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ATWT: October Discussion

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I FLOVE Tamara Tunie!

How long are they gonna bust up Dusty's romances with his deep grief over Jen? I mean--I get it...but DAYUM, it's been forever in dog years he's "mourned" her---while Lily can't wait two months when her "soulmate" dies before boffing her next victim?

The rest of the show seemed like a hodgepodge of thrown together scenes.

And as much as I FLOVE CZP, the scene with her and Audrey was cringeworthy considering Audrey knew and was practically giddy at setting up her son to prostitute himself.

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Yeah, Jen? Again? The Dusty/Bonnie/Jessica scenes were great though. It sucks that the best writing for Dusty/Bonnie really making me care about their relationship (I liked it but didn't "care"), is on the day they broke up. I want them to get back together now. Grayson McCouch's acting was better today, more playful.

The Dusty/Teri story looks like it will be a snooze-fest.

I was happy to see Barbara. I think Barbara's confrontation with Vienna tomorrow could be interesting. I was surprised that Barbara didn't realize Audrey knew Henry was the younger man today, though.

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Teri is already annoying the heck out of me. It's already so obvious that they're going to pair her with Dusty.

If this story weren't so campy, the Audrey/Henry/Babs story would be downright disturbing. Audrey is clearly pimping her own son. Regardly of whether or not I enjoy seeing CZP take the sexy lady role...what Audrey is doing is sick. I would feel sorry for Henry if he weren't such an idiot...

I think it's so weird how Dusty still hasn't gotten over Jennifer yet Lily didn't wait long to jump Damian's bones. Guess that says it all about the Lilden marriage.

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Loved seeing Jessica!!! But it was a weird eppisode. All of a sudden we get all this info on Bonnie, whom I know nothing about since I've only been watching for 4 years. We got more info in one eppy than the whole time she's been on! So Bonnie has a daughter?? Where has she been? How old is she and why is her relationship with her so strained. Now I'm confused...

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Long story short---Bonnie and Issac's entire marriage was off-screen. Bonnie adopted teenage Sarah Travers, the daughter of a man who kinda/sorta raped her mother. (another oops, I'm drugged and can't say no to you story) When they recast the character TIIC explained Bonnie and Issac had divorced and Sarah "wasn't speaking" to Bonnie. No real reason was given. The girl would be about Casey's age now, since they briefly hung out together when Casey was a teen (before the Casey fathered Gwen's baby story)

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As queasy as the Babs/Henry thing makes me...it's wunnerful to see Colleen get something to sink her teeth into. Today's catfight with Vienna was hilarious---instant classic line of the day---Babs to V--"maybe Henry wants a woman with more depth than a Swedish meatball!" It's an oh, no she di'nt say that...oh my God she DID! line.


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I know, it was a lot of info! That's part of what I meant that the writing for Dusty/Bonnie was the best it'd ever been on their last day, making me care about the couple.

I'm glad they put all that in. I think they are planting seeds or testing the waters for an expanded presence for Bonnie, Jessica, and their family in Oakdale in a couple months, which I'd be all for.

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Only to be topped by V saying to B, "(I don't believe) Henry would go out for a not-so-fresh hamburger(!)" The whole story is actually pretty funny. I'd rather see this kind of camp anyday -- it's refreshing against all melodrama. I have to say Audrey, Henry, Vienna and Babs make a fun group. They can chew the scenery and it totally works because of the outrageous story.

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Austin Peck's acting is getting really good, which I feel bittersweet about. I was like "Whoa, great acting" in the preview where Brad had his scared, concerned "Where's my wife and kid?" I also liked the writing for Brad on Friday, making me really really like him for the first time -- trying so hard to find a college for Liberty that doesn't need SATs, being okay with however his child turns out.

From the looks of the preview, the comic Uncle Ralph story is getting serious ... Also from the preview, I was sad to see Luke grinning at Lucinda's suggestion that they work together to get Holden and Lily back together. I hope there's more to it. I think Luke should let Lily decide for herself what she wants, and I thought that's what he would do.

I liked Jack and Parker's talk. Parker is so awesome supporting Liberty, and Jack was also reasonable pointing out Parker hadn't really thought this apt thing through. Then it was hilarious when Liberty guessed exactly what Jack said.

I felt so bad for Vienna. Barbara was cold to her ... And then Henry was cold to Barbara. I'm glad Barbara found out she is cancer-free.

Cliffhanger, meh -- the Audrey "killing" thing is done to death (didn't intend that as a pun) already. I would be worried they were writing out Barbara, but they wouldn't be able to keep something that big a secret. So just meh. I was somewhat touched to see that Audrey does care about Henry a little bit.

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I, too, was impressed by Peck's acting in the preview. Much like someone would act their way out of a ticket, it looked like he was trying to act his way out of getting the pink slip.

Ew de Cruz nailed it in Friday's episode. I have to say...I'm not her biggest fan (nor I am her biggest opponent), but she did pretty good during the breakup scenes.

I hate to admit it, but I'm really starting to semi-like the Parker/Liberty pairing.

The cliffhanger reminded me of the old Friday cliffhangers. A little less dramatic, but still pretty good.

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I hope when Carly comes home, she goes all Angela Basset and sets her bed on fire, with Craig in it! It's one thing to decide to "move on". Even while your fianceeis in rehab. Even with her sister. But doin' it in her bed??? There is no lower form of life than Craig Montgomery. And I hope Carly makes him pay. :D

I don't know if it's the hormones, but I thought Katie's reaction to Henry leaving was a little overblown. I rolled my eyes a lot as she declared how important her BFF was---this is the guy she froze out because he offered to give her his child after the surrogacy mishap (yeah, there was a little lying...but damn it was his kid, and Katie acted like it was spoiled produce if it wasn't at least biologically Brad's fertilized brussel sprout.) Not that it was all bad---it was almost nice to see Katie not put herself at the center of the universe...cares about someone else.

I did like that Henry saved Babs.

*snort* FLOVED the Jack/Janet discord. I don't get why Janet was so flippin' surprised that Jack didn't want to raise Liberty's baby---it's not like he's been on board with this plan from the get-go. Other than the fact she can't believe her ears--and her p-whipped hubby has the courage to tell her his opinion.

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