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ATWT: October Discussion

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I loved today's show. I actually preferred to watch it to OLTL, which is rare for me since OLTL is my show, but the overabundance of Stacy, Rex and the crap heap turned me off.

Anyway, Lily vs. Meg is so fun to watch. I think it would be a great twist if Meg truly didn't want Damian at all, but instead just wanted him hurt as much as he hurt her. And I think I may be in the minority here, but I DESPISE Damian. I don't like Seganti either.

Anything with Craig/Rosanna I always get an immediate since that it will be crap. What was with Cady McClain,s Judith Chapman eyes today? Another reason I could add to why I hate her as an "actress."

Is it weird for me to just FLOVE Emily and KMH. I don't know why, but I love her to bits.

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Yes, that's very true. I don't know why I'm surprised that she has such great chemistry with Jon Hensely...I think it's because he looks more alive when he's interacting with Judi's Maeve. There's a sparkle in his eye. I'm not really used to that from him, and it's nice. It's too bad she's leaving.


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I like Lynn and I think she's done what the role has asked her to do, but I do think the show needs another fairly stable, down to earth woman in Judi's age range.

Judi is so underrated. I think people remember her roles, not her. And they remember caricatures of those roles. Victim Beth. Weeping Paulina. Trashy Bonnie.

If any soap wants to survive they should snap her up for a major role.

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I scanned through today's show.

I try not to dislike Beck, because I've never liked Lily all that much anyway (my favorite was Heather Rattray!), but she was so over the top in that argument with Maeve. I wanted Maeve to smack her one.

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Maeve started it alluding to Lily being greedy with having 2 good husbands. I loved the snipey banter about the outfits and then Lily rubbing it in that they're staying at a hotel she owns! Awesome! ... Lily was over the top with Meg though, saying Damian won't be with Meg even though Lily will be with Holden -- "You may love Damian, but he'd rather be alone." Meg was hilarious with her "Misplace one of your husbands? I hate when that happens."

I was surprised Lily finally managed to get that ring off. And Damian is still sooo confident that Lily will still come back to him. I liked her "maybe", not "no", to Damian. Hmmm ... The rest of the show, Lily was referring on an automatic level to Holden as her husband, so I can't be too optimistic.

The rest of the show was great too ... Was the cheesy scene the one with the tired mother with the baby at the park, P.J.? That was the only thing that seemed kind of funny cheesy to me.

I liked Brad and Janet trying to support Liberty now. But I don't think Janet has it in her to make that atitude last. I guess Parker is trying to get his trust fund money just to help Liberty raise the baby, not for himself? Aww. Craig is so wrong that Parker is like him, no! LOL.

An "A" episode.

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LOL that was my feeling on Monday after the first day he was back.

About Judi Evans, yes, I agree, love her, some show shoud hire her! Paulina on AW was wonderful, "real." But Maeve isn't related to anyone and the show is on a tight budget, so I can see why she can only be a short-term character unless Maeve were to actually get together with Holden.

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JE does have the magic wherever she goes. She clearly knows how to sell a character -- but she's a placeholder till the show's main blonde returns for Holden -- Carly. I hope they go back there -- will they pick up the relationship again? After all, Holden did try to help her on the "wedding day" episode, where Carly ended up at the Wagon Wheel. BTW -- When does MW return? It's been three months.

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The, uh, kicking in of Carly's door, and Rosanna's sputtering protest that she "wants to be a good sister and a good person...but then you show up!", complete with more shots up Cady's nostrils as Craig clamped on like a parasitic eel and they melted to the Carjack couch/floor....didn't seem a little bad Lifetime Movie Network-ish to you?

Between Cady's nostrils and the strain on Lindstrom's jacket (making me hold my breath waiting for a Hulkesque ripping to begin as GreenLustFilled Craig emerged, complete with shaggy hair)...I was LMAO.

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