male cast. They are horrific actors and are out of shape, bulges every where. They are spoiled and don't even bother learning their lines. Their female actresses carry them and get little or no recognition even from female fans. Every time I hear how Steve Burton has carried all these successful pairings, I throw up in my mouth. Every female actress that has worked with him has had to carry his lazy bloated ass with the staring and blinking.

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I flove that everyone is referring to Tilford as "that crazy doctor dude who ran around the hospital screaming." He's horrible.

ATWT's worst is without a doubt Mr. Jake Silbermann. It's like...he doesn't want to make out with Van, but he knows that his entire fanbase is made up of people who want to watch him make out with Van. A feller just can't win these days.

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Except where it counts...

What I really hate is when they obviously tank a story they dislike. This happens a lot with TSJ and Easton on OLTL, and on GH with Benard. I remember when he obviously tanked the storyline with Angel because it didn't meet his high standards. Ugh, can't stand him and his huge ego and his tics. GH and their leading men have more tics than a camping trip.

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That's Bruno Langley, Todd Grimshaw from Coronation Street (their first gay character). Some of that is on Youtube, or was. It was a good story. I loved Todd/Karl. There was almost no affection between them physically but they still managed to be sweet, hot, etc.

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LOL! So true.

Tanking stories and looking disinterested is so f'ing arrogant and disrespectful to their leading ladies and the audience. People b!tch about TPTB ruining the soaps, but sh!theads like TSJ, Easton, Kaye, Geary, Christopher, and Benard have done their share of damage their soap and get a pass every time.

LOL! He is hilariously bad. I still laugh thinking about him running through the hospital. I always watch when he is on so I can see what he will do next.

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Going by Memory:


HE- She's young and not on that much so I don't have to suffer at her hands but before they invest in the haracter I hope they either realize the actress needs an extreme acting makeover or if it's hopeless replace her

CK - never have I been impressed and at times when I think "maybe" it turns into one big farce, under her Lily's whining just seemingly comes off more annoying than any other

AH- I don't necessarily think Amelia is always bad. She just doesn't touch me at all outside of corporate scenarios and in those scenes she only shows promise nothing beyond

AF- I'm sorry I like bubbly sometimes but imo average to less than average actress in a horrible role.

Guys most of the people listed on GH were my favs when I was watching , (MB,SB,AG,TC) they have really gotten that bad? Sounds very much like the beaureacracy over there is either no paying attention, or they just don'tknow what they are doing. If they are as bad as is said now then that is because they are extremely comfortable. It's more of a club than work huh?

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Oh I rarely goto message boards anymore. The way the women get crucified by mostly other women is nauseating. And I am not talking about hating characters it's the dig at their acting over the men.

I think GH has the worst male leading cast of all the shows. Every other show has at least 2 leads who are decent.While I find Josh Morrow on Y&R completely void of acting talent, I do think Peter Bergman is good and even Eric Braeden(*gasps). I like Billy Miller(although I don't like his overexposure and how he's not really inteacting with the Abbotts much). AMC has Darnell Williams and the awesome David Canary. GH has *crickets* yet people claim they have the best acting talent on soaps.GH is iconic. But their awesome acting talent left with the likes of David Lewis, Anna Lee, Stuart Damon, shall I continue.

I think as someone said it's funny to me how SB gets so much credit for all those pairings. To me it as always been the women. And look at MB and TC and all their failed pairings. Aside from Carly and Brenda, most of MB's pairings have flopped. Same with TC. Aside from Emily, everything else has been a big dud.

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I'd even go as far as saying especially WITH Emily, TC has been a dud. Garden of Love? Pirates of Emily's Pants? Arrr Harrr! [/Capt Jack Sparrow]

GH has always treated its actresses like second-class citizens. I remember Genie Francis talking about "a producer" *cough*Gloria Monty*cough* telling her when she was 18 that Geary was the star of GH, not her, and that she'd better know her place. This may have eventually prompted her to leave back in 83 or whenever it was. I believe Denise Alexander got treated similarly in favor of her co-star who played Rick Webber.

The culture is systemic and entrenched. JFP channeled Monty every time she bitch-slapped Lesli Kay or fired Kari Wuhrer for falling pregnant.

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TC, MB, Geary and Burton all failed and returned to GH with their dreams crushed and their tails between their legs. Sure they were welcome back with open arms, but they know, TPTB know and we know that they will never be more than soap actors. Now they are bitter and bored of playing the same stale character with bad writing. All they have to keep them going is their inflated egos. They all think that they are too good for soaps, this includes TSJ and TK, but the truth is that none of them are particularly talented enough to stand out and they lack the charisma to make up for their lack of talent.

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My choices:

ATWT: Grayson McCouch. Pinocchio had more life before he met the Blue Fairy!!

Honorable (or should that be dishonorable) mentions: Paolo Seganti, Austin Peck, Jake Silbermann, Mick Hazen

B&B: If I have to choose one it would have to be Texas Battle. He's simply awful!!

Runners-up: Ronn Moss, Jacqueline MacInnes Wood, Jennifer Gareis, Hunter Tylo, Brandon Beemer, Drew Tyler Bell.

Y&R: Amelia Heinle. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Also worth mentioning: Michael Fairman, Vanessa Marano, Bryton James.

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