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Y&R Casting Scandal?

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The fact that he came right out there and said it makes me think he was pretty confident that she wouldn't be coming back at that point. Maybe things have changed and maybe they haven't. I hope someone writes a real tell all someday. The kind that gets people blackballed. Maybe when someone in the know retires it'll happen.

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VR Re-tweets everything everyone says to her... it's kind of annoying. She just wants all her discussions to be out in the open = more coverage of her running her mouth off.

I love the woman to bits and we NEED Dru back on Y&R - but I'm just saying, she's handling this poorly. I hope I don't get my ass reamed for not worshiping at the altar of Rowell THIS time, but I think this will all turn out to be much ado about nothing... and I don't think it'll paint her in an especially flattering light for prospective employers.


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And "respectfully," how do YOU know that it's not true?

TPTB at Y&R and other shows absolutely get off on lying to their fans, even when it's clearly obvious WHY they elected to do something that clearly angered fans(i.e. saying that they wanted to take Colleen in a new direction with Dundee Sursok when the real reason they fired Adrienne Leon is because she gained too much weight and they were no longer interested in writing that weight loss story for her).

As far as it "coming through in her performances," how is she supposed to feel, react, or work when she finds out she's being replaced, and even worse, by the original actress, for no reason other than to either a.) Piss Off VR or b.) bring lapsed viewers back with the original actress who played her, as if she was not good enough or talented enough to do that on her own? Not to mention bringing in the element that Toups would rather not have us talk about. She probably felt like someone threw her in a dunk tank and rightfully so. And she still had to finish out the rest of her days till Scottie Pippen face decided to come back. I don't know about you, but that wouldn't "inspire me" to do my best work. At any age.

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Yep, Y&R did fire Adrianne because she gained weight. It may not be professional, but it hard to blame actors who are stunned by their firing for not doing their best work as they are kicked out the door.

I have been thinking that VR needs to find a money making project. Has she ever hawked cosmetics or clothing on HSN? She should design her own line of hats and clothes, maybe even open a little boutique. The woman has fabulous style. She could tap in to the market aimed at middle class African Americans and Hispanics.

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I like to say I never liked Niel character. But to do what TIIC doing to KSJ because he had enough of being a yes man but isn't getting anywhere by being one. He decided to speck out. I hope for the worse for Y&R. I'm not that desparate for Malcolm or any black character they are playing to write for.

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I'm sorry Vicki, but that dress is seven types of turrible. It should be laminated and stapled to particle board in a third grade classroom.

I'm going to step back and not get my mind all twisted in this mess, but why is she acting surprised that people would assume Bergman and Stafford after listening to that interview?

ETA: Or can we assume that there's been some behind the scenes relationship mending since the interview?

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Word and I'm another person who believes CK over VR shocker of all shockers. First of all not even going to get into the insane debate about what's black enough, there must be this memo that I missed on what's the definitive way of being black. All blacks do not LOOK, ACT, BEHAVE the same way. I am black and no I can't say that CK is acting black because I would like to know exactly what that is. I like the stereotypical stuff, I wear the braids, I listen to rap, r&b and I talk slang,....sometimes. But I also like pop, alternative rock, I like to think I don't fit any mold, I'm just me. Yeah I know some viewers may feel that Ck doesn't have enough soul or whatever your interpretation is but I just marvel when her heritage and looks are called into question when all the blacks on this show that is on contract are ALL BIRACIAL.

VR brought this on herself, there is a difference in standing up for what you believe in and burning bridges. I do feel that DRu is needed but I can do with or without her. I was never watching for her. I do believe she is incredibly difficult to work with. Of course she once again brought up CK, the scapegoat, the ones she knows some of her fans cant stand for whatever reason to once again fan the flames. Its VR who linked to some obscure article on the net about her coming back to once again bring this up. If y&r wanted her back, she would be back. Does anyone believe for once second that CK has the power to block her from returning, whatever. Does CK have the right to voice her opinion when it comes to VR, heck yes. Or is the all knowing, powerful, ratings magnet Rowell the only one who can voice her feelings? CK not wanting VR back and cant say I'm surprised by that doesn't equal her actively blocking her return, I don't believe that in the least.

VR is simply grasping at straws because she made her bed and darn well better lie in it. This is the same woman who said that her only real friend at y&r is Sharon Case. Says alot about her relationship with the entire cast. She didn't get along and or butted heads with quite a few people including higher ups at the show not just three, or four. And sorry where is this coming from that CK somehow didnt want any black family time? This is preposterous, I know some hate her but I've yet to see any problems with KSJ, BM and CK. BM was at her wedding, KSJ was also invited but had prior family engagement. I've seen nothing but mutual respect between CK and Bryton and Neil. CK in her recent interview raved once again about working with KSJ, and how somehow its easier to get emotional in his presence.

In a blog she did with DG, she talked about wanting to work more with her family. So I'm not buying that and don't think this is true at all. Everything off screen flies in the face of that accusation. Whatever is going on with KSJ doesnt have a thing to do with CK. Which is ironic cause if people would actually be objective would see that this cancer sl is not exactly burning up the airwaves in airtime to begin. So this nefarious plan of CK to get her black family away from her is just unbelievable to me and one of the most off the wall jabs at CK yet.

Now I'm starting to wonder whether some of the crap and innuendos NB said about CK/Lily way back when wasnt fed to him by none other then Miss Rowell herself. Sorry if you want to return to a show so badly and yes imo her desperation is showing, you don't keep badmouthing your former employers like that. Calling them peabrains etc, her latest oh I'm sure they're welcoming you with open arms. And no they dont have to, but surely I can see why y&r doesnt want all the backstage drama.

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