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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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Carl, share!

I'll admit, I'm still so browbeaten from the sheer awfulness of 2003-June of 2009 that I've never had the inclination to bother imagining a continuation, but as I've said, the '70s, '80s, and '90s are ripe with alternate possibilities in my head.

For instance, I have always wondered what could have happened if Brent-as-Marian had done some kind of heel-face turn or face-heel turn as a result of being sexually assaulted (while in the Marian get-up) on the docks. Frank Beaty could have probably rocked an attempted redemption story, it would have toned the violence down, and Nadine at least (and maybe Cutter as well) could have been spared, since she was on her way out of town anyway.

Edited by katie_9918
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I was always wondering why no one thought to bring Robin Mattson (back) on as Hope. Even though she was only Hope for a short time in 1976/1977, she was still a "name" actress in soaps who certainly could have brought some spunk back into Springfield.

Did Mattson and Justin Deas get along during their time on "Santa Barbara"? If not, maybe that's why it never occurred.

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I think Hope with RM with Buzz could have been good. In her scenes with him in the past she never let him take over, which is my main complaint with each and every "love interest," they had Buzz with. RM as a cynical Hope taking on Alan could have been good, and maybe pulling Buzzard in on her shenanigans...(Buzzard only worked for me as the con man they had him as the first few weeks he came on.)

Actually I would have killed Buzz off instead of Nadine in the Brent/Marion storyline and could imagine the scenery chewing death scene he would give.

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Making my way through the November 1979 episodes. I'm not sure if this is still the Dobsons or Marland, but I am enjoying the show, despite its slow paced sleepiness. Whoever plays Ed Bauer is amazing (he gave a great reaction to hearing that Rita had an affair) and there is no denying how fabulous Rita is.

Hope is one of the few characters my mother remembers from watching the show back in the 70s and I was so interested in seeing her. Whatever it is that's happening between her and Alan, I love it!

There is this plot with a lady planning to poison her lodger with wine and I can't stop laughing. It's so weird but interesting too.

Holly's cell is so unbelievable and unrealistic but I just love how the ghost of Roger and his actions (or 'that thing' as Holly puts it) lingers on and on and on.

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I've always assumed P&G was concerned about ATWT's ratings freefall and needed the Dobsons to help revitalize and stabilize things. Otherwise, they were fine with their work on GL.

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From what I heard, P & G didn't like Marland's story projections for ATWT long-term and thought that the Dobson's could help revamp the show the same way they helped revamp GL in 1975.

Marland said that this was the only time he took over a show that was in such great shape that he didn't really have to do too much to fix it.. He just carried on for a long time with the stories set out by the Dobsons.

I can say that I enjoyed watching the 1980 episodes.. but 1981 and 1982 episodes that he wrote were a chore for me.

I read an interview once that the Dobson's would write out the outline/treatment of where they wanted the plot to go.. and had the writers write out the scripts. It was more a team effort, and the Dobson's always watched how the actors performed the scripts and would have the writers modify future scripts if an actor or actress were playing it differently (which I suspect is why Holly was eventually redeemed with the recast in the mid 70s).

Marland was more the type that was more hands on and less a team effort.. from what I've read. I just don't think GL was the right fit for him and it was probably a blessing he only last 2 1/2 years on the show before he quit in a huff leaving all these byzantine stories with no resolution.

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God those credits remind me of ATWT's opening during the end of the Marland era, with those flying geese or whatever and the seasons...enough to put you to sleep (at that time ATWT was boring so the credits matched.) Its not wonder they changed the opening here to be more upbeat..I can imagine people tuning in from ABC and being met with this snoozer! Sorry YRBB but I always think its going to be a commercial for a feminine hygene product!

I love reading old credits...I can't believe that Laibson was a producer during this era and he made such a piss poor executive producer, its as if he didn't know the show at all.

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