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Y&R Casting Scandal?

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CK certainly has the right to express her opinion, and there's no doubt that VR's a smidge cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. But no one's saying that you have to look or act a certain way to be "black". It's just more than a bit suspicious in the opinions of many that the show's sole black heroine is a Valley girl with little to no interaction with other blacks. As I said in a previous post, this wouldn't even be an issue if there were more young black women on the show in contract roles who got just as much screen time as CK while better representing the majority of black women in our country.

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I don't know CK personally I don't have a personnal issue with her, I just don't take to her work. I don't know or care about any conflicts between VR and CK just let me see some good stuff on my screen. I have never been impressed by CK as LILY I was a bit more excited to see Davetta in the role. It wasn't that DS's Lily couldn't have been better developed either it is jus her approach was more appreciated by me.

Furthermore when it comes to a VR vs CK, a DS vs CK, a KSJ vs CK, a BM vs CK I have never connected to CK's version of LILY. I will never appreciate CK over any of those actors. For me that isn't because of skin tone, shade, or diction (the valley girl thing can, when overdone, become overbearing tho) . IMO CK is very pretty and I don't mind looking at her, and I don't mind her mixed-racial background either. How-ever I would place a bet that if you polled all the AA viewers on which AA character they identified the least as an AA CK would be picked by the majority (my prediction). She just doesn't sell that culture for various reasons. My problem with her personally has less to do with that she is not black enough and more to do with that under her potrayal Lily has not grown past mid-teen. She just doesn't sell a young woman, with experience/ culture, who had the strength to stand her ground. What's even sadder is that now the writers want to insult my intelligence by writing her as CK acts her instead of how the character has already been developed. Someone tell the writers/producers/ and actress that this young woman stood up to her Alpha female personality mother and her headstrong stubborn father and married someone as a teenager and divorced before she was halfway through college. She should be far from this naive little girl period! When CK got the material she didn't play up those characteristics and history because of either inexperienced or just plain inability to do that much, now the writers write to her strengths and it's pathetic. I love that scene between Davetta and Victoria where Dru came to drag Lily home when she ran away to Colleen's house. That's the fire CK doesn't show. Anyway I've learned to ignore Lily but to gwet back to what really matters and the topic at hand Fu*% the BS BRING BACK VR!

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First off, all the soaps are going to end up like GL one day. Y&R is going to be canceled eventually. Secondly, to blame CK for Y&R cancellation is downright wacky because she is near the bottom of the list of reasons for Y&R's eventual cancellation. What is next, CK is to blame for the bad economy? Step back from the edge. VR is BSC enough for all of us.

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They don't have to go down the drain that quick.

The writing is bad then you have shitty perfomance from your workers. CK is one of them that's why the ratings ares bad which will lead to cancellation. If CK was a good actress. She can make a shitty storyline watchable. CK can't do that. People said Liz( Chloe) storyline was shitty but she made it watchable. They putting CK as the next thing to watch she should be able to turn a shitty storyline into a watchable one.

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CK sucks, but no one is making the bad writing on Y&R watchable at the moment. My goodness, even Peter Bergman has become an over the top ham as of late. I think some of the actors secretly hate the writing as much as we do and phone that s.hit right in.

But again, if the writers obviously care very little, why should the actors and the audience care about the show?

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